Celebrations part two...

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Nik had gotten into the passagers side of the car and turned to me and smiled, "you look beautiful love" Nik said to me.

I smiled and looked over to him, "and you do to love" I said and lent over and kissed him.

Nik started the car and turned to the front and started to drive out of the house and we started to make our way to the mansion, "Nik the mansion isn't finished" I said looking confused.

Nik smiled and turned to look at me, "this is my surprise to the wedding for you Beth love" he said and we turned into a place that was beautiful, it was a large mansion that was all white and had pillars on the outside showing off the baling and big flower pots on the bottom of the windows and I smiled as I turned to Nik, "it's beautiful sweetheart" I said to him.

He smiled and got out of the car and I watched as Nik walked over to the side of the car I was sat in and then opened the door grabbing my hand and pulling me to my feet and winding his fingers through mine and we walked hand in hand to the mansion that I could hear people in. Nik opened the door and I turned to see that nik picked me up and smiled as he walked into the room full of guests, "thank you all for coming" Nik said and placed me on my feet and smiled at me.

I noticed that Damon walked over to us and took the microphone from Nik and smiled, "so before the party starts I want to say a few thing, Annie from the first time we were old enough we would always caused trouble and father always tried to get us to tell him what we had done, we were two peas in a pod and lately I haven't been a great brother, so I want to say I'm sorry and welcome to the family Nik" Damon said holding his glass up and we smiled at him.

Nik went to take the microphone from him but Elijah beat him to it and smiled at him, "sorry brother but I have to say something being the big brother and all, beth you have been the only person in the world to keep my brother from becoming something completely horrible and I am happy to say that you are family and a little sister to Rebekah and I, so from our family welcome little sister" Elijah said smirking.

I chuckled and grabbed the microphone from Elijah and gave it to nik before anyone else could take it from us, "thanks love, I just wanted to say thank you all for coming and we hope you enjoy the night" Nik said and with that he grabbed my hand and pulled me on to the dance floor as Ed sheran came on playing the shape of you.

I smiled as Nik pulled me closer to him and whispered in my ear knowing that the other vampires could here us, "I am the happyest man alive that I got to marry you again and I would show the world every time how much I love you Beth" Nik said to me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer so I could cuddle into him and smiled, "and I would as well love" I said and we danced through the night.

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