Hiding who you are!!!

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I smiled at sam and took his hand and shook it, "Anna-Beth Savlatore" I said to him.

He smiled and looked around the mustang and smiled, "bobby won't tell me where he got it from" sam said to me as he looked around the car.

I smiled and turned around to the car and ran my hand over the bonnet of the car and sighed, "it used to be blood red and run like a beauty" I said more to myself that anyone else.

"Wow, how do you know that" sam asked me.

I looked at him and smiled, "I'm older than I look sam" I said to him.

Sam laughed and nodded, "can I asked how" he asked me.

I smiled at him and he knew that he wasn't going to get an answer from me so we walked to the house where I noticed that there was a older gentleman stood there and knew at that moment that I needed him to invite me in to the house. I stopped out side the house and crossed my arms, "I do have some manners, I will not enter a home without a invite. It's rude" I said.

He smirked as he turned to look at John and Mary, "I like her, she has manners unlike your other children" he said and looked over to me, "please come on in, my name is Robert but you can call me bobby" he said to me.

I smiled as I walked into the room and looked around I noticed that Mary was fussing over some guy who looked a bit older than me and I smiled, "sam, dean and bobby I would like you to meet Anna Beth" John said looking over to me.

"Hi" I said waving my hand.

The guy who I took to be dean who was sitting down by Mary stood up and walked over to me and looked me up and down, "wow your not all wolf" he said to me.

I looked at him and smirked as I had to admit that I was impressed, "nope I am two, half witch and half wolf" I said crossing my arms.

He looked at me and laughed, "I sense a third in there" he said to me.

I looked over to him and smirked, "nice try" I said and he looked shocked at what I said and turned to Mary and John crossing his arms, "you said that she was dead, that we would never get to meet her" he said to them.

"Dean we thought that she was, at the time we took her back to the 1800's and we didn't know that she would have been half witch and would have survived all this time" John explained to him.

Dean nodded and I could see that he was trying to figure it out, I looked over to him and smiled, "just magic" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Wow" I heard sam say and he walked over to me and looked me up and down, he really was starting to annoy me so I turned to him and smiled, "keep staring and I promise that Mary won't be able to reverse the spell I do to you" I said holding my hand out.

He stood back and I couldn't help but smirk and nodded, "sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable Beth" Sam said to me.

I smiled and nodded "that's fine" I said and looked over to John, "you have a lovely family" I said to him and smiled.

He smiled sadly and I noticed that dean was frowning, "you do realise that you are our sister and that makes you family" dean said to me.

I walked over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder and smiled, "I don't mean this to be mean or come out as cruel but I had a family dean a mother that died when my brother and I was small and our father, I mean we don't get along but I don't want to intrude on a family that isn't mine" I explained to him.

Dean laughed and turned to me, "you are family AJ, I mean I know we are new to you but to us your not, mum and dad never forgot about you and we still celebrate your birthday every year, your not only a Salvatore but your also a Winchester" he said to me.

I looked at him and noticed that sam was nodding as well and I looked over to see that Mary had tears in her eyes and John was smiling proudly at us all and I knew at that moment that i couldn't lie to them any more, "witchcraft isn't keeping me alive" I said quickly.

Dean smirked as he walked around me and poked me in the shoulder, "knew there was something else about you, something that my instincts are telling me, vampire" dean said to me.

I smirked and leant against the door, "smart boy aren't you" I said letting the English accent come out.

I heard a gasp and turned around to see Mary and John looking at me, "I know why you didn't tell us, but why hide the English accent" john asked.

I looked over and smirked, "as the husband is a Mikealson" I said.

I noticed that they went quite and I looked over and smiled, "please just get to know Nik he isn't as bad as people always think he" I said smiling at them.

They nodded and I noticed that dean walked around me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, "well then I am not calling you Beth as you have always been Alexandra to us so I will call you AJ" he said to me.

I laughed and nodded, "sure but my husband will continue to call me Beth" I said to him.

He smirked and nodded, "it would be nice to meet the brother in law" he said to me.

I laughed and nodded, "well there are a few of us, there is Elijah, Finn, Kol and Rebekah including my husband Nik and then there is our son Matthew as well as my idiot brother Damon but we aren't getting along at the moment the asshole is trying to kill me" I snapped crossing my arms in annoyance.

Sam walked over to me and took my hand, "well your learn what it means to have brothers that care for you and I promise that we will do everything to protect you" he said to me.

I laughed and nodded, "okay but remember I am the oldest" I said crossing my arms and smirking at them.

They laughed and wrapped there arms around me and I heard a sob knowing that it was Mary.

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