1 hybrid and a tribrid

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Damon’s POV

I was really terrified my sister was showing signs of being a werewolf before i could stop anything she turned into a wolf and a big white one as well, i knew that this was going to be trouble, grabbing my phone i pulled up the contacts and pulled up Ric, putting the phone to my ear i waited for Ric to answer the phone.

“Damon i told you i am not helping you to kill your sister, this is your problem not mine” Ric said.

“I know but i don't want to speak about that, i want to know if there is anything about white wolfs” i asked.

“White wolfs, no idea” Ric said to me.

I frowned and smirked as i saw myself into the mirror, “well could you have a look for me please” i asked.

“Sure damon, but what is this about” Ric asked me.

“Just something i saw around Klaus, i think this could be our ticket to taking him down for good” i lied to him.

“Okay i'll see what i can do” Ric said.

Ric hung up on me and i put the phone down walking out of the room and down the stairs to see that everyone was here and they looked scared, “Damon what are we going to do, this is new, she is three things, wolf, witch and vampire” Elena said to me.

I turned to her and smirked, “you wanted to take on my sister and her family and this is what war looks like” i said and laughed as she nodded and walked away.

I walked down the stairs and down to the basement where there was a locked door and frowned, “anything bon bon” i asked.

Bonnie shook her head, “no nothing i can't get this open, its blood magic but not salvatore” she said to me.

I frowned but nodded as i made my way back upstairs.

Nik’s POV

I watched as my wife became a large white wolf and she looked over to me and i couldn't help but smirk as she growled at me, “careful love” i said and smirked as she turned to the others and took a step forward. I watched as damon took a step back and i looked over to him laughing.
“Why damon you look scared of your sister” i chuckled and walked over to her and held my hand out over her and smiled as she nuzzled into me, i pulled her to me and kissed her head, “go on, have some fun love. I'll find you” i said to her and smiled as she took off out of the door.

“Aren't you worried about your twins” Matt snapped at me.

“Why they are part wolf as well” i said to him.

“Great” Matt said and i smiled, “it is isn't it” i said and turned around to walk out of the door, i turned back to damon and smiled, “looks like you are losing more and more doesn't it” i said and sped back to the mansion to see the mansion looking a mess and my wife playing with matthew.

“Um the wolf just growled at me when i would pick matthew up and then matthew would cry at me” Rebekah said.

I chuckled and walked over to them and smiled as she nuzzled up to me and Finn snorted, “that's why she has been so grumpy and upset” Finn said.

Rebekah snorted and turned to me, “she's a wolf, but how” Rebekah asked.

“No idea, it was a shock to her as well, do you know why she came to the boarding house” i asked.

“She was really upset and then turned to us and asked if we had seen you, i think that she had another nightmare” Elijah said to me.

I nodded and turned back to Matthew and my wife to see that matthew was asleep on my wife's back hands wound in her fur and Beth was fast asleep.

I grabbed a blanket and gently pried my sons hand off my wife and placed him down on the sofa and put the blanket over her so when she changed back she had something covering her, i stood up and picked my son up walking over to the nursery we had for him and placed him down in the cot and put a blanket over him. I turned the monitor on before i left the room and walked down to our room getting into bed.

Anna-Beth POV

I woke up to hear someone laugh at me which i knew was Kol, “really you want Nik to kill you love” i said pulling the blanket around me.

Kol smirked and shook his head, i walked upstairs and noticed that Nik was fast asleep. Grabbing a towel i got into the shower and washed myself off, i felt bubbles and knew that my twins where fine and that this wasnt going to be the last time i would become a wolf.

I was just worried about what was going to happen to me when it came to giving birth to the twins, would i be in wolf form or would it be as a human or vampire. Know i knew that i was going to have to looking into this to make sure that my husband and son would lose me or the twins.

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