Speaking The Truth

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A/N - I've not proof read so apologies for any mistakes 🙈

Connie stood before the bedroom mirror staring back at her reflection. They'd never had the conventional relationship of dates and dinners, in fact it had never been a quality of any of her relationships. She smoothed her hands over the soft material covering her waist, her hair pinned up but a few strands had fallen loose.

Sighing heavily she focused on the way her waist was beginning to form a small bump. She knew it wouldn't be a secret forever, but sometimes she wished she could freeze time and remain in the moment for a while. Her life had never been something she was happy to publicise but in the last year it seemed it had been hospital chit chat.

A gentle knock at the door saw her lifting her head as Jacob edged the door open slightly. "Ready?" Releasing a slow breath she looked to the mirror before glancing back to a breathless Jacob. "I look ridiculous-" Scoffing he shook his head stepping further into the room. "No- No, you look breathtaking."

She lifted her eyes to meet his as he reached forwards for her hands. Slipping her fingers through his she felt his gentle grip as his eyes moved slowly across her body. "I really have to remind myself sometimes that you're actually mine." Connie pulled a hand free from his grasp to lay it against his cheek. "And I don't ever plan on being anyone else's muscles, so you best start believing it."

Connie ran a hand through the curls that had fallen before Jacob ushered her from the room. "Are you sure Grace is settled?" "She's fine Con, Charlie knows what he's doing." She nodded continuing down the stairs as they passed the living room. "Thank you so much for this Charlie. I don't understand the urgency behind tonight but I appreciate you doing this last minute."

Shaking his head with a smile he nodded his head towards the doorway. "You get on out, leave us to it. I'll see you later tonight." He place a gentle kiss to her cheek as she turned around grabbing her phone on the way out. "If you need anything-" "Then we'll call, but until that moment forget about it and enjoy yourself."

Rolling her eyes she left the house to find Jacob already waiting beside a taxi at the end of the driveway. "Care to explain where you're taking me Mr Masters?" "Nope." With another eye roll, she sat down with his arm quickly draping around her shoulders. Letting herself lean into his side they spoke quietly about the busy day they'd had before they slowed coming to a stop a short distance from town.

"What are we doing here?" "I thought you'd prefer somewhere a little quieter Mrs Beauchamp, I know you're not really the date type." She hid her smirk as he laced his fingers through hers, wandering in the direction of the small parade of restaurants. The bay was warm this evening, a gentle glow to it as the lights glowed across the water.

They sat opposite one another, the conversation dying down as they each ordered dinner. It was never awkward, the hours went by quicker than either had realised. "I'm glad we made it here sweet cheeks, there was a time when I thought I'd never even get the opportunity to tell you I still cared, let alone that I loved you."

Connie dipped her head wanting to avoid this particular topic. "When you pushed me away, I couldn't help but think that was the end of everything as I'd known it. The small amount of happiness I'd had a glimpse at gone. Everything I'd thought about doing, each unspoken work echoing around in my head. Just screaming at myself for never getting that chance..."

She felt the tightness come to her chest as she tried to take a deep breath. The familiar feeling of wanting to shut down, to run. "When I found out about the baby, about Lilly I couldn't believe what I'd let you go through on your own. I wanted to take everything back, all the pain, all the hurt. I wanted to take it all away and make things right... But I couldn't."

Shaking her head Jacob ignored her ploughing on. "I wanted to be the one who could make you feel better, to be there for you-" "Why? Why would you want to do that, when I did what I did?" He reached forwards for her hands after a moment but she had already pulled back, a shake of her head as she stood up wandering away from the table without another word.

He sighed dropping his head to his hands before jumping up from his seat. Rushing outside he looked about unable to see her, his head racing as he wandered towards the bay catching sight of someone sat on the docks. Releasing a heavy breath he slowed as he crossed towards her.

Lowering himself to the ground, he sat beside her seeing the few tears that had fallen wiped from her cheeks. "Why'd you bring all that up?" "Because I was about to show you this."

Moving a hand within his pocket, he took out a small black box looking down to it within his grasp. Passing it over Connie took it with a frown as she looked to him staring out over the water. Breathing slowly, she opened it to stare down at the glittering silver ring. "Before the accident, I told Charlie I wanted to propose to you. And I never got to ask you after that..." Shaking her head she clenched her eyes refusing to let any of the tears show. "Why would you let me see someone else, after the accident, why'd you leave me to go off if this is what you wanted?"

Jacob sighed looking to her briefly. "Sometimes you have to ignore your own feelings to do what's best for those around you.  You of all people would understand that... At the time you didn't need me, so I had to let you do what you needed to do." Connie opened her mouth but found no words came out. The thought of how seriously he had viewed everything before the accident dawning on her gradually. "You wanted to marry me?" Her eyes fell to it again as she released a shaky breath seeing him nod from the corner of her eyes.

"Yeah..." She handed the box to him, feeling himself deflate entirely. "Crazy right?" He tried joking it off, not wanting to accept the sadness that was starting to engulf him. Connie held something out to him, the light catching it causing him to look to her hand. "Then ask me."

Jacob lifted his eyes to meet hers seeing her give nothing away about how she felt. Taking her hand softly, he brushed his thumb across the back of her hand as he held the ring in the other. "Will you marry me Connie Beauchamp?" After a few seconds, her eyes lifted to look to him as a flicker of a smile crept to the corner of her lips. Nodding silently Jacob sat in awe as he took it all in. Inhaling deeply he remained still before gently sliding the ring onto her finger.

A few start tears began to roll down her cheeks as he lifted his hands to rest against them either side. Brushing his thumbs across her cheeks she laughed as she looked down to her lap. "I love you so much." His voice trembled a little as she looked back to him, nothing hidden from her eyes now as she watched him. "I'd have said yes all those months ago for what it's worth. I love you Jacob Masters." He leaned closer removing the space between them as his lips pressed against hers desperately, her arms lifting around his shoulders as she responded to his touch.

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