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A/N Bit of a rushed filler, apologies it's not so great!

As the weeks went by, Grace's recovery was coming along quickly. It had become easier with the help Connie had finally accepted, as it mean that she no longer had to fight alone. Between her and Jacob, they balanced the physio sessions and speech therapy that Grace was in need of. Although it had been hard for Connie to admit what exactly her daughter needed, the doctor within her had shown as she pushed her daughter to her limits. The only thing keeping them from disaster, was the mellow attitude of Jacob.

Finishing her shift, she watched Jacob walk across the department from the entrance to her office. "You know, I've heard talking to someone works wanders." "Hmm? Who said I wanted to talk to anyone?" Charlie arched a brow as he looked towards her knowingly. He had seen how she was keeping her distance once more from him within the department. "Would it be such a bad thing? Letting him into your life again?"

Sighing she turned away going into her office quickly followed by him. "Charlie I haven't got the time for a debate with you today-" "No debate. Why are you pushing him back again?" Connie placed her hands to her desk, leaning her weight forwards against them. "I can't think straight when he's there, all I can think about is the expectations he's got for this to work. I don't want to let him down again, but I don't think we're ever going to be okay. Not really."

He sighed stepping closer to the desk as Connie slowly sunk down into her chair. "I think you'd be surprised. The man I know doesn't have many expectations, just concerns about you. About losing you." Letting her head fall into her hands, she rubbed them over her face. "That's what I'm worried about. Charlie our relationship is never going to be what it was. Not after..." She faded out as he nodded knowing what she meant without needing to hear her say it.

"Maybe not, but I don't believe that you're willing to give up trying either." Charlie smiled encouragingly as she turned to look from the window quietly. Her eyes followed the movements of the department before stopping still on a figure at the desk. "Want my advice?" Connie glanced at him as he now stood leaning against her desk looking to the same spot out of the window. "Let him look after you, not Grace."

He disappeared after that, giving Connie a chance to sit alone. Her eyes moved back to the room she was in as she looked to her desk where a photo lay buried among folders of paperwork. Sitting forwards she picked it up with a small smile. Everything was so complicated then, but it seemed so much more straight forwards now that she was here. Leaning back in her chair she continued looking down at the photo oblivious to the person now standing in her doorway.

Jacob watched quietly feeling as though he would be interrupting her. He often found himself watching her in awe, it was easier than broaching the overdue conversations they always seemed to have. He was aware of the distance between them in the department, and he understood not wanting to push her. They spent a little time together away from the department when visiting Grace, but the words they exchanged were lessening and lessening.

Lifting a hand, he gently knocked on the open door not wanting to scare her. Her head lifted quickly as he wandered into the office pulling something from his pocket. She frowned as he turned his phone to face her, a small smile on his lips. "I've always liked that picture." She released a breath letting her eyes drop down to what she was holding again before pushing it back onto the desk. "Something you wanted Staff Nurse Masters?" "Other than you? Just wanted to say cubicles have been freed up, Hansen shouldn't have a reason to come down and bite your head off now."

Smirking briefly, she pushed her chair back from the desk, her heels echoing across the floor as she walked. Jacob's eyes wandered over her body, stopping from time to time before realising she had turned back to look at him. "You going to stand there all day or do some work?" He removed the smug expression from his face as she rolled her eyes and folded her arms against her chest.

"Connie I wanted to ask you something." Her expression turned into one of worry which he picked up on instantly. Stepping forwards, he reached out for her hands leading her back towards the sofa. Sitting beside her he refused to let go of her, instead caressing the back of her hands gently. "Have I said something to upset you?" "No... Jacob, I- It's just complicated." He scoffed with a smile, looking down to their hands as he nodded. "Complicated... I know that all too well."

She felt his hands slip from hers causing her to look up at him, his eyes looking to anything but her. His attention was bought back to her when she moved closer to him, resting a hand against his thigh. "Jacob I wish we could turn back time and forget everything that's happened, but I can't-" "Don't push me out again though Con-" "I'm trying not to, really... But when I see you all I'm reminded of is what I've lost."

Jacob saw the tears gather in her eyes before they fell, much to her upset. Lifting a hand to her cheek she focused on him for the first time seeing everything she felt reflected in his eyes. "You don't think I feel the same? Only difference is, I can't lose you too." Her eyes fell before she felt his hand squeeze hers gently. "I know how I feel about you, I always have, and I think- I hope you feel the same."

It had been some time since they'd sat and spoken alone, since the night she finally caved and let Jacob see everything totally uncensored, she'd been careful to not let him get so close again. But in that moment, she couldn't ignore how she really felt. It was as though everything was right there, all she had to do was let go and take it.

Jacob knew she felt the same, but it was harder for her to admit that when everything had gone so wrong. Before the crash he was ready to call her his wife, and a part of him thought she'd known that, but his chance had been taken away as quickly as it had come about. As the realisation of losing the comfort she so desperately sought in him became apparent, she began to find herself admitting to all the feelings she was still yet to accept.

Catching a glimpse of the time she inhaled moving her hand from where it was resting. "I need to get up to Grace, take her to physio." "Yeah, of course..." He smiled faintly knowing that she was refusing to say what was on her mind. "Still okay for me to come and see her tonight?" Spinning around in the doorway, he saw the smile on her face as she nodded disappearing to the ward her daughter was on.

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