A good night.........

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I smirked as nik was stood there with his arms open, dropping my bag on the floor and ran into his arms and kissed him, "miss me love" nik asked.

I nodded and carried on kissing him smirking as he slammed the door and carried me over to the bed and threw me down on the bed and climbed on top kissing my neck, "I missed you too" he mumbled to me.

I laughed pulling his shirt off and throwing it on the floor and turning nik around and jumping on top of him pulling my shirt of at the same time and smiling as he grabbed hold of my breasts and pulling them into his mouth, I couldn't help the moan coming from me and I bent back down and kissed my husband as we spent the next few hours together.

I looked over to see that nik was sat up leaning against the headboard and was drawing circles on my back with his finger, "well that was out of the blue" nik said to me.

I chuckled and leant up catching his lips and kissed him, "well I missed you" I said to him.

Nik smiled and moved down so he could cuddle me and turned to look at me, "you ready to do this love, I mean become a hybrid" nik asked me.

I nodded and turned to him, "of course love I can't wait because then you won't be so careful with me" I said smirking at him.

Nik sighed and turned to me, "I just don't want to hurt you" he said running his hand threw my hair.

I looked up at him and smiled, "I know babe" I said and got up and walked over to the bar and grabbed a bottle of water and noticed that in the corner there was bags.

"You brought my bags with me that you won't let me see" I said walking towards them.

Nik sped in front of them and I poured crossing my arms in front of him, "unfair" I muttered.

Nik laughed and walked over to me and kissed my nose, "your need clothes that will not be as soft as the Ines you have know and I know that you would like the surprise. Plus I don't even know what's in the Rebekah did the packing and I promised I wouldn't look" nik said to me.

I laughed and turned to look at him, "wait you don't know what's in there either" I asked.

He shook his head and I sighed nodding my head, "fine I will leave it alone" I said crossing my arms.

Nik laughed and kissed my cheek, he turned into me and kissed my mouth I wrapped my arms around his neck when I heard my phone going off, "someone shoot me now" I said and pulled away from Nik and walked over to my phone and looked at the caller ID and noticed it was my brother.

I moaned and pressed my head into niks head, "I hate them" I mumbled.

He chuckled and answered the phone pressing it to my ear and smirked as he walked away, "hey day" I said into the phone grabbing my clothes and getting dressed.

"Annie where are you, it's been 3 days and the disco is tomorrow" day said sounding panicked.

I chuckled "day I am an hour away, time got away from me" I said smirking as nik walked out of the shower with nothing on. "Nik clothes" I snapped and grabbed my bag.

"I'll see you in a bit sis" Damon said to me.

I put the phone down and smiled turning to nik and he walked over kissing my neck, "I'll be in mystic falls tonight baby" nik said to me.

I nodded and kissed him back and turned to him, "don't try and kiss me in your new body I will throw you to the wall and it will hurt" I said to him and kissed his cheek.

Nik nodded and chuckled as I walked out of the room and down to my car where I went back to my car and drove back to mystic falls to protect Elena for niks curse.

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