My Happy Ending

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As the sun began to rise, the light streamed down in across the bed. She lifted a hand to her forehead, running it back through her hair as she yawned. Glancing around the room she was stuck momentarily in a daze before her attention was caught by the small diamond shining from her finger. Turning it over she felt the smile return to her lips before the bed dipped beside her.

Jacob rolled over still asleep as she glanced over to him. The smile still gracing her lips, she became comfortable, watching the gentle rise and fall of his chest. Truth was she could lay there for hours watching him sleep, he always looked so peaceful, so happy.

The house was still quiet as she woke up properly, the aura from last night still surrounding her this morning. Although it had all come as a shock to her, she couldn't deny the way she felt about it now. Getting married again had never been high on her to-do list, but with Jacob it just felt different. It finally felt right, for all the reasons she should have got married in the first place. "If only I'd met you earlier, who knows where we'd be..."

She continued to watch him before hearing the creaking of the floorboards as someone made their way downstairs. Easing herself from the bed, she grabbed her dressing gown throwing it over her delicate frame. Leaving the room quietly she wandered downstairs to see Grace tiptoeing to get something out of the cupboard. "Need a hand missy?"

Grace turned around with a wide grin as Connie approached her. "I was trying not to wake you, I know you got back late last night." She smiled appreciatively before reaching above her daughters head to grab the cereal box. She put it onto the side before placing her hands either side of her head, placing a kiss to the top of her head. "Thank you baby, but I'm very much awake this morning..."

Stepping backwards she took a seat at the breakfast bar while Grace continued to pour herself a bowl of cereal. "Want some?" "I'm good thanks baby, someone isn't agreeing with food this early in the morning at the moment." Grace laughed finishing off her bowl moving to find a spoon. "Actually sweetheart, there was something I wanted to speak to you about..." She sat spinning the ring on her finger before placing her hands down on the counter, one over the other hiding the ring from sight.

Grace nodded as she glanced over her shoulder with a smile. "What is it?" She lifted a large spoonful of food into her mouth causing Connie to scoff and roll her eyes. "You're as disgusting as Jacob-" "Uhm no!" "Uh, yes." Grace pulled a face as she sat down opposite her mum. "So, what did you want to talk about? If it's another lecture about boys and friends then I'll pass-" "Sort of..." Grace groaned verbally as Connie shook her head with a laugh.

"Not you!" Grace stopped moving the spoon midair as she looked to her mum a little worriedly. "Are you and Jacob splitting up?" "What!?" Connie moved her hands forwards taking one of Grace's as she smiled shaking her head. "No baby, I promise you I don't ever plan on letting that happen." "Well what then? It's not like you're marrying him."

Grace laughed looking down to her bowl before her eyes caught sight of something else. She paused for a moment before dropping the spoon into the bowl to pull at her Mum's hand. "Oh. My. God. You and Jacob are getting married!?" Connie nodded quietly trying to gage her daughters response, but she was almost as good as her at hiding her emotions. "Jacob would never try and replace your dad, this doesn't change anything- Well it'll change my name, but things won't be any different... Sweetheart, talk to me."

"Jacob's really going to be sticking around, for good?" Connie nodded gently as she watched her. "If that's okay with you." Grace got up from her seat taking Connie by surprise as she moved around the table to hug her tightly. "Thank you Mum." She rest her chin on her daughters head as she held her tightly to her chest. "I love you so much sweetheart, you'll always be my priority, nothing else."

They remained in a tight embrace a while longer before Grace pulled back. "Is Jacob upstairs?" Connie nodded as she ran towards the stairs leaving her to quickly follow. She raced up the stairs after her daughter wandering how she had managed to recover so quickly. It felt like only yesterday she was losing hope of her baby girl ever waking up and now they were here.

Grace threw herself onto the bed waking Jacob instantly. "Woah there firecracker, what did I do to deserve that wake up call-" "You're really going to be my step-dad now." He looked from her to Connie before Grace's arms were firmly around him. He embraced her tightly as he smiled down, not that she could see. "If you'll have me then I'd like to be."

The smile on her face was all the answer he needed. "You make Mum less grumpy, and you make her have more fun. You'll be the best Dad in the world." He smiled brightly as he hugged Grace once more before looking up at the doorway. "Come here Grumpy..." Connie glared his direction as Grace chuckled before she knelt on the bed beside them.

Jacob placed a hand on top of Connie's while the other remained wrapped around Grace. "You two girls, I am always going to protect you. I'll never let anything happen to you again..." Moving his hand to Connie's tummy he looked up to her before turning to Grace. "And I promise I'm always going to be here for you both, you're the most important people in my life. You'll always be a daughter to me firecracker, no matter what."

She leant into his chest as Connie laced her fingers through his while Grace moved a hand to lay against her stomach. "Do they move yet?" She smiled with a nod. "Yes but you don't quite feel it yet... Here-" She leant over the bed to the draws beside her. "I was going to save this for later, but I think now's a good time."

Grace took the photo as she grinned widely. "You had a scan?" "A few days ago, everything's going well and they're looking healthy." "When will you find out if it's a boy or a girl?" Connie sat back on the bed comfortably as she lay against the pillows. "Not for a few months yet, but I promise you'll be the first to know." She winked as Grace nodded with a smile looking back to the scan photo.

"Here-" She tried to pass it back as Jacob stopped her. "It's yours, we've got another one. We thought you might like to have one, could always show Hugo and weird him out." She smirked with a laugh as Jacob shrugged. "Trust me, we find that sort of thing odd at that age." Connie smiled as she looked to the pair still sitting closely to one another. "Well, seeing as it's a morning of celebrating, why don't we go out for pancakes?" "Yes!"

Grace looked excitedly as Connie sat forwards. "I believe you've already had breakfast missy-" "Nope, don't know what you're talking about. You must be imagining things Mum-" "Oh so I'll be imagining the washing up I'll be doing later too?" "There won't be any, because I never had breakfast." She looked to her mother slyly before jumping off the bed and hurrying out of the room. "Make sure the milk you didn't use is away in the fridge!" "Never had it out!"

Connie glanced across to Jacob with a small smile as she caught his attention. "You're amazing with her. I never should have doubted how I felt about you." "I'm a believer that if something's meant to be, it'll work out somehow." He leaned closer as Connie placed a hand to his shoulder. "What was it you said to me in that ambulance?" She smirked dropping her eyes as she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. "I told you not to look at me-" "If only Flo could see us now, she probably saw what we couldn't all along."

Brushing a strand of hair back from her face, he looked over her face before kissing her softly. Connie leant into the kiss, her hand pressed gently against his shoulder. Parting from her lips he remained as close as he could to her. "You and me, we're gonna be something, something good-" "Promise me you'll always remember that I love you." Brushing a hand across her cheek he soothed her quickly seeing a few stray tears roll down her cheek. "Shhh, I won't need to remember because you're always going to be here telling me..."

She smiled feeling his lips press to hers once more, every emotion behind it before she lay her head against his chest. "I kind of wish I'd have never turned down your offer a date the first time now-" "Hey I was never gonna give up, I don't dismiss older women sweet cheeks, even when they're as stubborn as you." She nudged his side as he laughed pulling her tighter as he released a heavy breath, happy to have her in his arms in that moment as his fiancée. Nothing would be able to bring his mood down, nothing in the world.

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