Twins :D

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I heard banging on the door and rolled over this was way too early for this crap, muttering as I got out of the bed I was sharing with Nik, I grabbed my dressing gown and threw it on walking down to the door, I popped my head in to Matthews room and smiled as he was fast asleep in his cot with his bum in the air, I closed the door and walked down the stairs to see a very tired bekah stood there looking annoyed, "who the hell is banging on the door at 5 in the morning" she snapped.

I shrugged my shoulders and we walked down to the door and threw it open to see Damon stood there with a stake in his hand, I looked down and frowned, "what you going to do with that brother" I asked.

"I'm going to kill you sister and then take Matthew from you again and raise him not having a clue who you are, when I can get a witch to turn him back to a child" Damon said to me.

I growled and went for him not caring about the stake and went for him, I felt hands pull me back and noticed that Nik had Matthew in his arms and Finn and Elijah were holding me back. "I'll kill him" I snapped.

I noticed that Nik's mother came around the back of Damon and appeared next to him, I watched as she held her arms out towards nik and we all watched as our son was taken from my husband's arms and appeared next to her, watching as she handed Matthew over to Damon, "your debt is paid, now leave" she said to Damon and I watched as Damon sped away with our son. I tried to get to him but as she threw her hands out to me, I flew backwards into nik and we collided with the wall of the mansion bringing some of it down on top of us.

I watched as she walked over to us and smiled as she turned to Elijah, Finn, Kol and Rebekah, "once they are dead, you can life your lives normally" she said to them and turned back to nik and i. I felt her power on me again and I shielded my unborn child from her but I could feel her magic at work, I screamed out in pain as I felt my child been pulled from me and she laughed as she looked at nik and I, "this is for the best, I don't deal with abominations" she snapped and snapped her hands towards nik and I again.

I woke up screaming and noticed that nik was awake and trying to calm me down, "shh comes on please talk to me Beth" Nik said to me.

I looked around and noticed that it was all a dream I had, turning my head to the clock on the wall I noticed that it was 7 in the morning, I sighed and put my head on my hands and let the tears come, "it was a dream, I was woke up by someone banging on the door to have our son taken away from us and then to have the child I'm carrying to be ripped out of me. Nik it was your mother and my brother" I sobbed.

"I want your hybrids around the mansion at all times Nik and Beth you are not to leave the house alone with Matthew" Elijah said to me.

I nodded and looked over to the monitor to see that Matthew wasn't in his cot and I panicked, I looked around the room for him and smiled when I noticed that he was with Rebekah and Kol playing on the floor with some toys, "I'll get him feed and changed love, and then we have an appointment with the doctor to see our child so why don't you take a shower before we go" nik said to me.

I nodded and I watched as Rebekah picked Matthew up and walked over to me handing me him and smiled, "he woke crying when you screamed, he's okay I think he was just worried. You're going be okay sister, I won't let anything happen to you" Bekah said to me.

I smiled and looked down to see Matthew reaching up with his hand for my hair; I pretended to bite his hand and chuckled at the giggle to come from him. I handed him over to nik and kissed his head, "mummy is going for a shower and then I will come and get you cleaned up" I said and kissed nik on the head as well.

I walked into the bath room and turned the shower on and smiled as it came out really fast and steamed up, I pulled my PJ's off and threw them into the hamper and went to getting into the shower and washing myself off, I wiped the cloth over my face and tried to get rid of the horrible dream I was remembering. I got out and wrapped a towel around my body and another around my hair and walked into the bedroom to see that nik had left clothes for me on the bed; I walked over and smiled as it was a red dress with black tights and then I also had a pair of boots and a leather jacket. I got dressed and grabbed the hair dryer and smiled as I dried my hair and let it fall into its normal wavy hair.

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