Celebrations part one...

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I watched as Nik went to the door to see that Damon and Stefan where there, "we want to speak to our sister" Damon said.

Nik snorted, "not going to happen, you tried to make my wife forget about me" Nik snapped.

I smirked and walked up to nik and smiled as he wrapped his arm around my waist and bent down kissing my head, "don't be to long love I don't trust these assholes" Nik said and walked back to the front room.

I leant against the door and crossed my arms, "what do you want Damon" I snapped.

Damon looked at me and crossed his arms, "look I'm sorry we shouldn't have gone the way we did, I just can't speak to you anymore. You've kept to many secrets from me sis" Damon said.

I couldn't believe that Damon was trying to turn this on me and I could see that nik, bekah and Elijah had walked back into the room, I looked at Damon and snapped, "your turning this on me, let me get something straight for you. We have always been able to tell you everything but I didn't tell you I had magic because mother and father asked me not to okay. Yes Stefan father knew, it killed me but when I thought that you died, I was broken and went to London. That was when I bumped into Nik and he was nice to me, took me in and showed me around the city. So over the next few months I fell in love with him day and I married him. So you need to get over this already, Nik is my husband and your learn to live with it." I said to him.

He nodded and went to hug me when I grabbed his arm and pulled him to me making him look at me, "you ever try to make me forget my family and husband again little brother I promise that you will think your a girl for the rest of your existence" I snapped.

He nodded and looked to nik and smirked, "sorry for that" Damon said and left.

I watched as Stefan followed him and I closed the door and smiled as Nik walked over to me and smiled, "well love you where every calm" Nik said.

I smiled and nodded, "of course I was, next time I'll just rip his heart out" I said smiling like it was a normal conversation.

He smiled and I turned to Elijah and Rebekah and watched as they just laughed, "so then, what are we going to do then" I asked.

Rebekah laughed and disappeared, frowning I watched as the door opened and Caroline was there grinning, "your coming with me Annie, Nik will see you later" care said and grabbed me speeding away.

I looked at her and frowned when I saw my brother and he was smiling at me, "I missed your first wedding and I demand to walk you down the isle on this one" Damon said to me.

I looked to see that bekah was smiling and walked over to me, "when Elijah found out we did everything for you as hat was the only thing that upset you that you didn't get to share this day with your brothers" bekah said to me and I couldn't help the tears that came to my eyes.

I turned to Damon and stefan and frowned, "but you hate Nik" I said.

Damon smiled and walked over to me, "but we love you and don't want to fight anymore" Damon said to me and I couldn't help the tears as I hugged him.

He hugged me back and bekah walked over to me and smiled, "this is going to be just as good as the first time love" Rebekah said and I smiled.

I nodded and watched as Elijah appeared and took Stefan and Damon out and smiled at me, "I promise nothing will make this day bad" he said and with that he disappeared.

"So I have spoken to care and she was happy to sort all this out in a few days and we even got you a wedding dress as well" bekah said to me.

I smiled and watched as bekah grabbed the hair brush and went to braiding my hair so I had a braid that was on either side of my head that she weaved little beads into it as well and left my hair down as it was wavy.

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