Pretending To Care

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The days were long when she was stuck working in the department. She found herself wishing the time away so that she could be back at home with Grace and Jacob, tucked away in their serene bubble.

As she passed reception Noel passed her a pile of folders, Charlie coming to a stop beside her. "I hear a particular little Beauchamp is coming along with her recovery?" She smiled pulling the folders to her chest as she nodded turning away. "She's doing well, forcing the dancing but I'm keeping an eye on her."

Charlie walked in line with her as her eyes fell to Jacob up ahead with a young patient. "It must help having someone else around?" A smile flickered on her lips as she looked to the floor beside Charlie. "He's good with her, he stops me from pushing her away."

He brushed a warm hand over her arm before they parted ways returning to their own thing. Connie headed for her office as Duffy called after her. "Ah Mrs Beauchamp-" She turned to look while opening the door, barely paying any attention. "Whatever it is, can it wait? I've had a really long day-" Her words were cut short as she came to a stop seeing someone stood before her.

"Hope it's not been too hard on you." She glared across the office not holding back any feelings for the visitor she had. "That's what I was going to warn you about." Duffy was close to her back as she spoke quietly, Connie glancing back for only a second. "Thank you. Keep everyone away for a few minutes? This won't take long."

Duffy nodded pulling the door shut leaving Connie to cross her office throwing her files down to the desk. "Not even a hello?" "What do you want?" She stood with her hands on her hips as she looked at him. "I was in town for a conference and wanted to see my daughter-" "Oh you did? Nice of you to think of her finally."

"Oh come on Connie, do we really have to do all of this?" "You tell me, where have you been the last six months of recovery when someone else has been fathering our daughter?" Sam scoffed as he glanced around the room shaking his head. "Like you'd let me stay-" "You're her father, if you wanted her that badly you wouldn't let me stop you. What I want never bothered you before when you took her to America-" "That's unfair."

Connie shrugged with a less than pleased look on her face. "All I want is to see how's she doing. You'd want the same if she were still with me." Releasing a sigh, she dropped her hands from her hips letting her expression lighten a little. "I'll ask her, but I won't make her see you." "Thank y-" "I've got work to do so I'll give you a call with what she decides."

Sam nodded watching as Connie moved towards the doorway. "If she wants to see you, you can come by at eight." He nodded as she left the office running a hand back through her hair as she passed a distracted Jacob. His only lifted after hearing her heels move in the distance, but it wasn't her he saw. His face contorted slightly as he saw the back of Sam leaving the hospital but no sign of Connie.

As soon as he was finished up with his patient he moved to the nurses station filing his paperwork before heading to find her. Connie stopped on a quiet set of steps as she took her phone out of her pocket. "Mum?" "Hey baby-" "Mum please don't say you're staying at work." "No!" Connie released a breath as the cool wind whipped around her.

"Mum?" "Your Dad's visiting and he wants to see you tonight." The line was quiet for a while as Connie worried about her daughters response. "Sweetheart?" "How long is he here for?" "I don't know, a few days. It's your choice darling." Connie brushed a hand into her hair as she held it back from her face.

Gritting her teeth she hated how Sam had this way of turning up unannounced and turning everything on its head. "I'll see him." Connie nodded, not that she could be seen, as she folded her arm against her chest. "Okay sweetheart, I'll tell him to pick you up tonight. I'll be home soon, how does pizza for dinner sound?" "Good, Jacob too?" "Of course baby, see you soon."

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