That Was Then, This Is Now

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The gentle beeping of the monitor was the only sign of life from her. There was no more laughter, no more words, just a shadow of a teenage girl who had had everything stolen away from her in the blink of an eye. It was crazy how quickly things had taken a turn, they were so happy...

"Is Carmel going to be okay?" "She's in safe hands sweetheart... So are you, alright? I promise." Connie smiled warmly across at Grace as she quickly rest a hand to her thigh before turning her focus to the road. She caught a glimpse of Jacob behind them with Steph, the one person she would do anything to avoid right now.

"Hakuna Matata, you know what that means?" Grace laughed rolling her eyes slightly as she looked across to her mother. "I know what it means-" "Ah, of course you do..." Grace reached forwards switching the radio on as Connie panicked, apologising for the volume it was at. "Oh sorry, sorry sweetheart-" "No, it's okay leave it-" "Yeah?" "I like this one..."

'See-saw swingin' with the boys in the school, With your feet flyin' up in the air. Singin' hey diddle-diddle with the kitty in the middle, You be swingin' like you just don't care...'

Connie smiled further as Grace sat nodding her head singing along to the parts she knew. "What is it?" Grace noticed the look on her mothers face as she glanced over while Connie continued to drive. "Oh it's um, it's just Steph. She's going the same way, it doesn't matter. I just don't want to talk to her."

Grace glanced back out the windows before twisting back around to face the front. "We could go to Antonio's? Share a pizza-" Connie gasped as she drove before responding. "Oh- Sorry, no... There's no sharing when it comes to pizza." Grace laughed as they left the grounds of the hospital, starting along the road.

She rest the palm of her hand to her forehead as the gentle thrumming of the machine reminded her of where she was. Swallowing past the lump in her throat, she sighed lifting her head once more to glance across the slightly illuminated hospital room. Releasing a heavy breath she sat forwards placing her hand on the bed, gently running it across her daughter's. Her eyes focused on where their hands joined as she shut her eyes trying to block all the thoughts out.

Moving her hands she felt the roughness beneath them before feeling the pain sear through her body. Opening her eyes slowly, she squinted them shut as the sudden light flooded them. Trying to push herself upright, she looked around attempting to piece together what had happened. Then she saw it.

Looking ahead, she saw the wreckage of her car before her beginning to bring her back down to reality. It was the moment she remembered who was with her, the moment that changed everything for her. The way the car burst into flames right before her, everything in her life falling apart around her while she remained helplessly on the floor.

Opening her eyes she slowed her breathing once more. Lifting her eyes, she looked across Grace's still body as she clenched hold of her daughter's hand. "You need to wake up now baby..." Sniffling she looked away towards the window seeing several people walk by, carrying on with their days.

Only a week ago, and nobody would have ever seen this coming. Her baby girl, unconscious before her with no idea on how she was doing or when she would wake up. Her life had been turned upside down, and there was nothing she could to do to slow things down or change them. No matter how hard she tried to, she just couldn't...

He remained outside, watching her, unable to find the words he needed to provide the strength and comfort she so desperately wanted. Noticing someone beside him, he glanced around to see Charlie had stopped. "She could probably do with a friendly face..." He nodded before looking back to the window. "I don't think I'm the right person, everytime I see her I feel like I'm just upsetting her more. She's pushing me away and I don't think there's anything I can say to stop that."

Charlie placed a hand to his shoulder nodding in understanding. "Give it time." Jacob sighed before wandering forwards into the room. He moved straight to Grace's bedside, leaning over and placing a kiss to her forehead. "Morning firecracker..." Looking across to Connie, he saw how her eyes never fell to him. She seemed to avoid all interactions that she could, it was clear to him and everyone else that she wasn't coping.

Moving across the room, he sat down beside her. "How you holding up?" "Fine." He looked to her, as she watched Grace before feeling his eyes on her intently. Finally looking to him, she knew she had given herself away immediately. The tears flowed freely as Jacob sighed opening his arms allowing her to fall forwards into him. "What's wrong with her Jacob? Why won't she wake up?" "She will sweet cheeks, when she's ready she'll come back to you."

As he remained beside her, holding her as she let out her worries, he realised that it was going to be a long time before things ever truly recovered. But one thing was for sure, nothing would ever be like it once was for them. The doors opened and another doctor came in, looking towards Connie who groaned with a roll of her eyes. "Mrs Beauchamp-" "I'm staying with my daughter." She was firm and aggressive before wincing at the pain that ran down her side.

It didn't go unnoticed by the doctor or Jacob. "Mrs Beauchamp I really must insist that you return to your own room." Rubbing a hand across her forehead she released a heavy breath. "What is so hard to understand? I'm staying with my daughter-" "Con, I can stay with her. You need to look after yourself too..."

She turned to Jacob, pain evident in her features as he caressed her cheek silently promising he wouldn't leave Grace's side. Clenching her jaw she looked to Grace before looking to him again. "I'm scared..." Her voice was quieter and much more hoarse than it had been before. "I know you are, but you're going to be okay... I promise you both will." Leaning forwards he kissed her forehead before she carefully stood up wandering from the room with a single glance back to her daughter.

That night was one of the last times he spent with her. As the weeks went by, the walls went up and they were higher than ever. Connie shut everyone out, refusing to cooperate with anyone who showed they cared for her. Jacob found himself no longer a part of their lives, never able to understand what had happened. One minute he was there, the next it seemed she could barely stand to look at him.

Something had changed after she left the room that final night, and everything he longed for remained just out of his reach. Yet it was never truly off his mind, he desperately tried but every evening before heading home, he would walk by her room. He stayed out of Connie's sight, but it was all he could do to help ease his mind enough to go home.

It seemed that life a few weeks ago was a world away from everything that was coming their way now.

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