Wanting To Forget

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A/N ~ An extremely lengthy chapter but it didn't make sense to break it up... Once again, apologies in advance! ☹️

The rain beat down on the windowpane as Connie lay awake in the early hours of the morning. She'd spent the night tossing and turning as her mind remained cloudy with the memories of today. Sitting up in the bed she removed herself from Jacob's hold wandering across the landing to Grace's room.

Leaning against the doorframe she looked in at her daughter, watching as she slept soundly, the only proof she was alive was the slight rise and fall of her chest. She had come so close to losing it all that she still struggled to understand how everything had happened so quickly. Although things got easier day by day, it didn't stop the haunting memories from looming over them.

A year on and Connie still found herself thinking of the day they went over that cliff, the way she had sat crumpled on the floor watching as everything went up in flames before her. Those images were something she'd never be able to truly forget, the daunting idea that she had watched her daughters life be snatched away from her.

The rain continued to pour down as she moved downstairs to the living room. She knew she'd be unable to sleep now so sat herself down beside the window, no idea of the time as she pulled a blanket up over herself.

Jacob woke to a cold and empty bed, unsure of when she had left it. He looked about the room seeing no sign of her up here before resting his head back for a moment. Releasing a heavy sigh he closed his eyes running a hand over his face. Today was a day that he would never forget, something he never imagined he would ever have to witness. The events from a year ago still hung over them, taunting them and reminding them of what they almost had.

Jacob knew that Grace and Connie would be struggling today, he had to be strong but he couldn't help see the flashes of the broken woman he loved beside the car. The day he found them, torn apart and shattered to a fraction of the person she was. All he had to do was make it through work and he could return here to be with the girls.

Finding the strength to get up, he wandered out of the bedroom to see Grace's room also empty with no sign of either of the girls upstairs. The house was eerily quiet for this time in the morning, but he wasn't too surprised that the mood was lower than normal.

Stepping into the kitchen, Grace was sat at the table pushing her food around her bowl without much care while Connie very clearly kept herself busy so as to not be thinking. She was fully dressed and looked ready, how she'd managed to do it and not wake him he wasn't sure. "Morning..." Jacob stepped towards Connie placing a kiss to her cheek but she was quick to step away.

"I um, I need to get Grace into school." Jacob watched her pull back from him, hiding herself away as though it would protect her from everything. "Do you really think that's the best thing for her today?" His voice was a little quieter as he spoke to her, the pair glancing towards a silent Grace. Looking back to Connie he caught a flicker of emotion creeping onto her face as her facade broke.

Biting her lip she swallowed past the lump in her throat, her voice breaking as she spoke. "I don't know what to say to her..." Jacob moved a hand to her shoulder squeezing it gently. "I've got this." Connie turned away slightly as she took a moment to erect the walls again, shutting away all emotion.

"Grace?" His voice was soft, unlike anything you'd expect from him. "Go get your pyjamas back on." Her eyes lifted to him, the pain behind them enough to bring his own feelings to the surface. "Go on..." He moved an arm around her shoulders while she looked to Connie for some sort of confirmation. All she could do in that moment was nod as Grace flashed a tiny smile moving slowly upstairs.

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