Asking For Help

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A/N - A rather lengthy update, more of a filler so I hope it isn't too boring!

"Gracie? You ready baby, we need to go if we're going to make it to the hospital on time!" Connie moved to stand at the bottom of the stairs as she heard Grace move to the top. A small smile crossed her face as she looked up at her daughter. "Need a hand?" "Please..."

Connie stepped up the stairs towards her offering a hand as Grace quickly took it before slowly wandering downstairs with her. "Will this get easier?" Stopping at the bottom, Connie turned to Grace lifting a hand to her cheek. Caressing it gently she pushed Grace's hair back behind her ear. "I promise it won't always be this hard baby, look how far you've already come. We'll get there." Leaning down she placed a kiss to the top of her head before letting Grace move past her into the living room.

Since leaving the ED at the end of the previous week, she had sent an email to Hansen about the leave she was taking and the wheels had been set in motion to find a replacement for the time she required off. Whether the department had been told yet she was unsure, but she planned to stop by and see Charlie after Grace's therapy session.

"You know you can ask me to do that if you're struggling?" Grace huffed as she gave up trying to pull her shoes on. "I'm not 5 years old Mum! I can do my own shoes." Connie was taken aback by her small outburst as she watched from the doorway, Grace becoming deflated as she failed yet again. Stepping into the room, Connie quietly sat before her as Grace moved her hands out of the way while Connie tied her shoes.

"I'm sorry..." "You've nothing to be sorry for sweetheart, I know you just want to be able to do everything yourself. Like Jacob said, it's not the end of the world to ask for some help." Connie checked the time on her phone seeing they were a little early. "Now, how'd you fancy something to eat?" "I'm not really hungry-" "You haven't heard my offer yet."

Grace looked up to her mother as she wandered towards the door, glancing back over her shoulder as Grace spoke again. "Pancakes?" "Of course." A wide smile spread across the youngsters face as she pushed herself up from the sofa. She'd been able to walk around the house unaided recently, but for some reason she was more tired than usual lately. Grace hated the thought of needing help with simple things, but she was beginning to accept it.

Sighing, she reached back to the sofa picking up the crutches that were propped up against it. Balancing her weight across them, she followed Connie out of the house towards the car, the surprise in her face obvious as she saw Grace using the crutches. "Let me guess... Strawberries and chocolate?" She beamed brightly as Connie smiled holding the car door open for her daughter. "And you'll have the same as always too, bacon and syrup-" "Obviously."

Grace laughed as she took her mothers hand to sit down in the car, the crutches placed between her legs as she turned to switch the car radio on. Connie rolled her eyes shutting the door as she heard the music beginning to play loudly. Locking the front door she wandered back down to the car, getting herself in and reaching for the volume. "Sweetheart you're worse than Jacob and I am convinced he is deaf." "It's just music Mum, I like it loud."

Turning it back up, Connie quickly gave in without a fight as Grace jiggled about in her chair while she sang. Stealing glances at her, she couldn't help but smile somewhat forgetting the reality of the situation. It was the small moments like this that helped them all move on, being able to ignore the pain and struggle for just a few minutes a day.

"Can we get pancakes for lunch instead?" "Why, something wrong baby?" She shook her head looking out the window before turning back to her mother. "I thought maybe you could give Jacob a break so he could come with us." "Ooh you do drive a hard bargain... Unfortunately it's not my call anymore, at least not for now-" "But it is Uncle Charlie's, and if you ask him reeeeeally nicely he might say yes."

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