Finding out the truth...

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Damon's POV

I sped back to the boarding house and noticed that Annie was fast asleep, I still didn't know how our sister was alive as she had a heartbeat and was human, I knew that she would tell me in time what was going on, I walked into the house with her and put her down on the sofa and covered her with a blanket so she couldn't get cold. I turned around to see Stefan walking over with a blood bag and passed it over smiling at me, "I don't want to fight anymore Damon" Stefan said to me.

I smirked and sat down in front of Annie and waited for her to wake so I could speak to her. I saw the rest of the gang plus ric walk over and he looked at me, "you never said you had a sister and an older sister at that" ric said.

I laughed, "she is a few months older than me, she was my partner in crime when we were growing up, Stefan was he golden boy and Annie was the pit of place child she took it the worst when mother died, Annie rebelled against our father and could talk her way out of anything" I said laughing.

They all looked at me and I smirked "you care for someone apart from yourself" Elena said to me.

I heard a snort and turned to Stefan, "Damon lives his big sister she wasn't really all for me, I was an ass to her growing up. Always told on her and at one time I thought that she magic but father tested her and turned out that she didn't and I got her into trouble for no reason" Stefan said looking down.

I noticed that bonnie hadn't said anything and I turned to her, "Bon Bon nothing to say" I asked.

She smirked and walked over to our sister and placed her hand down on her arm and I noticed that she didn't have the same look she did when she touched Stefan or I, "well she isn't a vampire, and there was magic in the grill earlier" Bonnie said.

I looked down and frowned, "Annie doesn't have magic" I said and that was when I heard her chuckling.

Annabeth's POV

I couldn't help the chuckle come from me when Damon said that I didn't have magic, I opened my eyes and smirked at bonnie, "well brother bonnie is right I do have magic" I said and watched as I made a flame dance on my hand in front of them.

"I did see you using magic that day, god Annabeth dad hit me for lying to him" Stefan snapped at me.

I laughed and turned to him, "well know you know how Damon and I felt when you tattled on us for no reason" I snapped.

Stefan moped and I turned to Damon who looked upset to be honest, "why didn't you tell me Annie" Damon asked.

I rang my hands together and put my head down, "I didn't want you to hate me or look at me differently" I mumbled.

Damon pulled my face to look at him and smiled at me, "Annabeth I could never see you differently or hate you, your our sister and we love you" Damon said.

I snorted and looked up, "sure because Stefan has so much love for me" I snapped.

I felt another person behind me and smiled as I knew it was Stefan and he spun me around so I was facing him and smirked at me, "I don't hate you sis, siblems fight and tattle on each other I was not aware that father took it that far I thought it was a one off with me. But I don't hate you" Stefan said to me.

I smiled and kissed his cheek and smirked as he wrapped his arms around me, "I am sorry and I will do anything to make it up to you. I was gutted and really upset when Damon told me you couldn't be found, I found out what father was like and thought that he killed you as well, I went mad and killed him" he said looking down at the floor.

I couldn't help the laughter that came out of me and I turned to face my brothers and smiled when they joined in, "well I think that we all need a drink" Ric said to us.

I turned around and looked at Elena and smirked as she took a step back, "so your with Stefan" I asked.

She nodded and I turned to Stefan and smiled, "and you don't love my other brother Damon at all?" I asked looking at her.

She shook her head but I realised that she wouldn't look at me, "great please do not repeat history because it won't be you two dead it will be her because I will bury you where no one will ever be able to find you" I said to her.

She nodded and I smiled sweetly at her and smirked as i knew that she was scared of me. "Annabeth please don't threaten people" Stefan asked me.

"It's just a warning" I said politely.

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