Losing your sanity...

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I woke up the next morning and I don't know why but I felt a lot better like something wasn't bothering me anymore, I quickly jumped into the shower and washed myself off and getting into dressing gown which was on the side. I grabbed the hair dryer and went to drying my hair and curling it for the first time in a while.

Once I was happy with the look I quickly went to putting on makeup and smiled as I grabbed a change of clothes which was a long red top and a pair of black trousers and paired it with a pair of high heels and stuck a white bow in my hair and grabb...

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Once I was happy with the look I quickly went to putting on makeup and smiled as I grabbed a change of clothes which was a long red top and a pair of black trousers and paired it with a pair of high heels and stuck a white bow in my hair and grabbed some jewellery as well as my sun glasses.

I walked down the stairs and saw that nik and Rebekah was sat and looked over to me, "hey love are you feeling better" Nik said me

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I walked down the stairs and saw that nik and Rebekah was sat and looked over to me, "hey love are you feeling better" Nik said me.

I smiled and nodded, "I'm fine why wouldn't i be" I asked confused.

"Your brother was being an ass last night love" Nik said to me.

I looked at him and Bekah and frowned, "I don't have a brother Nik" I said to him.

I watched as Nik walked over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder and smiled, "Stefan Salvatore love, your little brother along with Damon" Nik said to me.

I shrugged my shoulders and kissed his cheeks and smiled as I grabbed Bekah and walked out of the room and towards the grill. I noticed that Bekah was looking me and I turned to her, "bel what's wrong" I asked her.

"What happened last night you where in tears and then this morning its like nothing happened and you don't know your brothers" she said to me.

I smiled and nodded looking at her, "I don't really remember, all I remember being upset about something but that's all" I said to her.

She nodded and we walked to the grill where I noticed that Elena was and I couldn't help but smile, "seems like someone is skipping school" I said.

Bekah nodded and laughed, "looks like it doesn't it" she said chuckling and as walked over to her and she looked between the both of us, "Rebekah, Annie" Elena said.

"Hello Elena" we said together.

"Can i help you" Elena asked.

"Nope" we said.

She nodded and walked over to the table and sat down, I noticed that she pulled her phone out and I turned back to Rebekah and smiled, "so then you going to school" I asked.

she smiled and nodded, "yeah someone's got to look out for Nik and you and make sure Stefan and Damon aren't trying to kill you" Bekah said.

I nodded and Matt placed two coffees down and smiled, "your brother wants to speak to you Annie" Matt said to me.

I frowned and looked at him, "I don't have a brother matt" I said and took the coffee and sat down on an empty table.

I watched as Rebekah smiled at Matt and I turned my attention to the person sat in front of me and smirked, "I don't think this is your table love" I said to him.

He smiled and laughed, "funny Annie just because you aren't speaking to our brother doesn't mean you can ignore me" he said to me.

I cocked my head to the side and looked him up and down, there was something familiar about him but I couldn't place it, "I don't have any brothers and I wish people would stop telling me I did. I think that I would have remembered that I had brothers" I said picking up my cup and drinking from it.

"Annie this isn't funny sis" he said.

I grabbed him by his neck and pushed him down so he was listening to me, "I do not have any brothers and I think that you need to leave me alone. If you come anywhere near me again I promise that I will make it hurt for a long time" I snapped at him and let go.

I felt a hand on my back and turned to see Nik stood there and smiled, "come on love I want to see what happened okay" Nik said to me and lead me out of the grill and into his car.

I turned to face beth and gently kissed her and drove to the boarding house, "where the hell are we love" I asked.

Nik frowned and I noticed that he looked upset, "please don't kill her, it took me 2 hours to convince her to help us" Nik said to me.

I smiled and nodded, "sure okay" I said.

He nodded and grabbed my hand and we walked in to the boarding house where everyone stopped and looked at me and Nik, "she's lays a hand on me and i won't help her" bonnie snapped at me.

I smiled and nodded, "I promise that I will not snap your neck love" I said smiling.

"Since when is she English" a man said walking out and I noticed it was Ric.

"She has always had one for 120 years, she just hides it" Nik said and I looked around.

"Well she doesn't know me" the guy said from earlier.

I turned to him and smirked, "huh who knew the idiot has a home" I said.

He looked down and I noticed that bonnie walked over to me and I stepped back, "hell no" I snapped.

I felt an hand on my lower back and noticed that bekah was there and smiled, "please let her we just want to know what has happened is all sister" bekah said.

I nodded and felt bonnie rest her hands on my head and closed her eyes chanting Latin, I noticed that her eyes snapped open and she looked to me, "it's her magic doing this" bonnie said.

"Is this to do with me and the stuff she said to Elena last night" a sandy hair boy said.

"Maybe she seems to have changed her own memories of only her brothers, everything else is the same she still remembers the rest of us but that part of her memory has been wiped, I can sense that it will come back on her own but it will take time" bonnie said.

I pushed her off me and turned to Nik and bekah, "can we leave now, I promised that I wouldn't kill the witch but that's going to become history in the minute" I said and we walked out of the boarding house and to the loft where i smiled at bekah and watched as she left the room and I turned to Nik and pushed him to the wall and kissed him.

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