A Sky Full Of Stars

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After a busy week within the ED, Connie was taking a few days out. There were no improvements with Grace and it seemed the more she hoped, the less happened. Connie had been spending more time with Chris, catching up and using him as a release for everything she wanted to say to someone else.

She was quickly creating a new routine that worked, but found the days with no changes harder than most. Summer was beginning to creep up on them as the days turned into nights and life seemed to keep moving forwards no matter how much she wanted it to stop.

Connie stood in her office packing up the few things she had with her before seeing a friendly face hovering in the doorway. "Afternoon Charlie... What is it?" "Nothing..." He smiled brightly at her seeing the somewhat positive air about her. "It's good to see you with a smile." She placed her bag on the side as she leant back against her desk looking to him. "I can't help but feel guilty about carrying on without her though."

Charlie wandered forwards until he was standing opposite her. "As much as it pains us to say, life goes on with or without us... Although Grace is still here, you can't put your life on pause forever. Let yourself be happy, and when the times right you'll be together again." Connie placed her hand on top of his as it rest against her arm. "Thank you Charlie." He smiled as she inhaled turning to pick up her bag.

Wandering towards her door, she turned to glance back at him. "Good night Charlie." "Night Connie..." He watched her wander away towards the lift, heading no doubt towards Grace's room. As her heels echoed across the ground, she held her head high before noticing someone in with Grace.

"Chris?" "Hey- I thought I'd pay this one a visit while you finished your shift." She smiled as he placed a friendly kiss to her cheek, dropping her bag to the end of the bed carefully. He returned to the side of the bed as Connie watched how gentle he was with her. Thinking of what Charlie had said, she considered her options for tonight. "I don't suppose you fancy getting out?" Chris turned to face her with a small smile. "You don't want to sit with Grace tonight?" "I'm here tomorrow, I thought maybe we could just get away for a few hours."

Nodding happily, he grabbed his coat from the back of the chair before following Connie from the room. "Care to tell me where we're going?" "I want to show you somewhere... Follow me home first?" Chris nodded before they parted ways to their own cars.

After getting home, she rushed inside to change into something a little less formal. Sporting a pair of jeans and a white vest, she threw on her leather jacket before sliding into a pair of ankle boots. Running a hand back through her hair, she walked back along the hallway stopping as she passed Grace's room. Lifting a hand, she rest it to her daughters bedroom door releasing a slow breath.

Turning back to the stairs, she skipped down them and past the memories framed along the walls. Chris was standing in the kitchen with a glass of water as she walked in with her hands pushed into her pockets. A smile passed his face as he saw how casually she was dressed. "Ready?" Connie smiled nodding her head as he placed the glass beside the sink. "I hope you don't mind-" "It's fine... Come on." She laughed pulling on his hand as she rushed to the front door pulling him behind her.

Sitting in his car with the windows rolled down, the music played loudly as she rest her arm against the open ledge of the window. Chris let his eyes wander to her which she noticed quickly. Lifting a hand she turned him to look back to the road. "Eyes on the road you." He laughed as she smirked, feeling the wind blowing through her hair.

'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars;  I'm gonna give you my heart. 'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars; 'Cause you light up the path.

I don't care, go on and tear me apart; I don't care if you do, ooh. 'Cause in a sky full of stars; I think I saw you.

"Turn right here..." He nodded doing as she said before turning onto a smaller road that seemed to run along the edges of a field. "Park just over there." Stopping beside the other cars, they climbed out as Connie looked out over the grass. "Where to now?" She took his hand as they began wandering over the freshly cut grass. Something about it feeling right in that moment.

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