Moving Forwards

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A/N ~ A final update for today, something I hope will make a few of you happier 😉

A day later and Connie had agreed to cover a few hours in the department. There were meetings all day and Elle needed to be present, meaning they were short on staff. As she wandered out of the office she ran a hand back through her hair. "How's Grace?" "Okay... They reckon the next few days." Charlie's face illuminated at the prospect causing a smile to grow on her face too. "That's fantastic news."

Wandering around the department together, they made their way through cubicles discharging several patients. Charlie saw her glancing at her watch knowing she was eager to be with Grace when she woke. "Go, take a break and if it isn't busy when you come back then go to her." Connie went to argue but he shut her down. "She's most important, not this place." She nodded instantly disappearing in the direction of her office.

Slipping her phone out of her pocket, she noticed no new calls or messages. Distracted by her phone, she failed to notice the body walking towards her. "Careful, you'll end up a patient yourself. Don't think Dr Gardner would be too thrilled with that." Connie scoffed as she stood up glancing to Jacob who saw the flash of a smile.

She stepped to one side as he moved to continue on his way before she closed her eyes. Spinning around she looked to him. "Jacob? I don't suppose you want to get a coffee?" Hiding the surprise from his face, he agreed moving to get his jumper while she slipped her coat on. Getting a drink each, they idly chatted before stepping into the cool afternoon air.

Jacob glanced to his side seeing Connie with her eyes on the space ahead. "How's Grace?" Normally she ended the conversation as quick as it started when he began asking questions, but with all the time she had been spending with Chris she was starting to notice all the little things that she missed about Jacob.

"She's good, I mean at the moment she's still not awake but they reckon any day now." She looked up in time to see the smile on his face. Taking a seat at one of the tables, she sat opposite him cradling her drink to keep herself warm. "I bet you can't wait to talk to her." Connie laughed letting her eyes fall to the table.

Jacob saw the tears in her eyes causing him to reach out for her hand. Surprisingly, she let him take hold of it as she shook her head. "I shouldn't get upset, but just hearing her talk again..." "I know." Connie looked over her shoulder towards the car park as she tried to stop the tears from falling. "How are you?"

She took a deep breath not wanting to talk about herself knowing that as soon as she did, she would give away too much. "I'm fine." Nodding, Jacob knew she wasn't telling the truth but it was clear she was hiding something she wasn't happy about sharing. Connie let her eyes fall back to the table realising their hands were still entwined.

A small smile flickered over her lips before she removed it but it didn't matter, he had already seen. "I'm glad you're letting someone make you happy again..." Connie froze for a moment before letting her eyes lift to his again. "I guess, he's a great guy-" "Seems to think the world of you Con..." She smiled nodding feeling him run his thumb across the back of her hand gently.

Her phone buzzed on the table beside them causing her to reach for it quickly. Sighing she placed it back down as Jacob sipped his coffee. "Not what you were hoping for I guess?" She laughed slightly shaking her head. "It's crazy how on edge it makes me-" "Go back to her then, be there for when your little girl wakes up."

Connie smiled as they both stood, walking back towards the hospital. Biting her lip, she wasn't sure whether she should ask or not but knew that if there was going to be anyone else with her when Grace woke up, she wanted it to be him. "Come up with me?" Jacob looked across at her as they stopped walking seeing no hesitation in her face. "Okay..."

Wandering up to the ward Grace was still on, they wandered into her room slowly as Connie reached back for his hand. Jacob held onto her, reminding her that he was there for her, whatever she needed in that moment. Connie watched her daughter before seeing the twitches of her hand again. "Did you see that?" Jacob nodded, not that she could see him before moving closer to the bed.

"Gracie, baby I'm here..." Slipping her hand into her daughter's, she prayed that she would finally open her eyes. Jacob wandered closer taking her other hand as Connie looked over at him with a small smile. "Come on firecracker, open those eyes for us." As they waited either side of her, Connie's eyes darted to Grace as she felt the slight tug on her hand.

Jacob inhaled, watching as Connie somewhat held her breath, Grace's eyes squinting together at the rush of light. A gentle groan as she shifted in the bed causing Connie to stand up. "Grace, sweetheart you're okay... Stay still for me baby." Jacob looked to her seeing the tears slip down her cheek.

Grace looked up to see her mother smiling down at her before turning to the side to see Jacob. "Good to have you back firecracker." Squeezing her hand he saw the happiness on Connie's face as she looked down to her daughter. A doctor came wandering into the room causing Jacob to step back from the bed allowing them to check her over.

Connie remained so caught up in everything, that she failed to notice Jacob slipping out of the room. Bumping into someone, he was surprised to see the nurse that he had spoken to a few days before. "I see someone was lucky enough for a second visit... Maybe you should come more often, you clearly make a difference." Jacob laughed shaking his head unable to hide the joy at seeing Grace awake.

Making his way into the department, Jacob called a few people to the nurses station. "Jacob? Where have you been-" "Elle, this is important." She rolled her eyes as he bumped into Charlie on his way forwards. "Jacob?" "I've got some news... Grace has woken up. She's alert and it seems she's going to be alright."

There were several sighs of relief and smiles from those around as they allowed the small piece of news to sink in. Although it had been a distant thought for many, in the first few months it had affected everyone. Connie was a part of their team, and seeing her so hurt, her child in the way she was had caused everyone to worry.

Connie looked around the room realising Jacob was no longer there before Grace squeezed her hand again. Looking down at her she saw how she was looking to the lion that was sat on her monitor. "You want it?" Connie picked it up, handing it to her daughter who rest it against her chest with a small smile.

Frowning to herself, she tried working out where it had come from but was unable to think of when or how it could have got up here. Ignoring that, she sat beside Grace talking gently to her, happy to see her bright blue eyes looking back to her.

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