Imagining Things

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She'd been restless for the last few hours as the room began to heat up due to the sun outside. It couldn't have been late but already it looked as though it should be midday. She lifted a hand to her shoulder as she rolled her head gently feeling the ache in her neck. Drawing in a deep breath she looked around the room seeing it empty, no sign of anyone else having been there.

Connie looked to the bed sheets that were draped over her before turning to the other side of the bed. Nothing. Sitting forwards she clutched the sheets close to her chest as she let her head fall to her hands, her knees drawn up. Looking up she bit her lip looking towards the large windows of the bedroom.

Getting out of bed she traipsed towards them opening up the doors to the balcony instantly feeling the rush of air flood into the room. Reaching for the shirt that hung on the chair, she slipped her arms in as it fell over her body while she stepped into the sunlight. Her skin soaked it in as she released a heavy breath looking over the city.

She really thought last night had happened, that they'd finally just moved past all the barriers and problems but clearly her mind was more imaginative than she cared to admit. Leaning forwards against the rails she let the morning breeze wash over her for a little longer. It seemed impossible that she could have had such vivid memories of the night for there to be no sign of any of it now.

Looking down at his shirt she placed her hand to the material gripping it within her hand. It had been the only thing he'd left before the accident and she'd spent many nights sat out here in it since. Stepping back into the bedroom she frowned hearing something fall to the floor downstairs before rolling her eyes. She probably hadn't shut any of the windows last night so the wind would be knocking things over.

Dropping her head backwards she began to leave the bedroom, descending the stairs. She pushed the door open while running a hand through her hair yawning. He lifted his head to smile across the kitchen at her, clearly catching her off guard. "I wandered where that had got to..." Connie's eyes lifted to him, her expression leaving nothing unsaid. Jacob quickly replicated her smile as she walked closer to him.

"Could have come back for it you know-" "Would have missed seeing you like this though wouldn't I?" His hands ran down her arms before catching her hands, lacing his fingers through hers. She normally had so much she could say to him, but right then there was nothing she could think of. Nothing that would do justice to what she was feeling.

Jacob laughed looking away from her briefly before catching her gaze again. "You hungry?" "Why, you offering to cook muscles?" She placed a hand to his bare chest as he smiled. "I forgot how small you are without your heels-" "Don't make me wish I'd thrown you out." Laughing he moved an arm around her waist as she pushed up, her lips pressing to his.

Connie looped an arm around his neck as he deepened the kiss hearing her moan against his lips. Lifting her up he placed her down on the counter before stepping in between her legs. His hands pressed to her thighs as she held him close, deepening the kiss. Breaking from his lips she smirked as he looked to the glow in her eyes. "So what am I making you?" "Hmm, what have you got to offer?"

Jacob shook his head with a grin as she shrugged laughing. "What!?" "You know exactly what Mrs Beauchamp." She watched him move across her kitchen knowing exactly where everything was. "Go shower-" "You not joining me?" "Do you want feeding?" Connie slipped down from the side wandering towards him, leaning back against the side beside him. "Or you could come shower and then cook?"

Connie watched him with an arched brow before biting her bottom lip and shrugging. "Fine, your loss Staff Nurse Masters..." Pushing away from the side Connie began making her way back towards the stairs before feeling Jacob's arms around her waist lifting her up. She instantly moved an arm around his neck as he placed an arm beneath her knees carrying her. "You drive a hard bargain sweet cheeks-" "Or is it that you just can't resist me?" Laughing at his expression she dropped her head backwards before kissing him quickly as he carried her upstairs and back into her bedroom.

Sometime later, Jacob once again stood in the kitchen as he finished making them something to eat, by which time it was almost lunch. Connie re-emerged, her hair falling down her back in perfect curls, her dressing gown tied loosely around her waist. Jacob placed everything onto a plate before turning round and putting it on the counter. "Go sit outside, I'll be out in two seconds." "Okay..." She nodded with a smile as he placed a quick kiss to her lips while she moved past him.

Stopping in the door way, she glanced back at him wandering through the kitchen with a smile. Seeing him here this morning couldn't have made her feel any better. They were finally getting back to doing them, and she wasn't able to ignore how good that felt. "Here you go." Looking up she took the plate from him as he sat on the other side of the table.

"Pancakes? You are a man of hidden talents-" "This is only the start sweet cheeks." He winked as she hid her smile looking down at the plate of food. "They smell amazing-" "Taste even better if you shut up long enough to eat them." She pulled a face as he smirked letting her settle down.

Connie sat with her legs resting across Jacob's lap while they both ate comfortably in the shade of the sun. It was hot but not yet too unbearable for the pair as they stole glances at the other over their food. "So when is Grace home?" "Friday... I'm going to head in to the hospital and tell her this afternoon." He smiled picking up his glass as Connie watched him finish.

Getting up from where she sat, she moved across to him as he changed position allowing her to sit across his lap. "Sweet cheeks... What is it?" She continued tracing her fingers over the tattoo on his chest before dropping her hand sighing. "What do I tell her about us?" Jacob smiled catching her hand as she looked back to him. "I'll tell her you make me incredibly happy, and you'll tell her how much I continue to annoy you. Then I'll say that I love you, and you'll say that-" "I love you too."

Jacob was stopped in his tracks as he considered having imagined the words. "Then what?" He frowned trying to make his way back over the few words she had spoken that had thrown him so off. "Con..." Moving her eyes down before looking back to him she smirked seeing him waiting for her to confirm what she'd said. "Jacob Masters, you might have been right about the way you annoy me, but that doesn't mean anything... I love you."

His smile spread to his eyes as he lifted his hands to her cheeks caressing them before kissing her deeply. Connie smiled against his lips as she moved her hands to rest on his. Parting from her, he laughed shaking his head. "I love you too Connie Beauchamp." Resting her forehead against his she tapped his chest before sitting up. "Come on, we've got to get to Grace."

He groaned wrapping his arm around her waist stopping her from getting up. "Jacob..." "We've got hours until the actual visiting hours-" "And when have I ever stuck to those?" He groaned again resting his chin on her shoulder as she rest her head back against his chest. "Pleeeease?" She laughed moving from his grip to stand beside the patio doors leading inside.

Placing a hand to her hip, her dressing gown slipped open enough to make Jacob drop his head backwards groaning again. "Connie if you're going to stand there like that you cannot expect me to stay away from you." Looking to her he caught the playful smile on her lips before getting up and rushing inside after her. "I really hate you Mrs Beauchamp-" "I think I really hate you too Staff Nurse Masters." She laughed as his arms wound around her waist, lifting her from the floor as she moved her legs around him. No rush to be anywhere but here.

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