1 or 2 .... :D

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We got to the boarding house and I turned to Nik and shook my head, "why am I so scared of telling them" I said to him.

Nik smiled and took my hand, "were do this together" he said to me.

I nodded and we got out of the car and I noticed that Stefan was stood there and looked really upset, I watched as he did the last thing I expected, he ran over to me and cuddled into me, "Stefan" I asked.

He smiled and nodded, "Annie Damon says that father is dead" Stefan said to me and I snapped my head to him.

"Stefan he's been dead for 167 years" I said to him pulling him forward.

He shook his head and I noticed that he had a heartbeat, "come on Stefan" I said and I turned to Nik and shook my head, our new would be able to wait.

We walked into the house and I noticed that Elena ran down the stairs in just a shirt and I knew what had happened, "what are you too doing here" Elena snapped at me.

"Don't speak to my sister like that, you have to be nice to her. She's scarier than my brother" he whispered.

I frowned and I had never heard him speak like this when he was 17 he didn't really like me, "Stefan can you tell me how old you are" I asked.

Stefan smiled and held up three fingers, "holy shit" I said and laughed as Stefan sat down and put his head in his arms and shook his head.

I smiled and bent down, "do you want to see something really cool little brother" I asked.

He nodded and I moved my hand in a circle and watched as his eyes widened, "love can you stay with Stefan for me, Elena don't go anywhere near him" I snapped and walked up the stairs with her following me.

"I think I can take care of a child better than you" she snapped.

I turned around and smiled, "Elena let me tell you something, I don't like you and I can't stand you either. So first thing you touch my brother and I promise you I will kill you" I snapped and walked into the room where Damon was staying and smiled as I shit the door on Elena and waved my hand over it.

"Damon" I snapped and watched as he walked out and was shocked.

"What do you want Annie" Damon said.

I laughed and turned to him, "what the fuck have you done to Stefan and why is he three" I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders, "no idea this happened this morning" he said to me.

"So you sleep with Elena when our brother is three" I snapped.

He did have the decency to look ashamed and I turned around, "I'll deal with our brother and turn him to look three as well" I snapped and walked out of the room down the stairs to see Stefan sucking on his hands.

I smiled and waved my hand over him and smiled as he turned into a three year old to match his age and picked him up, "your coming with me little brother, Damon can't look after you" I said smiling and started to walk to the door when I stopped and turned around, "just so your aware brother, I found out today that nik and I are pregnant" I said and with that we left the boarding house and got into the car.

"We need stuff for him love" nik said to me.

I nodded and I put Stefan down on my lap and smiled as he went to playing with my hair and giggled, "Annie where are we" Stefan asked.

I smiled and looked down to my brother and poked his nose, "well little brother we are in a place called mystic falls where we now live. Father is gone little brother so it's just me and you. This is my husband Niklaus" I explained to my brother.

He nodded and I watched as he yawned and laid his head down on my chest and put his thumb in his mouth, "your good with him Beth" nik said to me.

I smiled and turned to him, "well Damon slept with Elena" I said.

He laughed and turned to me, "well doesn't Stefan like my little sister" nik asked.

I nodded and chuckled, "yes he does" I said and we drove up to a Walmart and got out of the car.

"Were have to say that he is ours" nik said and we walked into the superstore hand in hand and Stefan fast asleep in my arms.

"We need everything for him" I said to nik as I grabbed a trolley and put him down in it.

We walked around the store putting in the basics of things we would need and I smiled as nik walked over to the cart with loads of clothes in his arms and dumped them in, "I got tips, trousers, overalls, vests and pants I don't think I forgot anything" nik said to me.

"We need a coat, jumpers and shoes for him as well" I said as we turned down the isle for them.

We picked up two coats and a jumper with a bear design on it as well as a pair of boots and trainers for him as well. I looked down to see that Stefan once again had his thumb in his mouth so I grabbed a dummy of the shelf and pulled it out of the packet and popped it into his mouth smiling as he sucked on it. "Okay that is everything" I said and we walked to the tills and started to pile the stuff on.

"Wow, what a lucky little boy, what's his name" the woman asked my husband.

Nik smiled and turned to Stefan, "henrik" nik said.

She smiled and nodded, "he's a beautiful boy" she said and I swiped the credit card and we walked out with all the bags.

We loaded up the car and we drove back to the Mansion, I got out of the car and walked around to the back and I un-strapped Stefan and pulled him into my arms, "come on love, I've had the hybrids do a room for Stefan" nik said to me and I looked down to see Stefan playing with the hem of my shirt, "come on I sure you want to play with the toys we have for you" I said as I walked into the room with the others in and placed him down on the floor giving him some toys to play with.

"Beth this was quick to have a baby you have been gone for a few hours" Kol said smirking.

"Haha funny Kol, but this is my brother Stefan something happened to him and I can't find out what" I said as I watched nik come back down with some other toys for Stefan.

We all sat down with Stefan and watched as nik and Stefan played with the toy dinosaurs.

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