We All Have Bad Days

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A/N ~ Sorry for the delay, was going to update yesterday but was at a concert last night 😝☺️ So here it is!

Connie sat upright, her hand holding her daughters as her eyes remained down. She'd barely moved position in the last three days since Grace had been rushed into theatre. Things had been uneasy and the chances of something happening again were high, but she seemed through the worst now. Instead, she was back to the guessing and waiting of when she would wake.

Chris had spent several hours there with her, but he seemed to get no response from her now. She was entirely shut down, blaming herself for Grace's fall. It seemed that her happiness couldn't exist when there was no certainty for her child's health.

Each day, Jacob stood outside just watching and praying that Connie would show some sign that she was okay. The way she was worried him, it wasn't right for her to be so shut off like this. He had seen Chris leaving the hospital that morning and decided to wander upstairs to see if there had been any changes.

Stopping outside the window, he saw Connie with her head resting against her arm on the bed. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she sobbed, the heartache becoming too much as she found herself unable to deal with all the emotions she was feeling. Jacob wanted to do anything to help take her pain away, he wanted to be there for her but he knew she wouldn't appreciate him being there.

Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he turned away from the window wandering back downstairs into the department. Sending a message as he went, he found himself thankful for the many times Connie had taken his phone. Returning to work, Jacob tried busying his mind with anything but the thoughts of the two girls upstairs he wished he could care for.

Connie lifted her head from where it rest glancing to the window having felt eyes on her. Seeing nobody there, she sighed letting her head fall to her hands. It was the times like these she wished he still cared, wished he still checked on them and forced her to talk. But that was months ago and it seemed everything was different.

She heard a gentle knock on the door but had expected it to be Chris or Charlie, and right now she didn't want comforting, or the inspirational pep talks they both tried to give her. Sighing, she maintained her focus on Grace as she moved a hand to her daughters cheek caressing it gently. The door opened and closed gently, with no further movement before he spoke. "Oh Connie..."

Her eyes lifted, tears evident in them as she looked to the older man in the doorway. Standing up she rushed forwards into his open arms as he held her gently. "I wish you had called me." Her tears soaked the corner of his shirt as she rest her head to his shoulder. A soothing hand running up and down her back as he stood embracing her. A pair of eyes glanced through the window seeing her in his hold before he returned downstairs, happy with having messaged him.

Moving to sit down, Connie looked over to Grace as he took hold of her hand. "What happened to her?" "We umm- We were involved in an accident, six months ago.... We, we went off the cliff." Her voice trembled as her vision continually blurred with tears that hadn't fallen for days. "She's not woke since-" "Connie..." Shaking her head she rubbed her hands over her cheeks. "Elliot this is all my fault, don't patronise me."

He took hold of her hand tightly within his causing her to turn to him. "None of this is your fault, and the turn she had earlier this week, was not caused by you finally having some happiness." "But I feel guilty Elliot. I was away acting like none of this was happening, laughing like I had every right to be. What kind of a mother does that make me?" "The best one I know." She let her eyes close as he tucked her into his side, holding onto her gently in a small attempt to calm her.

Connie found it easier to relax with Elliot beside her, he always seemed to have that effect on her in a bad situation. She had always been thankful for his company and she hadn't realised just how much she had needed it. A nurse entered the room quietly to take a set of obs for Grace causing Connie to sit up with a small smile.

"How's she doing?" "She seems to be reacting well to the antibiotics, and she's recovering well from the surgery. I'd say there's no reason she shouldn't wake up soon, but as we said before-" "I know, it could still be a while." The nurse nodded somewhat sadly to Connie who stood stretching her legs as she wandered across the room to where her phone lay.

Seeing the number of messages and calls she had missed she sighed beginning to feel bad for the way she had treated everyone who had visited her lately. Turning back around she noticed how Elliot had gently tucked Grace's blanket around her again. "Thank you..." He glanced up shaking his head beginning to bumble around. "Not for that, you know what I mean. You always keep me grounded."

Elliot nodded as Connie sat in the chair he had vacated. Folding one leg underneath her, she rest against the back of the chair looking to him. "You think I've pushed him away too far this time?" "I think he cares a lot, after all he keeps coming back doesn't he?" Connie clenched her jaw gently nodding her head as she let her eyes fall to his texts. "Why don't you call him? Get him to take you home tonight?" "No, I don't want to leave Grace yet."

He nodded placing a hand to her shoulder. "Okay, call him and ask if he would come here? I'm sure he won't mind." Connie smiled gently as she stepped out of the room quickly. "Connie? Is everything okay-" "Hey, I'm sorry for how I've been acting lately... Would you, uh-" "I'll be there soon." A small smile passed her lips as she looked into Grace's room. "Thank you."

Moving inside, Elliot smiled as she nodded. "See, always right-" "Okay don't let that head of yours grow anymore." He grinned as she slipped onto the chair beside him again. "You're an incredible mother Connie Beauchamp, and she's strong. She'll get through this, you both will." She nodded taking a deep breath, hoping that this was one thing he would be right about.

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