My Hell

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It had been a week since we killed esther at the ball that we had decided to throw, and also we all haven't heard anything from Damon either which we wasn’t sure was a good or bad thing. I walked down the hall with bags of clothes in my hands and walked into the nursery that Nik and Elijah was doing up for the twins and i dumped it down on the floor and smiled as there two cots that were identical to the cot that Nik made for Matthew, “wow love” i said as i walked over to the cot he was doing.

The cots was mahogany brown that looked red and i ran my hand threw it, “do you like it” he asked me.

I nodded and turned around to him and smiled, “it's beautiful love, where did you even think of these” i asked.

Nik laughed and shook his head, “elijah liked the idea of making them ourselves” Nik said to me.

I smiled and walked over to him and kissed his cheek, “thank you love” i said and walked out of the room and down the hall to the kitchen.

I smiled as i looked around and noticed that Rebekah was in the room with Matthew and Finn while they were trying to feed him, i walked over and ran my hand through his hair smiling at him when he looked at me. “Mama” Matthew said to me.

I smiled and nodded, “yeah baby mama” i said to him.

I kissed his head and noticed that Finn was trying to feed him, “what do you have today love” i asked.

“Apples” Finn said to me.

I chuckled and nodded, “of course” i said rolling my eyes, this is all that matthew will eat these days and it was really hard to get anything else in him.

I looked around the kitchen and saw the blood packs and smiled as i walked over to them and grabbed some of them drinking them down one after the other, “beth sweetie, i think 4 is enough” Bekah said to me.

I smirked and sat down on the chair and placed my hand on my stomach, “just hungry is all” i said to them.

Kol walked over to me and smiled, “i’m sure it’s just that the twins are growing and you being half vampire is making you need to drink more” Kol explained to me.

I smiled and looked at him, “i’m still not sure what is going to happen when i am due to give birth” i said to him.

Kol smiled and shook his head, “let’s talk to the others and see if there is anything about this out there” Kol said and looked back to see that rebekah had matthew and we all walked up to the bedroom where Nik, Finn and Elijah were.

We walked into the room and Nik walked over to me and smiled as he guided me to sit down, “love” nik said to me.

I smiled and looked up at him and then to the others, “so when i had matthew i was human and didn't really have any issues when having him, but there are a few differences” i said to them.

Kol looked at me and frowned, “what can be different know” Kol asked.

I smiled and looked at him, “well the first is that know i am a vampire who isn't suppose to be able to get pregnant, and second im 167 years old and the last time i did this matthew was fine but i wasn't” i explained.

Nik took my hand and smiled, “well we have our mothers witchy books and we will look on the internet for anything we can find on this love. I promise that you will be okay” Nik said to me.

I nodded and looked to the others and noticed that they were looking just as determined as nik was, i yawned and couldn't help stretching my arms out either, “come on, you need to rest, the little ones are taking it out of you love” nik said to me and we walked out to the bedroom where i was laid down.

I opened my eyes as i had the worst dream going, i was in the boarding house standing over the body of my husband, i couldn't go to him as Bonnie was holding me back from him with her magic and matthew was on the floor in pain, screaming. I couldn't do anything but let my tears coming out. “Please” was all i could remember.

I looked around and noticed that nik wasn't around, i threw the covers off me and sped down to the kitchen where i saw everyone but Nik, “where is Nik” i said to them.

“Um went to the boarding house i think, Tyler wanted to speak to him” Rebekah said.

I nodded and sped out of the mansion and too the boarding house where i noticed that there was a light all over the boarding house, i couldn't hear anything inside and knew that this wasn't good, i raised my hands and pushed my fingers out and pushed all of bonnie's magic away and sped into the house to see that damon was coming at nik with a stake and a white oak stake as well, i growled at him and felt something change in me and didn't know what the hell it was, but i could feel a pain in my body and it was white hot as well. I couldn't breath through the pain.

Nik’s POV

I turned to see that my wife was in a lot of pain and there was nothing that i could do about it, i was stuck to the wall with the magic of this stupid witch and then there was Damon who just looked scared, “let go of me, i need to get to her” i snapped.

“Nah i think it is time for you to lose” Damon snapped at me.

I growled and looked to bonnie, hoping there was something tied to annie, “please bonnie, she is pregnant with twins and she could lose them” i said to her.

Bonnie smirked and shook her head, “sorry i won't be doing anything for you family, she did this to me and then lied to me about it all. So sorry but no thank you” Bonnie said to me.

I growled and pushed against her magic but nothing was happening to the magic, i turned my attention to beth and shook my head, “love please breath through this, you will be okay, i cannot lose you, none of you” i said to her.

I smiled and let out a breath and i watched as she moved her hand and i watched as Bonnie went flying in the other direction, i fell to the floor and moved quickly to her side and pulled her to my lap stroking her hair, “shh… i've got you” i said to her and ran my hand through her hair.

“Nik it hurts something is breaking in my body and it can't be the twins they aren't big enough” she said to me.

“Shh…” i said to her and pulled her more onto my lap.

I noticed that when i looked into her eyes she had yellow eyes and i frowned, “no this cannot be” i said and looked up to Damon.

“Why do you hate your sister so much, and why do you look scared” i asked.

“None of your business” Damon snapped.

I looked down as i noticed that beth had gone quite, “love” i said and knew it was too late, “i would leave if i was you” i snapped and looked down to see a big beautiful white wolf growling at damon.

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