The Ball... Part 1

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We had been planning this ball for a couple of days and to be honest it was taking a lot out of me, I walked down the stairs and smiled as nik was sat down at the bottom of the stairs muttering at the lights he was trying to wind around the stairs, I took the lights from him and smiled as he looked up at me, "Beth you should be resting love" Nik said to me.

I smiled and kissed his cheek, "if I was in bed, who is it that would be able to help you do this right" I said chuckling as I wound the lights around the stairs and smirked as nik looked annoyed.

"This works for you but takes me ages" he muttered.

"It takes a woman's touch love" I said and plugged the plug in and smiled as the stairs all lit up and looked beautiful.

"Wow" I said and turned to nik who was smiling, "so then are you going to tell me what you are wearing tonight love" Nik said to me.

I chuckled and shook my head; "it's a surprise for you" I said and walked back up the stairs to where Rebekah was.

I walked into the room and sat down smiling at Rebekah who was playing with her hair and she turned to face me and smiled, "Beth you okay" bekah asked.

I smiled and nodded, "yeah just tried is all, the twins are taking it out of me and I don't remember ever being this tried with Matthew" I explained to her.

She smiled and nodded, "you're going to be okay, but if you have any issues or you just want to speak to someone you know what you can come to me" bekah said to me.

I nodded and smiled, "thank you bekah" I said.

I walked out of the room and down to the room I shared with nik and he smiled as I walked in and put the pad of paper down and walked over to me and put his hand on my stomach smiling at the small bump I know had, "are you okay, I heard what you said to bekah" he said.

I smiled and walked over to the bed with him following me and smiled as he looked at me, "well to be honest I am not worried too much, but it was a really easy pregnancy with Matthew and I am just drained really" I explained to him.

He nodded and grabbed my hand, "well this time I will be with you all the way" Nik said to me.

I nodded and kissed his cheek, "now get out and I will see you at the ball tonight" I said and smirked as he pouted.

I ignored him and laughed as he walked out backwards and huffed, I laughed and walked towards the bathroom and grabbed a towel from the rack and went to getting myself sorted for the night ahead, knowing that I would have Matthew looked after and sorted out by Nik I knew that I could sort myself out. I grabbed the shower gel and went to washing myself down from all the dirt from the day; I ringed the water out of my hair and grabbed the towel to dry off my hair. I grabbed the colour remover for the colour in my hair and went to taking the pink and blue out of it and went back to blonde.

I dried my hair and saw the Rebekah was sat in the room and smiling, "nik said do you know where Matthew's suit is" bekah asked.

I smiled and nodded, "yeah I believe it is hanging up in the wardrobe in his room" I explained.

Bekah nodded and smiled, "thanks and the hair looks nice all one colour" she said as she walked out of the room.

I laughed and walked back into the bathroom and looked at the clock in the room and noticed that I only had an hour until the ball was to start; I grabbed my make-up bag and went to doing black smoky eyes and blood red lips as well. I grabbed my brush and pins and went to pinning it into place with the odd curl dropping down. Once I was happy with the look of my face and hair I grabbed the towel tighter around my body and walked into the room where I had hid the dress I was going to wear. I pulled on a black strapless bra and matched it with a black pair of lace pants and walked over to the wardrobe pulling out my dress and pulling it on.

I looked into the mirror and smiled as I saw that the dress was still as beautiful on as it was off, it was a dark red bodice and then had a black poof skirt which red roses on the top of the skirt which came down the skirt as well

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I looked into the mirror and smiled as I saw that the dress was still as beautiful on as it was off, it was a dark red bodice and then had a black poof skirt which red roses on the top of the skirt which came down the skirt as well. I walked over to the closet in the room and grabbed the red high heels and slipped them on, looking into the mirror I smiled at the finished image and walked out of the room to see that nik was waiting at the top of the stairs and smiled as he saw me, "wow you look beautiful" he said and kissed me.

I looked around and noticed that Matthew was with Finn and Elijah and giggling away, "I don't want him out of our sight, you see my brother or you mother and he comes to nik or I" I said.

They nodded and nik held his arm out for mine and we walked down the stairs of the mansion so we could mingle with the others.


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