The Ball Part 2

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I looked around the room and smiled as I could see that Matthew was enjoying himself as he was being passed between Finn and Kol while Elijah and Rebekah was trying to make sure that Nik and I would not kill my brother or their mother straight away. I felt a pair of hands on my waist and turned around to see that Nik was there smiling as he moved his hands around to the front and rubbed my stomach making me feel a little bit better. I leant back into Nik and looked around the room again smiling as I saw Liz walking towards me with carol, "behave" I whispered.

"Annie it's nice to see you are, you brother said that you have been ill" Liz said to me.

I smiled at her and shook my head, "you know what Damon can be like, always make it out to worse than it is" I said to her.

She laughed and nodded, "of course" she said and I smiled as she looked down and noticed that Nik was still rubbing my stomach. "Are you pregnant" she asked me.

I smiled and nodded, "we only found out the other day, found out it was twins as well. Now we can give our son some siblems" I said watching as she looked around the room.

"Damon said that you have a son" she said not looking at me.

I smiled and turned to carol, "His name is Matthew and I believe he is with his uncles Finn and Kol" I said pointing to where Matthew was cuddled into Finn.

"Well he is beautiful and it's nice to see a happy family around here, even if he is adopted" Carol said.

I snickered and turned to her, "oh carol he isn't adopted, he is mine and Nik's. They took him from me and I took him back" I said and walked away.

I walked over to the rest of my family when I noticed that the doors opened and in walked my brother with that thing he calls a girlfriend, I also noticed that Caroline, Matt, Tyler and Bonnie where there, but she looked like she didn't want to be with them. I noticed that Nik and Elijah had seen them and walked over to me and smiled as Damon walked towards me, "we are not looking for a fight damon, we are hosting this ball for Matthew and the twins, so we expect you to be on your best behaviour for you nephew" Elijah asked.

Damon snorted and walked over to me and grabbed my arm making me look at him, "this is far from over sister, I believe that you should have left Stefan an adult, he would have realised that you are bad news" Damon said to me.

I nodded and smiled, "shame you don't see what that little bitch is doing to you, I mean you used to be the nice brother the brother that believed that I was dead, what happened to him" I asked.

"He got lied to, so here I am" he said to me.

"You see Elena, what is funny thing is that all this is jealousy because Damon can't have any of this, no family, no children anything. I believe this is what father wanted for you wasn't it. Nothing to ruin" I snickered at him.

I noticed that Damon looked down and I turned to Elena, "you broke my son's hurt so I think it is only fair I do the same to you" I snapped and turned to Bonnie, "let's go" I said and smiled as he broke out of Matt's arm and bounced over to me, "thank you, I've been trying to leave for a while" she said to me.

I nodded my head and walked upstairs with her and she followed my every movement, "this is a goodwill thing and I hope that Damon sees that, Give this to Damon when you are you" I snapped and looked into her eyes, "you are free, but you ever piss me off again Bonnie Bennet I will kill you" I snapped at her.

I watched as she became herself again and she looked up to me, "thank you" she said to me.

I shrugged my shoulders and turned around to let her leave when I heard her stop, I smirked knowing that she would want to know what is wrong, "Annie, are you okay" she asked me.

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