Judgment Call

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Connie had already been back to work for two weeks and everything was seemingly working out. She was a little more stressed with paperwork, but they were working around it. Grace was still spending spare time with her mother and it seemed she was really trying this time. Everything was different, even the moments she spent with Jacob.

Work however was a slightly sensitive matter. Connie had put up her professional walls and was beginning to shut him out here. He understood the need for professionalism but he took it harder than she'd expected. They managed to work together but the tensions between the two constantly built.

Connie ran a hand back through her hair having had enough of the stressful day already. There was a family in resus who seemed to be doing everything they could to get under everyones skin, and it was clearly working. So many were on edge, snapping unnecessarily at each other while they worked on.

Connie had barely seen Jacob all day but she couldn't deny the shrivel of relief that came from that. Several comments had been about her appearance by one of the young sons who sat beside his fathers bed in resus and she knew what Jacob's reaction to it all would have been.

Her heels tapping gently across the floor, her attention was caught when someone stood in her path. "Alright doc?" Connie's eyes lifted to the person before her, aggravation filling every inch of her body. "I have things to be doing-" He side stepped remaining in her path as she took a moment to look at the man before her. "Really? What could be more important than treating my Dad?" "One of the many other patients we have lying in beds around here. Unless you hadn't realised this is an emergency department where not everything revolves around you or your family."

Moving past him firmly, she continued walking trying to ignore the words that continued to fall from his lips. He was repulsive to say the least, the learing comments doing nothing to tempt her. Rolling her eyes as she saw Charlie he couldn't help but smirk. "Rough day?" "It wouldn't be if hitting patients relatives was acceptable." "Oh the times I wish I could have done that..."

Smiling she watched as Charlie passed her a folder. "Something away from resus?" "Thank you." Normally she'd roll her eyes and pass it on, but she was thankful for the minor distraction in cubicles today.

Looking about, she still hadn't seen Jacob anywhere. "Charlie? I don't suppose you've seen Staff Nurse Masters?" "He's just gone on break, is everything okay?" She nodded quickly, reassuring him before wandering off towards cubicles. Truth be told, she wanted to head after him and talk to him. She was beginning to feel guilty for being so snappy towards him, he was only looking out for her but she wasn't used to letting someone in so much, especially someone she also worked with.

Sighing, she concentrated on her patient but it was nothing too complex. A short while later she strolled along the corridor seeing all eyes on resus. Speeding up, she began to hear the raised voices. His raised voice. Throwing the folder down onto the desk she began to run for resus, throwing the doors open as soon as she saw his figure squaring up to the other.

"Staff Nurse Masters!" It was no use, her voice was lost among the shouting that ensued between the pair. Connie dashed forwards quickly as he grasped a handful of the other mans shirt, lifting his fist. "Jacob!" Connie stood beside them, a hand on his arm as he stood ready to hit him. "Jacob, look at me- Jacob please..."

His stance faltered as he let his eyes flicker to hers. "Please." "Do as she says pretty boy... Or maybe don't, I imagine she's quite a sight when she's feisty." Connie cringed at his words before looking to the anger boiling within Jacob's face. "Whatever's happening this isn't the answer-" "She's right-" "Jacob look at me."

The other man continued to mock as Connie fought desperately. Dropping his fist he let go of the other man before backing away. Sighing she watched as Jacob started to walk away before the final straw was added to the pile. A hand was outstretched, hitting Connie gently causing her head to snap round with an icy glare. "Couldn't resist, you know if you dropped the bitchiness I imagine you'd be pretty attractive... I'd still s-" Before he could finish his back was pushed harder against the wall, Jacob in his face.

"Finish what you were saying, I dare you-" "I'd still screw her." Connie was too slow this time, Jacob's fist narrowly missed the other man's face, flying into the wall instead as he moved. "STAFF NURSE MASTERS GET OUT OF MY DEPARTMENT RIGHT NOW!"

Her voice echoed around the room as security finally entered the room. "Take him out of here-" "What? You can't do that, I've done nothing!" "It's my department and I'll do what I like. Get out." Jacob was pacing across the room as Connie looked to him. "And you-" "Connie-" "Save it. I can't stand the sight of you right now."

Jacob scoffed throwing his hands in the air. "He was going for you-" "And you fell for it Jacob! He was trying to get a reaction from you and you gave him exactly what he wanted! There'll be a complaint, and now a formal investigation. I'll have to suspend you-" "You're joking. Are you taking the piss Con!? I was backing you up!" "And I don't need your protection!"

The anger was raging within them both as Connie glared across the room at him. Just looking at him made her angry right now. "And to think I was stupid enough to consider making you a father. You can't hold your temper now, how the hell would you be with a screaming child! What, if they didn't listen to you you'd just swing a fist at them too?" She saw the way her words reverberated from him as soon as they left her lips and she had never regretted anything more.

She couldn't tell what she was focused on more. The anger dissipating from his features, or the deflated look of his body language. She'd hit him hard, and hit him low. There'd be no coming back from that very quickly.

Without a word, Jacob looked past her, pushing her to one side as he went by. Connie spun round to see him leaving through the resus doors, eyes following him as she lifted a hand to her forehead. This was going to bad, in every way possible.

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