Trying to speaking

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I had been pacing around the loft that nik, Elijah and I had been staying at because the mansion isn't finished and I couldn't go back to my brothers as they hated me for being married to Nik, as they see him as the big bad and I'm sure I'm just a bad as him. Nik could see that I was finding it hard not having my brother around so he had convinced me to called them so this is why I was pacing as I had asked for my brothers to come so I could try to explain that I am still there sister who loves them and that I don't want the past to repeat with them both well to be honest more Damon as Stefan and I didn't really see eye to eye, but Elijah is trying to get me to forgive Stefan but it's just something that I can't do at the moment.

Nik walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled my neck smiling, "I'm staying when you talk to them, I don't trust them around you Beth" Nik said to me.

I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him smiling as his arms tighten around me, "okay but please don't rile them up" I said chuckling.

Nik nodded and bent down claiming my lips I smiled into the kiss when I heard the door go, I knew it was my brothers and I didn't want to piss them of anymore so I gently pushed away and smiled when he moaned at me, "you are a tease my little witch" Nik said and I chuckled kissing him quickly and walking into the room where both my brothers were stood and they did not look happy at me.

I smiled and sat down in a chair when Stefan pushed me up against the wall strangling me, "how could you be with him" Stefan snapped at me.

I was pulling at his neck and nothing was helping until he was ripped of me, "she is your sister be more respectful" Elijah snapped and I was helped up by Nik.

I felt the tears in my eyes and turned to Damon who just looked upset, "I didn't do anything wrong, I fell in love and got married. You are the fucking idiot I mean falling in love with a Kathrine look alike I mean Jesus Stefan get over you ex" I snapped and walked over to him and snapped my hand to the side and watched as he flew out of the door and I turned to Damon, "were done, I hope your little witch has the power to stop me" I snickered and threw him out and turned to Nik and cried my eyes out.

I felt Nik pick me up and ran his hands threw my hair and mumbled into my hair that he was sorry, "not your fault" I said and closed my eyes falling to sleep not wanting to remember this day.

Klaus's POV

I looked down to my wife in my arms and couldn't believe that her brother tried to kill her, I knew that they didn't get along but this was something that angered me, no one tried to kill my wife. Knowing that with Beth in my arms I couldn't do anything and I knew that I didn't have the guts to put her down knowing that I was the only one that could keep her safe from this world until I could get her to become like me an hybrid. I looked up when I heard a creek and looked up to see Elijah and he looked pissed, "when we break this curse I think we should leave" Elijah said to me.

I nodded and looked at my older brother with tears, "I mean we hate each other at time and I can admit that there are times that I would kill some of you but that's because I'm a monster and without her I would become that thing without any mercy, how could they do this to her" I asked.

I saw as my brother walked over to me and bent down so he was facing me, "Niklaus I can admit that before Annabeth came on to our radar that you became the brother that we knew before all of this and you still are" Elijah said to me.

I smiled and pulled Beth closer to me and stood up walking over to the bed and placing her down, "I'm going to speak with her brothers" I said and kissed her head as I walked out of the apartment.

I sped over to the boarding house and could hear the group inside, bonnie, Matt, Jeremy, Elena, Caroline, Stefan and Damon. I walked up to the door and knocked waiting for them to answer the door. I leant against the door frame and smiled as it was Damon that answered the door, "what do you want klaus" Damon said to me.

"To speak about your sister" I said.

He nodded and stepped aside and I walked into the main room and leant against the door while Stefan tried to come at me and was shocked to see Damon hold him back, "he's coming to speak to us about Annabeth" Damon said to him.

I looked at him and crossed my arms, "you have no right to be like this with her, so what she didn't tell you the truth. If she would have told you that she was married to me would you have been happy to see her or would you have thrown her out" I snapped looking at them.

I heard Stefan scoff, "that's all she's ever done is lie, she did back then and then does again now we can't trust her" Stefan snapped.

I laughed and turned to Damon and looked down to the ring on his finger and the one on Stefans and smirked, "no but you do take her gifts" I said.

They looked confused and I stepped forward when I heard the thunder and knew that my wife was here, "Nik thank you for trying but I don't care anymore" Beth said walking over to me and kissing me.

I turned around to see that Elijah was with her and she walked over to Stefan and smiled, "I made your daylight ring and I can take it from you" she snapped and pulled he ring off her and turned to Damon and smiled, "I had a feeling that you might come back as vampires so I gave two daylight rings to Emily to give to you, I made sure that you would live, but maybe I was to nice" Beth snapped walking around the room and I couldn't help but be impressed.

She turned to bonnie and smiled "auferre patieris ut potentia" she mumbled and smirked as bonnie fell to the floor. "Enjoy being human" Beth snapped and walked back over to me.

I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her waist and turned to Elijah, "let's go" I said and we all walked out of the boarding house and back to the loft where I turned to nik and smiled. "Do it" I said and turned to Elijah smiling.

Nik nodded and walked over to me and I nodded, "it's fine, this is going to be fun" I chuckled and gasped as I'm bit my neck and drank, I heard Damon scream and try to pull Nik off me and Elijah sped over and snapped my neck killing me.

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