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We were in the car and knew that I didn't like what I was wearing so I grabbed a change of clothes and got changed in the car, I changed into a red corset top and put on some red tight jeans and then I grabbed my white jacket as well and put on some jewellery as well as some red high heeled boots.

I grabbed the hairbrush in my bag and went to sorting my hair out so it had a plait around my head and smiled as I got out of the car and walked over to nik where we walked into a bar I didn't think we would again

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I grabbed the hairbrush in my bag and went to sorting my hair out so it had a plait around my head and smiled as I got out of the car and walked over to nik where we walked into a bar I didn't think we would again.

We walked in and I looked around the room and squealed as Gloria came out and I ran over to her and cuddled her, "looks like you became an hybrid" she said to me

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We walked in and I looked around the room and squealed as Gloria came out and I ran over to her and cuddled her, "looks like you became an hybrid" she said to me.

I nodded and looked over to nik and smiled as we walked over and Gloria looked over and Noticed that Stefan was with us as well. I looked over and shook my head to make sure she didn't say anything yet as I didn't want Stefan to know that he had known me in the 20's. she smiled and looked over to nik and smirked, "so a hybrid walks into a bar" Nik started to say and I walked over and slapped his arm.

"Stop your not funny" I snapped.

Nik smiled and kissed me and turned to Gloria, "so I have done everything that I needed to do to break my curse and it isn't working" Nik said.

Gloria looked over to me and then to nik, "so you sacrificed a vampire, werewolf and a doppelgänger" Gloria asked.

Nik nodded and Gloria walked over to nik and frowned, "well I need to contact the person that made this curse to see what happened" Gloria said.

Nik laughed and looked up, "that would be my mother the original witch" Nik said and smirked, "I ripped her heart out" Nik said.

She nodded and then looked over to me, "I need Rebekah" she said to us.

I heard Nik sigh and Stefan looked over, "who is Rebekah" Stefan said.

I chuckled and looked over to him and smiled, "don't let her hear you say that, she has a temper just like Nik here" I said and crossed my arms.

Nik looked at me, "well it looks like we are going to wake up little sister" Nik said chuckling.

We walked out of the bar and I got into the car and turned to Nik, "try not to piss her off love she doesn't forgive that easily" I said.

Nik nodded and we walked into a storage locker and I stood at the side with Stefan and he looked at me, "can I ask you something without you being sly or being a bitch" Stefan asked me.

I nodded and looked at him so he knew I was being honest with him, "how come you sound English at times?" He asked me.

I smiled and sat down watching as he sat down to and I looked at him, "well it was about 10 years after I met Nik and his family that Rebekah came to me and said that she wanted to see if I could sound like them, because at the time we had been in England and I was a little bit out of place there. So over a couple of months which I think was about 3 bekah taught me how to speak and sound like them. Over the time it became an everyday thing that I spoke like it, believe it or not speaking like this is hard for me" I said being honest with him.

He smiled and placed his hand on my shoulder,  "well if you want to speak English please do sis, I mean if it is easier for you" Stefan said to me.

I looked at him and smiled at him for the first time in years, "thank you" I said letting the English accent come out.

Stefan smiled and placed his hand on mine and squeezed, "your still my big sister Annie" Stefan said.

I smiled and got up kissing his head and smiled, "you too Stefan" I said.

He smiled and I heard a squeal and looked up to see Rebekah stood there, "Beth" she squealed and ran over and hugged me.

I giggled and wrapped my arms around her and she pulled me back and looked me up and down, "vampire hybrid looks good on you sis" bekah said.

I laughed and nodded "of course it does love" I said and she smiled.

"So do you have what Gloria is asking for" I asked.

I noticed that her hands went to her neck and she panicked. "Bek please don't tell me what we need is a necklace" I asked looking at her.

She looked down and I knew that was what we needed, "dam bekah" I said and looked to see a pissed Nik walking towards me.

I looked over and smiled, "love" I said to him.

He smiled and walked over to me and turned to bekah, "Gloria better be able to find a reason to why this isn't working without the necklace little sister" Nik snapped.

I turned and noticed that there was more boxes and walked in pulling one open and seeing it was Elijah, "Nik you put Elijah down" I asked shocked.

He nodded and I really had to speak to him about is issues one day, deciding to leave it till another day when he had his hybrids I walked back out and made my way over to nik and smiled as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "Come on let's see if this can work" Nik said and we went to the car where Stefan was stood and Rebekah smiled at him. "Your still here" Rebekah said confused.

"Do I know you" Stefan asked.

Rebekah looked to nik and looked pissed, "your an asshole Nik" she snapped and got into the car and frowned as Stefan sat next to her.

It was going to be a long drive back and I quite one as well.

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