Companionship or Something More

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Staring at her reflection, she took a moment to run her fingers through the ends of her curls. Picking up the lipstick from the sink, she ran it across her lips one by one before rubbing them together.

Lifting her eyes she was all too aware of how long it had been since she'd been out without the intention of bringing someone home. Despite having many drunken evenings lately, she had always got herself home in one piece after speaking to the stranger she seemed to find so easy to talk to.

Moving into the bedroom, she slipped the dressing gown from her figure before picking up the dress she had laid across her bed. The burgundy material contrasted to her porcelain skin as she smoothed it down across her waist. Stepping into her heels, she wandered forwards to the mirror for a final glance before grabbing her jacket and moving out of the room.

Making her way towards the same bar she had begun frequenting, she stepped inside to see his eyes on her instantly. A shy smile on her lips, she dipped her head pushing her hair back behind her ear. The company she had found in this stranger was something she was quickly relying on.

"Was beginning to think you'd stood me up tonight-" "Would I ever dream of it?" He smiled placing a hand to the small of her back as he directed her towards the bar. Purchasing her a large glass of wine, they returned to the booth taking a seat before they spoke. "How's your very busy emergency department been?" She smirked rolling her eyes as she looked to him. "Busy. It's full of people who would rather gossip and make idiotic mistakes."

He smirked as she sipped at her wine before placing it down. "What!?" "I see what you mean about that icy manner you have when it comes to work." Rolling her eyes he smiled seeing her reaction before placing a hand on top of hers. "And your daughter?" Biting her lip she nodded as he shook his head. "I'm sorry Connie, I shouldn't have asked..."

Connie turned her hand beneath his as he held onto it a little more. "No, Chris it's okay... There's still no change... They're starting to talk to me about coming to terms with the fact she may not recover from this." His face fell for her as he saw the tears brimming in her eyes. "Oh Connie, I'm so sorry..." "It's fine, sorry I shouldn't be ruining your night."

He watched as she wiped at the tears before realising he was watching her. "You don't have to apologise for this. I can't imagine how hard it's been for you." Connie offered a small smile feeling his fingers entwine with hers. Her eyes fell for a moment as she thought of the man that used to sit with her like this, the man she thought she might finally be happy with.

Shaking the images from her head she looked to see him still watching her. "Listen, if you'd rather go see her then I'd understand. After all I'm just the stranger at the bar." Connie inhaled deeply with a small laugh before nodding feeling him squeeze her hand gently. "Come on, I'll drive you." "Chris, you don't have to-" "I'd like to."

Giving in, she walked beside him towards his car before getting inside and instantly feeling the warmth surround her. "Any particular preference?" She laughed shaking her head as he indicated to the radio. "This will do... It's one of Grace's favourites." "Then Grace has very good taste." Smirking she leant back into the chair as he drove.

Chris smiled across at her as they headed towards the hospital, neither transferring words as they went. It wasn't far from where they'd been and soon enough Connie was looking up out of the windows as the rain gently fell against the windscreen. "Would you come up with me? I mean, you don't have to but I'm just not sure I can face it alone tonight."

He was surprised she had asked that of him, but he couldn't deny that he really liked her company. "Of course I will." She smiled briefly before climbing out only for Chris to rush to her side holding up his jacket above her. Moving quickly they stood beneath the shelter of the hospital beginning to walk towards one of the many entrances.

Connie directed them along the familiar route before stopping outside of her daughters room. She glanced on in through the window before feeling a strong hand placed to the small of her back. He smiled encouragingly at her as she inhaled deeply before wandering towards the door with Chris close behind.

All that was there was the constant beeping of the machines that monitored Grace's heart. She hadn't told him the extent of Grace's condition and she was unsure if it had been the right move asking him to come with her. "She's a beautiful girl..." Connie smiled proudly as they sat in the chairs to one side of the room. She instantly felt herself settling in the familiar surrounding. "She is-" "She looks like you. I get the feeling she doesn't give up easily either."

Connie laughed shaking her head as her eyes fell to Grace. "Tell me about her-" "You really don't have to stay here with me Chris." He stopped her from speaking as he took her hand again. "I want to... Come on you must have some stories about her. Tell me what this mysterious Miss Beauchamp is like."

She found it the easiest conversation she had had in the last five months. Stories of Grace rolled off her tongue bringing smiles to both their faces as she continued. "Still to this day she's as stubborn... I just wish I could hear her laugh again, see her smile." Chris lifted a hand to her cheek removing the stray tear that had fallen. "And you will, let her take the time she needs and you'll hear her laughing again I'm sure."

She sighed as he smiled gently moving an arm around her shoulders. "Give it time and you'll be worrying about when she's going to stop bugging you with the gossiping and girl talk." Connie laughed a little as she rest her head to his shoulder. "Thank you... I feel like I probably wouldn't have stayed sane for as long as I have if it wasn't for the nights we've spent talking."

Chris smiled down to her as she sat back up. "You're welcome, think of me as a friendly face you can say anything to without judgements being passed." She smiled briefly before pulling the blanket from the chair and covering herself with it. "Thank you for staying tonight too."

Chris smiled caressing her cheek gently. "Stop thanking me, I want to be here for you." Connie let her eyes close before shuffling so that she leant into his chest, his arm around her shoulders as she gradually let the sleepless nights catch up on her.

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