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Her heels echoed through the corridor as she strolled along the corridor carrying a cup of coffee. "Morning-" "Still here?" Sam looked across at her as Connie came to a stop outside Grace's room. Looking inside she saw the smile her daughter flashed to her. She couldn't help the pride that burst within her chest at the sight.

"Her speech isn't progressing as it should be, I want her to see someone-" "Really? You want another professional prodding at our daughter when she is already facing physiotherapy?" Sam levelled his eyes at Connie as she folded an arm against her chest waiting expectantly for an answer. "Well?" "Well whatever you're doing isn't working, clearly-" "And how many words has she spoken to you exactly? Hmm? Have you sat and listened to our daughter long enough to realise that actually her speech is coming along better than your little professional could predict?"

Pushing his tongue into his cheek, Connie took the opportunity to move forwards before he placed a hand to her wrist. "Connie." "I suggest you get your hand off me now. Before I ask security to escort you from this hospital." Her glare spoke volumes, Sam knew better than to press those buttons in front of Grace. "Want my advice? Focus on your precious job in America like you always have. We've done just fine without you all this time."

Her glare lingered with him for a moment before she smiled stepping closer to Grace. "Morning baby..." "D-Dad?" "He's going home today, it's just me and you sweetheart." Grace smiled nodding as Connie kissed her forehead before moving to the other side of the room.

Scrolling through her phone, she lifted her eyes to see Grace watching her. "What's that face for?" Connie arched a brow seeing her daughters smirk comfortably on her face. Connie stood up closing the space between them before gently running a hand over her daughters side, enough to tickle her. Grace laughed, somewhat croakily as Connie smiled. "Come on missy, what's so funny!?"

Grace held onto the lion, pulling it to her chest. Connie glanced to it for a moment, considering sending the message she had typed out so many times these last few weeks. "I'm not interrupting am I?" Connie's head snapped up to see Sam lingering in the doorway. Grace glanced to her mother seeing the frustration across her face.

Connie shrugged stepping back from the bed giving Sam the space to move closer. "I have to leave for my flight, but I'll be back in a few weeks... Focus on getting better." He smiled before kissing her gently. "By-ye D-dad." Sam smiled slightly before looking across the room. "Connie."

She clenched her jaw waiting for the door to shut behind him. Releasing a heavy sigh her attention was snapped back as Grace reached a hand out to her. "You don't have to focus on getting better... You focus on being happy, smiling." Connie ran a hand across her cheek as Grace's expression brightened with a nod.

Grace had begun to watch something upon her mother's tablet while Connie sat with some open paperwork across her lap. She was focused on everything before her for sometime before feeling as though someone was watching them. Seeing the shadow of someone beside the window, she held her breath trying to stop her mind from running away with itself. She had hoped Jacob would come by, despite how hard she had been treating him. But so far he hadn't, and she was letting herself get her hopes up now.

Jacob saw a slight smile on Grace's face as she watched something, but it was enough to put a smile on his own face. Letting his gaze shift, he saw Connie going through paperwork. You could never really take the doctor out of her, no matter the circumstances. Smirking to himself he lifted his eyes to them again, noticing her eyes on his.

He froze slightly, unsure of what to do. He had been so careful to not let her see him up here. He had no idea what she'd say if she knew he'd been coming up to watch them. Connie saw him and couldn't quite bring herself to move immediately. After a few brief seconds, she closed the folder smiling to Grace as she stood up. "I'll be right back baby..."

Her attention dropped to the film once more as Connie left the room quietly. Letting the door close quietly, she stepped across the corridor to where Jacob stood with a small smile. "Staff Nurse Masters..." "Mrs Beauchamp..." She couldn't help the small smirk as she dropped her eyes to the floor before looking back to him. Folding her arms against her chest she arched a brow. "Care to explain why you're up here when you should be on shift?" "It's my break, I only stop by when my shifts over."

He stopped when he realised she was watching him with some surprise. "You've come by before?" He sighed pushing his hands into his pockets, moving to watch Grace. "Everyday..." Connie raised her brows before opening her mouth to speak, finding no words come to her.

"I'm sorry-" "No, no you shouldn't be... You could have come in, seen Grace-" "I didn't ever want to intrude." Connie looked to him as his expression softened. "You'd never be intruding Staff Nurse Masters." He smiled slightly before nodding to Grace. "She's been happier lately?" Connie nodded standing beside him as they watched Grace.

"I fell asleep with her here one night a couple weeks ago, ever since she's been smiling more. I don't know what it was, but something seemed to have clicked within her. I'm just glad I'm starting to see my daughter again." Jacob moved a hand to rest against her back as Connie looked to him kindly. "She misses you." He nodded sadly with a smile. "I miss her too, and her mum-" "Then you have no reason to not come in with me now." "My breaks almost over-" "Nice try, I'm your boss."

Jacob laughed as she took hold of his hand gently. Wandering to the door he followed silently, Grace looking up to see them. The look on her face something Connie hadn't seen in her daughter for months. "Firecracker-" "Jac-ob." Connie sat to one side as Jacob stopped the opposite side.

Before she knew it, the three of them had been talking for over an hour. Connie glanced to her watch realising she had missed a meeting. "Crap. Jacob can you stay with Grace while I call Hansen, I missed a meeting." "Ouch, want me to prepare your funeral too?" Connie swiftly hit his chest causing Grace to laugh while he flinched. "Ouch, does that count as workplace abuse-" "Shut up Staff Nurse Masters before I sack you for not working."

He smirked as she smiled leaving the room, making her phone call. Jacob took a seat on the bed beside Grace as she pulled her tablet closer. She started typing as Jacob watched her quietly. He frowned trying to make out the words before Grace twisted the tablet round to face him.

Mum still likes you.

He scoffed shaking his head as Grace nodded. " S-she, to-ld m-e." Glancing to the window, he watched as she rolled her eyes on the phone before looking to Grace. "Well, I like your Mum too firecracker but she's got Chris-" He stopped as she shook her head. "She ended it with him?" Grace wasn't sure but he hadn't been about, and her mother hadn't mentioned him so she nodded causing Jacob to release a heavy breath. "And you want me to do what? Get your Mum to somehow tell me she wants me back?" Grace nodded again causing Jacob to laugh shaking his head.

Falling quiet, he considered it for a while. Looking to Grace he saw the sweet smile on her face. "No promises." She leant against his side as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders to hug her as Connie stepped back into the room. Smiling at the scene before her, she wished that she had made time for this while she had the chance. Although the guilt was still there for what he didn't know, the sight of them together was enough to put it at bay for now.

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