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I was sat down in the parlour with my brothers as once again we had to listen to our father shout at my brother and me as we hadn't listened to him, you see being the eldest of the Salvatore's I was supposed to show my brothers how to behave and be a polite young woman.

I tried my hardest to listen but it was really difficult for me as I knew that Stefan was getting away with this while father yells at Damon and I and it was really starting to annoy me. "Annabeth are you even listening to me" father snapped at me.

I turned to him and smiled sweetly "of course father, I am just thinking about a way to show you that I'm sorry" I lied to my father.

I could see a smirk on Damon's face and Stefan was just shocked st me, "father may I please be excused, I promised Kathrine that I would meet her and walk her around the grounds" I lied.

Father smiled and nodded, "of course" he said and I got up smiling at my brothers and walked out to where Kathrine was stood with a smirk on her face, I smirked back and moved my hand to the side making her fall to the floor, "careful Kathrine" I said walking past her.

I walked to the quite part of the garden that was out of the way and looked down at my dress and frowned, you see I wasn't like my brothers, I had magic and could move the elements but no one knew apart from Katherine's handmaiden as she was the one that noticed this with me.

"Annabeth" I heard Damon calling.

I signed and got up and walked out smiling as Damon ran over to me, "oh sister do you have to lie to dad" Damon asked me.

I smiled sweetly and nodded, "Damon it's fine he will never know" I said to him.

Damon nodded and linked my arm through his and we walked down to the river and sat there, you see I was closer to Damon than I was Stefan as I found that Stefan preferred our father to us and would spend his time ratting us out like he did today, you see he saw me using magic and ran to father ratting me out of course I hid it and smiled at father telling him that Stefan was a liar.

Being as I was the eldest father believed me but I knew that deep down he was starting to believe Stefan so I knew that I would have to stop in front of myself so he wouldn't try and hurt me. Damon didn't know about it because I didn't want him to look at me like I was a freak as he was the only brother that I trusted wouldn't leave me.

"We must return Annabeth" Damon said to me.

I nodded and we walked back to the house where I could hear Kathrine crying, "I'm sorry mr Salvatore I haven't seen her" Kathrine said to him.

Knowing I could get out of this I turned to Damon and smiled, "stay with me" i said and walked over to father with tears in my eyes.

Father looked at me and frowned, "annabeth what is wrong" father asked me.

I shook my head and turned to Damon and smirked, "I just miss mother father and wished she was hear to see us grow" I said.

Father walked over to me and smiled, "and she would be proud of you three, come dinner is almost ready" father said to us.

We nodded and we all walked into the dining room and sat where the waiters brought us our food, I turned to see that Stefan had come in and was wearing his shirt all the way up his neck, "Stefan" I asked walking over to him.

Stefan looked up to me and smiled, "just cold sister" he said and that was when I noticed that he had a bite mark on his neck.

I sat back down and frowned as I looked at Kathrine who was smirking at me, "annabeth are you okay" father asked.

I nodded and turned to Damon and noticed that he had the same bite mark on his neck as well. I turned back to my food and looked at nothing in particular, "well I am going to this meeting and will be back later tonight." Father said to us.

We nodded and watched as he walked out of the door, I turned to Stefan and snapped, "she's feeding from you" I snapped.

Stefan looked confused where Damon just laughed, "wow" was all I said and got up walking to my room and shutting the door knowing that they would leave me alone.

I shook my head and laid down on my bed when I noticed that I could hear voices I had heard before, before I could get to my door I heard gun shots and looked out my window to see that my brothers had been shot by my father and he was coming to the house. Knowing that I had to get out of here I grabbed my beg and filled it with clothes and walked to the window and jumped using my magic to make it easier for me.

I ran over to my brothers and kissed there heads knowing that I would never see them again, and with that I ran out of the woods and never looked back.

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