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It had been just a few days and we were coming to the end of the week and nik looked lost, "I'm going to miss him like this" nik said to me.

I smiled and walked over to him, "but you found out that you will be great with your children love" I said making him look at me with a smile.

He nodded and I turned back to Stefan as he was playing on the floor with his toys and I watched as he dropped them and looked up at us and smiled, "I have tummy ache Annie" Stefan said to me.

I knew that this was the night that Stefan would change back to himself tonight, "I'm going to stay with him the night I want to make sure he is okay after all this" i said to nik.

Nik nodded and smiled, "were both stay with him, Stefan what shall we watch tonight" nik asked picking him up and walking to our room.

I followed him and stopped as I hit the kitchen and popped my head in to see Finn and Elijah talking to each other, "were be in our room with Stefan he isn't feeling well and we think that this is the end of the spell" I said and turned around.

"Anna-Beth your be a great mum as will nik" Elijah said to me.

I nodded and walked over to him and smiled, "thank you" I said and walked up to see Stefan laid on Nik's chest and sucking his dummy.

I grabbed my phone and took a photo and smiled as nik smiled back at me, "I can't wait for our baby" nik said.

I smiled and nodded, "me either love" I said and got into bed next to them and smiled as Stefan snuffled against the dummy and mewled as nik moved him just a little. "Shh I've got you champ" nik said running his hand through his hair.

I smiled and turned my attention to the TV and noticed that Stefan was once again watching cars 2, shaking my head I tucked the cover around Stefan and kissed his head. "I love you little brother" I said and laid my head down on Nik's shoulder and closed my eyes.

I woke up to a big weight on us and i opened my eyes to see Stefan back to himself and still asleep sucking the dummy, gently moving I gently picked Stefan up and put him down on the bed and wrapped a cover around him, I gently pulled the dummy from him and smiled as he smacked his lips together and cried wanting it back. Knowing that Stefan would never forgive me I ran my hand through his hair and smiled as he calmed down. I reached over and woke nik and smiled as he got out of the bed and tucked the side over his back and walked over to me.

"Is he okay" nik asked me.

I nodded and sat back, "I just hope that he will be okay, I don't mind killing her" I snapped.

He chuckled and I heard a laugh and looked down to see Stefan smiling at me, "thank you" Stefan said to us.

I smiled and nodded, "I would do it again steffie, your always going to be my little brother. What do you remember" I asked.

"I'm not sure about the past few days but before that happened bonnie came in to the boarding house and threw something at me and muttered some words at me" Stefan said.

I shook my head and growled, "I'm going to make her life a living hell" I snarled at no one in particular.

Stefan looked up to me and took my hand, "thank you for being a good big sister after everything I put you through" he said to me.

I got up and kissed his head and walked over to the door, "time to make my move with the little gang" I said.

Nik laughed and Stefan held his hand out and pouted at nik, "please" Stefan said.

Nik smiled and handed the dummy over and let him have it, "this will be kept between us my sweet boy" nik said and kissed his head.

He nodded and closed his eyes grabbing a hold of his hand and I smiled as I walked out of the room and out of the mansion to be stopped by Finn, "are you okay, you look like your about to do something you shouldn't" Finn said to me.

I smiled and nodded, "she did this to my brother and she has made my life a living hell, so now I'm going to make her wish that I would let her die" I snapped and sped away to Caroline's.

I stood outside and smirked as I walked up to the door and banged on it, Caroline came to the door and I noticed that she smiled at me, "Annie what can I do for you" she said smiling at me.

"Bonnie where is she" I snapped.

Caroline smiled and shrugged her shoulders, "care this isn't about you, she turned my brother into a toddler and he hasn't done anything to you. I can't forgive that" I snapped.

She nodded and moved aside, "come in Annie" she said and I walked into the house and looked for bonnie.

I spotted bonnie in the room with Elena and Rebekah and I smiled as I saw Rebekah smirking, "hello bonnie" I said sitting down.

She looked to Rebekah and frowned, "did you invite her" bonnie snapped.

"Nope but she looks pissed" Rebekah said to her.

I turned to Elena and smiled, "I just want some answers" I said and smiled, "why did you do this to Stefan" I asked.

She folded her arms and shook her head, "it's none of your business" she snapped.

"I think it is, first he is my brother and I do actually care for them, second what you did was wrong instead of being a decent human being you made your boyfriend a baby and then scared the living shit out of him. Do you know that you gave him nightmares, nik had to calm him down Elena and I don't think that you will ever be the nice person ever again" I snapped and then turned to bonnie and walked over to her and grabbed her neck.

"We're going to have a problem me and you so here is what I'm going to do" I said and bit her neck feeding from her, I pulled back and smirked, biting my wrist I forced my blood on her and smiled as she looked frightened, "shame" I said and snapped her neck.

"See you at home tomorrow bekah" I said and left the room and appeared next to nik in the main room.

"Stefans asleep" nik said holding up a baby monitor.

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