2 hybrids part 1

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I laughed as I slammed the door shut and turned around to nik see that nik was happy at what he was staring at and that he was happy with what was going to happen next, walking over to my husband I smiled as I reached him and leant down to his ear, "see something you like love" I said sounding like him.

He pushed me against the wall and started pressing kisses to my neck with the odd nibble and I couldn't help the moan that came from me, "Nik" I said wanting him to carry on.

I felt hands go underneath my top and smirked as I reached up and pulled Nik's shirt off him and threw it on the floor and gasped as Nik lifted me off the floor and held my legs so they where wrapped around his waist and went back to attacking my neck with his lips, sighing at the feeling I pulled his face to mine and kissed him loving the way that nick became with me. I looked over to nik and smiled as he was sat up against the board with nothing over his chest apart from a pad and pencil, "what you drawing" I asked.

Nik smiled and placed the pad down on the floor and leant over to me and smiled, "it's a surprise love" he said and I watched as he walked over to the dresser and grabbed some pants and walked out of the room, getting up I walked over to the bathroom and turned the shower on and got in. Getting out of the shower i waved my hand over my hair and made it go straight and then I walked over to the wardrobe and grabbed the black corset top and tight jeans as well as my red boots and jacket.

I heard the door open and close and I walked into the front room where I saw Elijah walk in and smirked at me, "well if I knew that this would have happened we might have changed you quicker, but I must say Nik she does fit right in with the rest ...

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I heard the door open and close and I walked into the front room where I saw Elijah walk in and smirked at me, "well if I knew that this would have happened we might have changed you quicker, but I must say Nik she does fit right in with the rest of us" Elijah said walking over to me and pressing a kiss to my head.

I pushed him away smiling and turned to Nik, "well I don't know about you two, but I'm really hungry and really bored" I said leaning down on Nik.

Nik laughed and took my hand and we walked out of the loft and down to the grill where I saw my brothers and the little gang sat and all staring at us where I noticed that Elena looked terrified. "We can go somewhere else if you want" Elijah said to us not realising that my brothers and I had fallen out.

I laughed and turned around so I was facing him and smirked, "there get over it" I said as we walked over to the bar where Matt was staring at the three of us.

I smiled nicely at him as we sat down and he looked terrified to be honest but didn't say anything about it to the three of us, "nice to see your not dead Annie" Matt said looking at me and only me.

I smiled and leant forward, "well you see I really am" I snapped at him and grabbed the bottle of bourbon in front of me and smiled as Nik threw money for it down on the table and we walked over to the same table as my brothers and sat down.

"I'm happy you're alive Annie, I was worried that Damon would return to the way that he used to be, but not so much you klaus" Elena said.

I heard Nik chuckle and I turned to him, "oh I know but life really can be a bitch and doesn't always give us the life we always thought we would have" Nik said making me snort.

I turned to him and laughed, "that's funny because as I remember you always said that you would rule this life and world" I said still laughing.

Nik smiled and brought me closer to him and kissed me, "well your always going to be next to me love and we will always be there at all times love" Nik said and I smiled as it was something that not a lot of people saw which was the nice side.

I heard a snort and turned to see bonnie who was looking pissed off at the both of us, "your both monsters and in the end we will win and your be dead, your brothers are better off without you and we all will be better of without any of you originals either" she snapped.

I turned my attention to her and smiled as I walked over to her and bent down so she was eye level with me and grabbed her neck, "listen up bonnie and listen good, you touch my family  and I promise you that you losing your magic will be the nicest thing to ever happen to you, I will make your life a living hell, you won't be able to go anywhere without having me around and trust me when I say that you will want to commit suicide in the end" I snapped at her so Elena and Caroline couldn't hear me but I knew my brothers could.

"Grow up annabeth" Stefan snapped at me.

I looked at him and laughed, "oh steffie you need to remember that you might be older than me but I was turned by an original and I still have my magic as well" I snapped.

Stefan growled at me and I couldn't help but laugh at him, "oh Stefan you where better in the 20's much more fun" I said laughing.

He looked confused and I turned to Caroline and smirked as she looked really scared of me, "I didn't do anything to you Annie" Caroline said to me.

I smiled and attachly smiled at her, "I don't hate you care you haven't done anything to me" I said to her and grabbed the bottle and bent down to Damon and smiled, "as for you brother in your words game on little brother" I said and waved my hand as flames came to the table and Damon swore as it caught his hand.

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