Show Time

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A/N ~ A seriously lateeeee update, I'm trying to get some bits written for this as I've been struggling with motivation recently! Hope it's okay 🙉

Connie paced the room back and forth, her hands clammy as she rubbed them together not noticing the face that had appeared in the doorway. "Con you can calm down, you know she's going to be okay-" Her head snapped up to see the warm smile on his face as he stepped forwards to her.

Placing his hands either side of her arms she smiled gently before resting her forehead against his chest. "I'm just so nervous, what if she falls? What if-" "Stop, she's been practicing for months sweet cheeks. She's got this." Leaning down he placed a kiss to her forehead before watching her stand up straight. "We've got a special guest to pick up, we better get going."

Connie smiled with a small nod as she turned back towards the mirror checking her appearance. "You look perfect sweet cheeks-" "You have to say that, I'm carrying your child." Jacob smirked as he wrapped his arms around her waist resting his chin on her shoulder. "How well do you know me, hmm?" "Pretty well I'd say muscles... Why'd you ask?" Jacob shrugged standing up as he loosened his grip on her. "Then you should know if I thought you looked bad, I'd tell you."

He narrowly missed her fist as he jumped backwards when she turned around. "You Staff Nurse Masters are lucky to still be alive." Smirking he wandered from the room with her close behind, grabbing his keys from the kitchen counter as they went by before climbing into the car.

It was the day of Grace's show and the nerves were running high for everyone, although her mobility had come on leaps and bounds, this would be the first time she had shown off her dancing.

Grace stood at the back of the room wandering back and forth slowly, her hands running up and down her thighs. All the noise from the room disappeared as she focused on her steady breathing. In the recent weeks she had been excited to perform, all the rehearsing and after school classes were finally going to pay off. But as she stood in the classroom waiting for her name to be called, she felt the familiar anxieties run through her.

"Grace!?" Her head snapped up as she felt the tender hand on her shoulder. "Everything okay? You were totally zoned out, we called you a few times-" "Sorry, just nerves..." She forced a smile as the arm moved around her shoulders gently. "Come on, it's your turn for hair and makeup... Lets get you looking the part."

Connie's foot tapped up and down as Jacob drove along the road, her eyes fixed on something outside the window as they continued on quietly. "Sweet cheeks?" "Hmm..." She turned to face him as he reached a hand over to her knee. Without any other words, she took a deep breath settling back into the chair as she placed her hand over his.

"All done Grace... I think they loved your outfit over there ready for you." The older girl smiled as Grace glanced back to her in the mirror. "Thank you, it looks amazing." Grace beamed looking at herself as her hair fell over her shoulders in large wavy curls, her face pampered a glowing colour.

As she moved from the chair her phone buzzed from within her pocket, expecting it to be another worrying text from her mother she rolled her eyes before it turned into a bright grin.


The smile lingered as she laughed at his excitement before pushing her phone away rushing to get changed.

"Hello Mrs Beauchamp, hello Mr Masters-" "Hugo, call me Connie." He smiled as he climbed into the back of the car pulling the seatbelt across his lap. "I can't wait to see Grace, she's going to be so good. I saw her practice last week, and she didn't miss a single step. She's amazing." Connie couldn't help the proud smile as she listened to Hugo's praise for her little girl. "Well I'm sure we're all about to see just how amazing she is."

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