Just Another Bump In The Road

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"Come on Grace. If you're going to do it you have to keep up." Emma placed her hands on her hips as Grace bent over inhaling deeply. "Maybe you shouldn't do this one-" "I can do it." Standing up she waited for her friend to nod before the music played again.

Once again they started dancing with Grace following to the beat. Despite her best efforts, she just wasn't quick enough. "You're not doing it right Grace!" "Give her a chance Emma." Carmel moved in to stand beside Grace who was now sat on the floor with her legs outstretched. Spinning round she crouched down placing a hand to her back. "You okay Grace?" "Fine."

Standing up she took a deep breath looking to Emma. "Go again." Rolling her eyes they all began to dance as the music became faster. This time Grace kept up, pushing on through the pain that was beginning to tingle in her legs, the telltale signs that she should stop now. Keeping up with the other girls, they turned but as they did Grace slipped, quickly hitting the floor.

"Grace!" Carmel dropped down beside her as the other girls quickly crowded around her. "Grace are you okay?" "I-It's my leg, I can't move it. It hurts." Tears stung at her eyes before they quickly rolled down her cheeks, someone running from the room to find a teacher. "It's okay Grace, you'll be okay."

The department was quiet as Connie sat in her office, her legs up across Jacob's lap. "How are you feeling?" "Tired. Worn out. Sick. Like someone is sitting on my bladder." He smiled brushing his hand across her thigh with a small laugh. "I sort of meant how you feeling after the meeting with Hansen, but it's nice to know."

Rolling her eyes she groaned thinking back to the meeting that morning. "Whoever thought the giant swede would be a good CEO was clearly mistaken." He smiled as she moaned gently rolling her head back. "Jacob?" "Sweet cheeks?" "Is it normal to be pregnant and want nothing but a seriously strong drink?"

He laughed gently as she smiled across at him. "If this is how you are after a few weeks I'm worried to see you eight months in." "Oh you'll wish you'd never met me muscles." "Never." She hummed gently in amusement before moving her legs from his lap. "I've so much work I should be doing."

Jacob watched as she moved to her desk, the tight black skirt accentuating her waist. Her cream blouse was tucked into her skirt and the heels she wore made her legs look even longer than they were. "Please tell me you won't be wearing those all nine months that you're carrying our child."

Arching a brow she twisted round before looking down at her shoes. "Yes?" He rolled his eyes getting up from the sofa as she turned back to her desk again. Jacob slipped his hands around her waist, running them down over her hips before she turned round to look at him. "Mr Masters I have work-" "Aaaand you have a boyfriend who has to watch you walk round like this all day. I mean you don't really give a guy much of a chance do you?"

His lips brushed over hers as she hummed gently with a smirk. "Not my fault if you can't control your thoughts muscles-" "Oh it's not my thoughts that need controlling sweet cheeks." A small laugh escaped her lips as she dropped her head backwards before looking back to him, an arm around his neck as she smiled. "You're even more beautiful when you smile you know."

Pressing his lips to hers she found herself caving, all reserve going out the window as his hands pressed against her thighs. Pushed back against the desk, he deepened the kiss as she pulled him closer to her, all space removed. Jacob's hands danced over her skin up to her waist as she kissed him more desperately.

Out of nowhere her phone began to ring causing her to part from his lips. Leaning back across her desk she picked up her phone, remaining where she leant. "Mrs Beauchamp-" Jacob ran a hand over her thigh moving it higher beneath her skirt. Catching his hand she narrowed her eyes seeing the cheeky grin on his face. "I'll be right out."

Putting the phone down she laughed as Jacob pinned her where she was. "Jacob I have to get out there!" She laughed as he pushed his lips against her neck trailing his lips over her skin. Giving up, he smiled letting her stand up in front of him. "I love you-" "I love you too. Any particular reason you blurted that out then?"

Connie shrugged as she stepped around him. "Nope..." She made it to the door before looking back to him. "You might want to, um..." She lowered her eyes over him before turning to the door with an amused look on her face. "Take a few minutes to sort yourself out before getting back to work." Jacob watched her leave the office before dropping down to her sofa with a groan.

An hour passed with Connie working in resus alongside Duffy while Jacob covered cubicles. An ambulance pulled up outside, Charlie moving with Elle to wait for the incoming patient. "Iain? Does my Mum know I'm here-" "We couldn't reach her so I'll find her. Let her know what's going on."

Grace nodded as the doors were opened, Charlie looking in only to see her sat there. "Okay this is Grace Beauchamp. Was at school when she collapsed feeling a sharp pain in her legs before being unable to move one of them. Regained some movement on route but it's still tender."

They moved through the department quickly as Connie wandered out of resus with a smirk seeing Jacob beside the nurses station before her attention was stolen. "Gracie!?" Jacob's head snapped round as he jumped out from behind the nurses station keeping Connie back from the bed. "Let go Jacob."

Pulling herself free she rushed closer. "Grace what happened!?" "Nothing Mum-" "She collapsed at school, lost some movement in her leg. GCS and BP are normal, no signs of any other paralysis." Jacob moved closer once again lowering his voice to speak over her shoulder. "She's in safe hands sweet cheeks, come on..." "Grace, sweetheart, you don't just collapse. What were you doing?"

Looking down at her lap she remained quiet worried about upsetting her mother. Elle looked between them before stepping closer to the bed. "If we know what you were doing it might help us find out what's going on quicker." "I was dancing..." She muttered it quietly, Connie sighing as she looked away for a moment feeling Jacob's hand supportively on her back.

"I need some air, can you stay with Grace?" "Mum!" Connie wandered away from the cubicle towards the exit, leaning against the wall as soon as she made it outside. Inhaling deeply she rubbed her hands over her face. "She's just worried about you firecracker-" "I didn't want to upset her by telling her I'd started trying again."

He shook his head with a smile as Grace reached out to take his hand. "I just wanted to make Mum proud again-" "She's always proud of you firecracker. Let me go find her, hmm?" Grace nodded letting go of his hand slowly as he wandered in the same direction she had.

Connie ran a hand through her hair as she stared off into the distance. "She was worried about telling you." "I could tell... Is she okay?" Jacob nodded moving to lean against the wall beside her. "She's desperate to dance Con-" "I know and I don't want to pull her back but I was worried about this happening. Hurting herself because she can't keep up."

Jacob shrugged pushing his hands into his pockets. "Then be there for her when she does fall. Show her she isn't on her own." Remaining outside for another moment, Connie rest a hand to his chest kissing his cheek quickly. Wandering inside, she pushed the curtain back to Grace's cubicle with a small smile.

"What have you done then?" "Dr Gardner says I need a scan." Connie nodded sitting on the edge of her bed with a smile. "You're not going to look at my notes?" "Why would I? I'm your Mum." Grace smiled as Connie looked to her easily. "So this dance..." "Mum please don't make me stop."

Connie sighed looking down before taking Grace's hand. "You know I used to dance? Maybe we'll see if I can remember a thing or two? Enough to help you practice." "You mean that?" Nodding gently Grace shuffled closer encasing her in a hug. "One condition. You don't ignore your body, when it tells you that's enough, you stop. We got ourselves a deal?" She smiled with a nod leaning into her again.

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