Perks Of Dating The Boss

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A/N ~ I'm a bit unsure on how much longer to keep this going as I feel people are starting to lose interest in this 🙈 I'll keep going for a while and see if any new ideas come up.

It had been a hectic day, everyone rushed off their feet as they continued moving about the department. Connie finished with a patient in resus as she pulled the latex gloves from her hands discarding them to the bin, Jacob in view just outside resus as he stood beside a patient waiting to be moved.

Strolling from the room, Connie glanced to him before coming to a stop with her hands on her hips. "Care to explain why you're standing in my corridor doing nothing Staff Nurse Masters?" He flicked his eyes up to her before looking down to the patient in the bed quickly. "I was just keeping Mrs Adams here company until a porter was ready to move her."

Nodding Connie glanced along the corridor seeing Max chatting to a young woman outside cubicles. "Max if you could spend less time flirting with the patient relatives and more time moving them then you would actually be doing something useful around here." The younger woman laughed walking away from him, leaving him to recover from his telling off.

"Now you can return to work Staff Nurse Masters." Connie turned around moving towards the nurses station filling out some forms. "She's a feisty one-" "She's also my girlfriend. She's secretly a pussycat-" "She can still hear you too." Jacob smirked as the older lady tapped his hand before he moved to lean down in front of Connie.

Pushing her tongue into her cheek she looked up at him quickly. "You never wear your hair up, things must have got serious in resus." Rolling her eyes she closed the folder before her keeping her hands pushed to the desk. "Staff Nurse Masters?" "Mrs Beauchamp?" "Do you ever consider doing what you're paid for?"

Jacob shrugged turning round to lean back against the desk. "I consider it, can't say it takes my fancy as much as other things round here do though..." Connie scoffed walking along the corridor hearing him follow. "And those other things would be?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Jacob smirked brushing her off as they turned along another corridor. Passing the staff room, they continued to walk before Jacob bumped into Connie's side knocking her carefully into one of the side rooms. Spinning round she looked to him as he shut the door removing the remaining space between them.

Connie's chest was pressed closely to his as her hands rest against the desk. "Why don't you enlighten me on what these 'things' are then..." She brushed her hand across the pocket of his uniform, straightening out the crease knowing his eyes were on her. "Could always show you instead."

Connie looked to the glimmer in his eye as she felt his hands press to her thighs, moving across her legs gently caressing the skin beneath her skirt. "I think that would be pushing your luck-" "Well there's got to be some perks to dating the boss right?" She pushed her tongue into her cheek before taking hold of his wrists pulling them from her skin. She felt the loss of contact instantly but knew she needed to remain in control here.

"Not a package deal I'm afraid." Standing upright, Connie stepped away from him before he caught her hand spinning her back around, his lips crashing down onto hers. Unable to refuse, she felt herself stepping backwards until her back was against the door. Breaking from his lips, her chest heaved as she caught her breath. "This doesn't count as doing work, Staff Nurse Masters-" "No but it is doing something..."

Dropping his hands to her thighs he picked her up, her legs wrapping around his waist as the kiss became more desperate than it had been before. His hands snaked up her body moving beneath her blouse sending chills down her spine. Holding her up, he moved away from the door towards the desk, sitting down on the top.

Connie straddled his waist as she knelt up, his hands moving to the front of her shirt beginning to unbutton it as he deepened the kiss. Pressing her hands to his shoulders she forced herself to pull away. "Jacob- We can't do this here." "Then let me take you home." He kissed her again when she didn't answer before she broke from him again. "I can't just leave mid shift-" "What good is being clinical lead if you can't leave when you're not feeling well enough to work?"

She arched a brow as he ignored her look to press his lips to her neck, trailing down to her collarbone. Connie's breathing was erratic as his hands caressed her waist. She couldn't deny that going home right now was definitely the more appealing thought.

Jacob looked up to see the expression on her face, clearly weighing up her choices. "Admit it, this is tempting isn't it?" She groaned knowing he already knew her answer to that. "Fine- Get off me and we'll go." "Really?" He hadn't expected her to cave so quickly. "Jacob you realise you just pushed a pregnant woman into this room don't you?" "So?" "Do not start something you aren't willing to finish-" "Who said I wasn't? I'm just surprised you agreed this quickly."

She smirked moving from his lap sorting her shirt out. "You're taking me home because I can't drive. Nothing else." Jacob nodded as they left the room wandering towards her office. "Ah there you are Connie-" "Sorry, Charlie can this wait? I'm just- I'm not feeling too good so Jacob's going to take me home."

Charlie looked to her and it was clear he hadn't believed a word she said. "Fine I'm not ill, but we're going home." "Say no more, see you tomorrow?" "This headache might just stretch another day you know." Charlie rolled his eyes with a small shake of his head. "It's a good thing you work so hard Mrs Beauchamp, I might just have to let it slide." Connie smirked as Charlie disappeared back into the department.

Jacob had picked up her bag and coat passing them to her as they wandered out of the department. "You've got the day off tomorrow muscles-" "Have I now?" She smirked reaching her car as he wound his arms around her waist with a smile. "Mhmm, I'm just not feeling myself right now-" "Think you could do with a nurse Mrs Beauchamp-" "I could do with a doctor but I guess I'll settle for a nurse."

He nudged her gently as he took the keys from her moving round to get into the car. Heading home for the day, she was happy to be leaving early. As for tomorrow, she could enjoy a day with Grace and Jacob, something she hadn't been able to do for a while and something she wanted more of before she shattered the blissful bubble they were in with the news of the baby.

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