Seeing Nik...

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I was pacing around the room and watched as Elena was trying not to look at me and turned to Damon, "she knows Elijah what make you think she isn't one of klaus minions" Elena spat.

I laughed and turned to her, "first of I am not one of klaus minions, and just maybe you don't know everything about him. So just quit being a little bitch" I snapped and stomped upstairs and slammed the door.

I pulled out my phone and saw a picture of nik and I on the screen and smiled, dialling niks number I held the phone to my ear and waited for him to pick up. "Come on nik" I said impatiently.

"Hello love you okay" nik asked.

"No I miss you and want to know where you are" I said pacing around the room.

"Just an hour out of mystic falls love" nik said.

I smiled and nodded, "okay then find a motel room because I need to see you" I said and put the phone down and grabbed a bag packing some clothes for a few nights.

I walked down the stairs and saw that they all looked at me and Elena frowned, "why did you stick up for a murder" Elena said to me.

I smirked and turned around, knowing that I couldn't give it away yet I smiled nicely, "because sometimes people are the way they are because of family or events that happen to them" I said.

They looked at me strange and looked down to the bag in my hand, "sis we only just got you back where you going" Damon asked.

"I have to see nik I need to see him day" I said to him.

Damon smiled and walked over to me and nodded, "do you want me to drop you off" Damon asked.

I smirked and shook my head, "nah, I'll be fine Damon it isn't far only out of town" I said to him.

Damon nodded and Stefan walked over to me and kissed my cheek, "don't be to long sis, there a disco that we need your help for in a few days as klaus is coming for elena" Stefan said to me.

I nodded and walked out of the boarding house and noticed that my car was here, smiling I walked over and threw my stuff in the back and got into the front and pulled my phone out and noticed that nik said he was waiting at the motel for me. Turning the engine on I pulled out of the boarding house and made my way to nik. As I was driving I couldn't help but think about when nik and I first married.

165 years ago - New Orleans

We had been in New Orleans for 2 years and it was the most wonderful place to be, nik had put Kol in a coffin as he was making people come for us and was attracting the wrong type of attention for us and as for Rebekah and Elijah we had become family and Rebekah my best friend. Nik and I had gotten closer and closer over the years and he finally asked me to marry him in which I said yes to and we are due to marry in a couple of months where everyone in New Orleans was invited.

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