A new beth...

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Damon's POV

I watched as he killed my sister and I didn't know what to do I saw klaus feeding on her and the Elijah just snapped her neck and I didn't know what to do, I could grab my sister as Elijah went away with her leaving me with klaus, grabbing the leg of the chair I ripped it off and drove it through his chest watching as he deciated in front of me, "she loved you and I was happy to forgive her" I snapped at him pulling the stake out and dropping it to the floor as I walked out of the apartment having to tell Stefan that I have killed klaus and that our sister is gone.

I sped to the boarding house and walked into the sitting area where everyone was and I looked at Stefan and couldn't help the tears that fell from my eyes, "Damon" Stefan asked coming over to me.

I looked at him and wiped my eyes, "you don't have to worry about Annie, she's dead" I snapped as I walked over to the drunk and poured myself a drink.

"She dead, but how" Stefan asked.

Before I could answer I heard bonnie, "well thank god that one down 2 to go" she snapped.

"Bonnie that's not nice, she is still there sister so have a bit of compassion" Ric snapped at her and walked over to me.

"Do you have her body, we can bury her if you would like us to" Ric said to me.

I shook my head and looked to bonnie, "I put a stake through klaus for it as well so know I'm done being nice" I said and disappeared from them all.

Stefan's POV

I couldn't believe what I had heard and then bookie to be that way shocked me as well, Elena walked over to me and took my hands, "you okay stef" Elena asked me.

I shook my head and wrapped my arms around her waist and buried my head in her neck and breathed her in, "will Damon be okay" Caroline asked.

"I'll go find him Stefan" Ric said to me.

I nodded and took a seat with Elena by me and smiled, "o didn't know she made our daylight rings I just assumed it was Emily" I said.

She smiled at me and turned to the rest, "for being klaus wife she is really sweet" Caroline said making look at her.

"She was always taking to me and making me laugh and the fact that she didn't automatically jump to bitch was nice, I would say she's a bit like you Stefan sweet" Caroline said to me.

I chuckled and shook my head, "she was nothing like me she was more like Damon, she could get anyone to do anything and that included Kathrine for some reason" I said.

Elena smiled, "she let me borrow a dress for the dance and told me about Nik but she did lie about who he was but she was being honest about the way she loves him and he loves her" Elena said.

I nodded and noticed that Damon had come back and was covered in blood, ignoring us he walked up the stairs and Ric looked at me, "he's hurting and will be for days or even weeks, best thing would be for your sister to walk through those doors for him" Ric said.

I nodded and asked for everyone to leave and smiled as Elena said that she was going to stay with Damon and I. We walked up the stairs and I stopped by Damon's room to speak to her but noticed that he was crying and I knew to leave him alone.

We went to my room and I sat down on the bed and smiled as I noticed that Elena had picked up a photo that I had forgotten about and brought it over to me, "it took her months to get that picture as Damon was away with the army and Annie wanted the three of us in it" I explained to her.

She smiled and we got into bed fallen asleep to take the next day as it comes, I was just hoping that Damon would be okay.

Beth's POV

I woke up to see that Elijah was sat on the bottom of the bed and I moved my hand to my neck and frowned as there wasn't any mark to show that nik had changed me, "nothing will be there Annabeth" Elijah said making me jump.

I sat up and looked around the room and frowned when I couldn't see Nik, "Elijah where is my husband" I asked.

Elijah smiled and looked at me, "I'm not sure o said that I was being you to the mansion and I haven't seen him, I didn't want to leave in case you woke up and was alone. Nik would never forgive me" Elijah said to me.

I nodded and stood up smiling as Elijah grabbed my arm, "do you still have your magic as we did this early" Elijah asked me.

I looked at Elijah at what he said and turned to the mirror and held my hand out and instead of the flame on my hand i lit every candle in the room. "Wow you got stronger" Elijah said to me.

I nodded and turned to Elijah, "we have to find Nik" I said

He nodded and went to the door with me following, we walked out of the mansion and towards the loft when I heard it Nik moaning from inside, wanting to get to him I moved so quickly to his side that I went a little dizzy, what I saw was so upsetting as nik was on the floor with a stake beside him and him struggling to breath, "love" I said helping him up.

Nik looked at me and smiled, "I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke, I was on my way when your brother stabbed me" he said to me.

I smiled and kissed Nik moving my hair so he could bite, "go on" I said to him.

Nik nodded and bite down drawing blood and I couldn't help the moan that came from me, I straddled him in his lap and looked to see if it was okay to feed from him and he smiled at me nodding, I bit down on his neck and moaned at the taste in my mouth and it down more so I was getting more from him. He tighten his grip on my hips and ground his hips up and I moaned wanting to get more from his body, "Elijah leave" I snapped and smirked as he laughed and walked out of the room.

"Nik I need you to fuck me" I snapped as I ripped the clothes of his body and left him with nothing on.

He chuckled and picked me up and threw me down on the bed and ripped my clothes of my body and kissed my neck making me moan, "fuck Nik" I moaned as he went to town on my body and for the first time he didn't hold back against me.

We spent the next few hours together and I couldn't wish for anything else at the moment than my husband, "so now that I am invincible do you want me to break your curse for you" I asked.

Nik looked down at me and smiled, "i couldn't have asked for a better wife in the world" Nik said and we made love again.

There was banging at the door and I couldn't believe that I had to leave my husbands side, "whoever that is I am going to kill them and ripen there heart out" I muttered getting up and leaving a chuckling nick.

I wrapped the sheet around my body and walked over to the door ripping it open to come face to face with my brother Stefan. "Annie" he said.

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