No Getting Over You

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A couple of days had gone by since Sam had gone home and Connie was glad to have her daughter back to herself. As selfish as it was, all Sam ever spoke about was the treatment she should be having or her progress. Connie wanted her daughter better, but not at the detriment of her happiness.

Connie sat on the bench outside as the wind blew gently through her hair, she tugged the blue coat tighter around her frame as she stared off into the distance. Her mind was blank as she let the time alone wash away the stresses and worries from the day.

Jacob stood beside reception watching her for a moment thinking about the words he had exchanged with Grace at the end of the previous week. Since he had been up to see her whenever he knew Connie was busy with the ED. He had heard Grace's laugh again after so long and it was something he was sure he wasn't going to forget anytime soon. To bring back that sweet girl all the time he would do anything...

Taking a deep breath he pushed away from the wall wandering closer to her. She had heard footsteps becoming closer but refused to look up until he had walked in front of her before taking a seat next to her. He didn't speak as he sat down, allowing the silence to linger between them until she glanced to him, seeing an innocent smile on his face.

"Do I want to ask what you've been doing?" "Probably not..." She shook her head with a smile before leaning back against the bench feeling his arm running across the top of it behind her. "Grace says you need to make sure you take a break because you get grumpy when you're hungry." "Do not!" "Oh I'm afraid I have to agree with her there sweet cheeks." He laughed as the smile drifted from her face, what he had said hitting her.

Dropping her head he frowned sitting forwards. "What did I say?" Lifting her head she shook her hair back causing it to fall down her back. "You haven't called me that since the accident..." Jacob realised his slip instantly regretting it, but it had been so easy to feel like they were falling into old patterns. "I'm sorry-" "It's fine."

Looking back across the street she sighed feeling things for him that she thought she had forgotten. "I thought it was Grace waking up that I needed to wait for, then maybe I could start something with him, really start something." Letting go of another breath she shook her head letting her eyes flicker between people on the other side of the street. "But it wasn't her, it never was..."

Jacob watched silently, if she was going to say anything he wanted her to do it. Every time they got to this stage she'd shut off or something would happen which stopped her from saying anymore. "It was me. I wasn't ready to forget... Forget about you, and us and everything that we should have had... Everything that we lost."

Inhaling deeply, she thought about what she'd said before looking to him. "Connie-" "I can't pretend any of this hasn't happened, I pushed you away first chance I could. That's not exactly the actions of someone who supposedly loves you is it?" "It is when it's you." He sat forwards moving a hand to her cheek as she lifted her eyes to meet his. "Whatever it is-" "Don't. Don't say anything because you'll only hate me more."

He frowned losing track of what she was talking about as she gently pushed his hand from her face. "I couldn't start something with him because I wasn't over you and I can't replace what we had, but me and you Jacob, we're just not meant to be. If we were it would have worked out before all of this happened. I'll never stop you from seeing Grace, but I just don't think it's a good idea us spending time together. I'm sorry." Standing up she began wandering away before he could even speak.

Jacob was left watching her retreating figure as she folded her arms tightly across her chest as though she were keeping warm, or holding herself together. He gritted his teeth left reeling after the woman he cared for walked out of his life once again. Leaning back against the bench he looked up at the darkening skies releasing a heavy breath. Some chat that had turned out to be, but he wasn't willing to leave it like that.

He'd respect her wishes, keep his distance but there was more to it than she was telling him. He was sure of it. Whether it was something that would do more damage than good he wasn't sure, but he needed to find out, he needed the truth.

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