You Heard The Boss

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As her heels echoed across the corridor floor, she walked towards her daughters room unaware of the visitor inside. She held a cup of coffee within one hand while the other ran back through her hair. Jacob was standing outside of her room causing her to frown as she saw him but before she could reach him beside the window, he had met her further down the corridor.

"Hey-" "Hey." He leant closer pushing his lips to hers before looking to her knowing it would be better to give her a heads up rather than let her walk into the room. She thought nothing of it as he kissed her, up here they could be whatever they wanted but as soon as they left that was another matter.

He let his arms fall around her waist as she titled her head back to look up to him properly. "Okay, what are you not telling me?" "Sam's back." She smirked nodding as she looked along the corridor. "Nice joke, but you're still not funny-" "I'm not joking Con, he's in there with her now." Groaning externally she let her head fall against his chest feeling all the insecurities flood back.

"She's still your little girl whether he's around or not." "But it doesn't stop him from saying how bad of a parent I am, does it?" Jacob lifted his hands to her cheeks, cupping them gently. "You, are the best mother that girl could ever need. Don't ever doubt yourself because of the parent who lives half way across the world."

Connie stepped back before Jacob reached out for her hand. "Come on, she is expecting you back you know." She smirked slightly letting Jacob walk forwards with her, his being there more of a support than she knew he could be. Looking through the window as they passed she saw the fake grin plastered onto Grace's face.

"Emma sends her love, she'd have come with me if she didn't have to work." Grace nodded before looking up to the door where Connie stepped inside with Jacob tightly behind her. "Sam..." "Connie..." Jacob waited somewhat expectantly but knew not to expect much from someone he had pinned against a wall the last time he saw him. It was as though Grace read his mind as she tried pushing the smile that threatened to form on her lips.

They moved further inside to the opposite side of the bed. Jacob took a seat while Connie moved to the bed placing a kiss to the top of her daughters head. "You didn't say you were coming back." "Yeah, well I didn't really know I'd be getting the chance to until last week." "That's still a week Sam, there's phones for a reason." Her icy glare turned on him before she returned her focus to Grace.

Although she hated the arguing between her parents, she couldn't deny the entertainment she gained through watching her Mum in her bitchy moods, whenever they weren't aimed at her of course. "Jacob?" "Yes firecracker?" "Can you help me to the bathroom?" He smiled getting up noticing Sam's uneasiness at his daughters asking of another man. As he stepped closer to the bed he bent down to whisper into Grace's ear. "You sure you don't want your Dad's help?" "I'm sure."

He smirked continuing to help her up out of the bed before she began taking gradual steps towards the door. "Grace?" She turned back hearing her father's shocked voice. "You- You can walk again." She nodded gently before he rushed forwards wrapping his arms around her tightly. Grace relaxed into his hug returning it with just as much force. "I love you Gracie-" "I love you too Dad." He pushed a kiss to the top of her head as Connie stood smiling as she watched the scene before her.

Letting go, Grace returned to leaving the room with Jacob. Sam watched her walk along the corridor before turning round to face Connie. "When did she start walking again?" "A few weeks ago-" "And you didn't think to call?" She arched a brow with her arms folded against her chest. "And you told me when exactly that you were coming?"

A glare upon both their faces, Sam turned away before leaning back against the wall. "How long until you get bored of him and Grace is left upset with me needing to pick up the pieces again?" She scoffed watching him. "You'd like that wouldn't you? For me to mess it up, get bored, ruin something else."

Walking forwards, she didn't stop until she were face to face with Sam. Standing up no longer leaning against the wall, he stood close enough to feel the warmth radiating from her. Running her eyes over him she pushed a one sided smile onto her face. "Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't plan on ever letting you be right again." "So you'd stay with him to prove a point?" She hummed folding her arms against her chest. "I don't think I'll be getting bored of Jacob anytime soon, is what I'm saying Sam-" "Why? Fulfilling the needs that took you so many men and affairs before-" "I can't help it if the sex is great, but lets be honest. He's not really got much competition from my past has he?"

Her cold stare angered him more than the spiteful words that dripped from her lips but he couldn't help the over whelming urge that he had always felt when around her. The tension that they always had, she'd never deny it either but it was something she'd never allow herself to do again. "You never could stay faithful-" "Well I guess that's where you're wrong, because I was with Jacob before the accident and never once did being with someone else cross my mind-" "But leaving him did right? Never could do commitment."

She pushed her tongue into her cheek as he continued pushing. "You didn't want the relationship, you pushed him away and distanced yourself didn't you?" "And do you want to know why!? I was putting our daughter first! Something you've always seemed to think I was so bad at. I left him to care for my baby and make sure she was happy, even if I wasn't." She stepped away from him across to the other side of the room releasing a heavy breath.

"Connie-" "Just don't. I don't want to hear whatever it is you have to say." Sam remained quiet for a few minutes as Connie finally sat down. "You really care about him don't you?" Nodding silently she looked to him to see something different on his face now. "More than I wished I did sometimes." "He's good with Grace." She nodded with a small smile thinking of just how true that was. He'd done so much with her in the last few months, she knew just how much of a help he had been in her recovery.

Grace and Jacob returned to the room, Connie smiling as she saw Grace on his back. "I'm sure you're meant to be walking that journey miss-" "Jacob offered." Connie smirked as Grace returned to the bed, her eyes moving from Sam and back across to them. "Mum why don't you go home tonight?" Connie went to shake her head as Grace spoke up again. "Dad can stay with me for a while, go home and sleep. I know you have work tomorrow."

Connie eyed her before Jacob held her jacket out to her. "You heard the boss, we're going home for a night in your own bed." Rolling her eyes she held her hands up in surrender before standing. "Fine, but you need anything you call me." "Yes Mum..." Leaning down to press a kiss to the top of her head, she squeezed her hand gently before slowly wandering from the room with Jacob leaving Grace for the first evening in a while. "Come on, don't deny how tired you are." Resting her head to his shoulder she didn't care about putting up any kind of fight, instead she let him lead her home.

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