Everything and More

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Connie groaned lifting her arms from beneath the covers as she felt the strong arm wrapping over her waist. Pulling himself closer to her, he dropped his lips to her neck as a smirk came to her face, releasing a slow breath. "Morning sweet cheeks..." His hand remained pressed to her stomach as he leant over her shoulder with a small smile.

She felt her back press to his chest as she woke a little more, the world around her coming into perspective. He stayed close to her as she rolled her head to glance at him over her shoulder. Her eyes moved from his lips to his eyes seeing the familiar light in them that had always pulled her in.

Pulling apart from him, she turned so she lay on her side facing him. Jacob slipped down in the bed as Connie moved an arm to rest over his bare chest. "How you feeling?" "Mhm better now..." He smiled gently as she neared his lips, a tender kiss pressed to them before she smiled shyly. Shaking her head gently her hair fell over her shoulders before Jacob brushed her fringe from her face.

Caressing her cheek gently Connie wrapped her arm tighter across his chest as she tucked herself closer to him. Lifting her head she carefully rest it against his shoulder as he let his arm fall around her. Waking up in a peaceful bliss with someone beside her was something she had never been used to, but for the first time it finally felt right.

Her fingers trailed over the outlines of his tattoo as he ran his hand up and down her spine. Her skin was warm beneath his touch as she buried her head in the crook of his neck. Pushing a kiss to the top of her head Jacob smiled as he wrapped her in a hug. "You're awfully attentive this morning, you sure you're okay?"

Lifting her head she smiled briefly with a nod. "I'm fine, I should probably go check on Grace-" "Woah you're not going anywhere just yet..." He pulled her back to the bed before moving to lean across her body. "Jacob what if she needs something-" "I've already been into Grace this morning and she's got everything."

Jacob's knees dipped into the mattress either side of Connie as she lay beneath him lifting her hands to her face. "Thank you- I'm sorry, I just worry about her-" "I know you do and it's to be expected. She's only been home a few days Con."

Opening her eyes again she couldn't help but smile seeing the caring expression on his face. "I love you-" "I'm never going to get tired of hearing you say that Mrs Beauchamp." She smirked with a small laugh as she moved a hand behind his neck pulling him down to meet her lips.

Jacob's hands moved to her hips before he turned to lay back against the bed, moving her with him until she straddled across his waist. Leaning down, her hands ran over his chest as she deepened the kiss before parting from him carefully. "I've been thinking..."

The smile faded from her lips as she continued to think, wandering how the best way to tell him would be. Jacob caught her fidgeting hands within his before looking up the empty expression. "Sweet cheeks you can tell me anything." Lifting her leg she moved to lay down beside him once again, her head falling to his chest instantly.

"I've decided I want to leave the ED for a month." The room was quiet as he allowed her words to settle in his mind before she began explaining herself. "I wasted too much time with Grace before the accident to hire someone to care for her now... I want to be at home with her. Help her with her homework, laugh at the ridiculous gossip she comes home with, I want to do all the things I missed out on over the years."

Jacob smiled as he kissed her forehead running his fingers through her hair. "I think she'd love that." "And you? What do you think about it?" Looking down to her, he saw her watching him. "Me? I think it's the best decision you've ever made. I know how important she is to you, I'm glad you've realised too."

Closing the space between them she pecked his lips quickly before smirking. "You gonna cope without me being your boss for a while?" "I'm sure I'll manage somehow." She hummed in response as he kissed her again before parting. "Can't sweet talk this one the way you do me though-" "I'll think of something sweet cheeks, don't you worry." "I expect you to still come home at night. I don't want to hear that you've been flirting with my replacement."

Frowning with an innocent smile he shook his head. "I think you mean cover, and would I ever dream of it?" "It's you. Of course you would." She laughed as he leaned closer to her with a smile. "Then you'll be pleased to know you're the only clinical lead for me sweet cheeks... Besides, I still get you all to myself at home, just with less clothing."

Punching his chest she moved to sit up, holding the covers to her chest. Looking about the room she felt the bed dip beside her as Jacob shuffled across to her. Leaning on her leg he smiled as she dropped a hand to the back of his neck. "You promise you're okay with this?" "Grace is going to need help, and that needs to come from her mother. I'll cope."

Jacob winked as Connie smiled before looking towards the bedroom door. "Baby what are you doing out of bed alone?" "I didn't want to make you get up." Connie arched a brow as Grace held onto the door handle. Without a word Jacob moved from the bed to pick Grace up having seen the struggle in her face. "Thank you..." She whispered quietly as he carried her towards the bed before laying back down beside them both.

Grace tucked herself into her mother's side with a smile as she kissed the top of her head. "Morning baby... And it's what I'm here for, to care for you. I promise I'm not leaving you to do this alone." Hugging her daughter tightly to her chest she glanced across to Jacob silently mouthing her thanks for his help.

Although Grace never admitted it, she struggled and it was something she found hard to admit. She was as stubborn as her mother but every now and then she caved into Jacob's help, just as Connie did. It was one of the many reasons she loved having him around. Grace trusted him enough to drop her barriers to accept help.

"How does a movie day sound?" "Don't you have to work?" Shaking her head she smiled as Grace looked to her. "Nope, I've taken some time off. You best get used to having me round the house a little more." "Does Jacob need to work today?" He looked across at Connie with an arched brow as she narrowed her gaze. She gave in quickly with a resigned sigh as she reached for her phone. "I suppose I can sort something- As long as you two get downstairs and start making something to eat, I'm starving." "Deal!"

Connie smirked as Jacob lifted Grace onto his back carrying her down the stairs. Although she was sure it was going to be a long road, she was well aware of the support they had in Jacob and she was prepared to take whatever was thrown their way.

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