It's All Your Fault

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Connie had slipped back into a working routine but it hadn't come without its difficulties. With Sam seemingly around for the foreseeable future, she was having to find a way to live with him being there. However it was a lot harder to do when he was playing the perfect father figure.

Her heels echoed across the floor causing a smirk to rise on Jacob's face as he turned his head to watch her walk by. "Eyes on your work Staff Nurse Masters..." She spun on her heel to glance to him, a sly smile on her face before she looked away from him continuing on her route.

The flirty friendship he had missed with her had manifested itself in their work life once again over the last week. He never thought he'd be so thankful for something so small, but with each passing he was reminded of the woman he had fallen for all those months ago.

Pushing away from the desk he wandered into the department returning to his patient. "Afternoon, you seem happy." Connie smiled briefly as Charlie fell into step with her. "Anything I should know about?" Shaking her head they came to a stop as he nodded, following her gaze towards cubicles. Seeing who she was looking at he smiled glancing at her. "I see..." Snapping back to him she realised what he was referring to. "No-" Shaking her head she smiled. "No, we're just friends." "With a long history."

Rolling her eyes she began walking away. "Is that what you told yourself before admitting you loved a particular woman in your life-" "You're only helping to prove my point." Pulling a face she walked into the department leaving Charlie chuckling to himself.

Jacob looked up as she waltzed into the cubicle to assess the patients injuries. After a few moments silence her voice caused them all to look up at her. "In future I'd suggest not to believe you could fly-" "As you can see Mrs Beauchamp's always the believer." She narrowed her eyes towards him as he smiled before turning to their patient. "I'll bare it in mind next time..."

She signed off the relevant paperwork before passing over a prescription for him to collect. Jacob let his eyes fall over her before he continued with cleaning up the cubicle. "I'm going to see Grace, are you coming up today? She told me you promised her a game of some sort." "Of course. I'll stop by on my break." She nodded before wandering away towards reception getting rid of the paperwork she had before disappearing to see Grace.

As she walked she looked down at her phone flipping through various emails about meetings and budgets. Locking her phone, she pushed the hospital room door open as she stepped inside seeing Grace smile at her. "Mum..." "Hey baby, Jacob will come by on his break if he's not too busy." "O-okay."

She smiled moving to place a kiss to the top of her head before sitting on the edge of the bed. "You been okay?" Grace nodded quietly as Connie reached a hand forwards to hold onto hers. "Gracie?" "D-ad..." Frowning she looked down at how deflated she seemed. "What's he said? Sweetheart what's happened." "Dad w-wants me to st-ay with h-him. Say-s you're too bu-sy." Connie's expression voiced everything that she couldn't. "You're not going anywhere baby..."

Running a hand through her hair she looked down at her, giving her a gentle hug hearing the door open and shut behind her. "Connie." Turning her sharp glare on him she remained quiet for the time being. "Here Grace, you need to keep eating." Connie frowned as he continued to push her seeing the reluctance in her daughters face.

All he had done since being back was push her, to the point that she barely spoke to anyone again. The one person who could draw a conversation out of her was Jacob, she had been surprised that she had said so much today already. "The doctor says you're slowing down again... We've got to keep pushing Grace, get you out of here." "Right that's enough, Sam can I have a word?"

She walked ahead to the door holding it open as she waited for him to leave. Taking one final look back to Grace she stepped out into the corridor with Sam. "Why are you pushing her so much?" "She's barely making any progress, she's not even speaking anymore." Connie scoffed placing her hands on her hips. "Ever thought that's because of you and the way you're treating her like some patient-" "Don't be absurd. But whether you like it or not Connie, she is a patient." "And she's also our daughter!" "When it suits you."

Jacob rushed along the corridor hearing their raised voices. Connie glared at Sam as he looked back to her. "Oh don't pretend to be surprised. You've always had something more important to do, she's just been in the way-" "How dare you. I raised her for six years without your input before you came prancing back, pretending to be this Heavenly Father figure." "Well at least she didn't fly half way across the world to get away from me!"

"Hey! That was uncalled for." Sam watched, scoffing while looking from Jacob back to Connie, as she stood opposite him with nothing to say. "Maybe that would be the best thing for her, hmm? Coming back to America again with me, after all she blames you for all of this. She told me about the day before the crash, how you were too busy with your boyfriend to believe what your daughter was telling you." "Now that is not fair!" "And neither is calling our daughter a liar! She blames you, and you're trying to call me a bad parent?"

Connie hadn't been stable for sometime and hearing her daughter blamed her at the best of times wouldn't have been good but at this point it was unbearable. "I need some air-" "Con..." She pushed his hand away as she moved along the corridor in a hurry. "Nice one. Ever stop to think about what your daughter wants?"

Turning in the direction she had left, Jacob began running after her desperate to catch up with her. He rushed out the main doors seeing her ahead, standing against the wall with her back to him. "Connie." Refusing to turn back, he walked around to stand in front of her before pulling her into his chest.

She began to sob as she moved her arms around him. "She hates me-" "She doesn't hate you sweet cheeks. Sam's a dick, don't listen to him." The tears didn't stop as he ran a hand through her hair, desperate to comfort her however he could. "He's right, she's barely talking anymore-" "And like you said, that happened when he came back... You've got this Connie, you're all she needs."

They remained outside, Jacob holding her tightly as she rest her head against his chest. "How about we get back upstairs? I think someone will be glad to see you again..." Connie shrugged as he stepped back taking her hand. "Come on, where's the strong, pain in the ass woman I know?" She pushed him to one side as he smirked. "Knew she was in there still." Rolling her eyes, she stayed close to him as they made their way back upstairs.

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