Family isnt always the way you believed

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Nik looked over to me and smiled, "do you mind if I just speak to my girlfriend a moment" nik said to Mary.

Mary nodded and I noticed that she looked worried, I smiled at her and turned to see nik smiling down at me, "take our card and take her with you love, I'll take Matthew back to the hotel and we can have some father son bonding" nik said to me.

I smiled and leant up to kiss him, "thank you love, that sounds like a good idea" I said and walked towards Mary who was trying not to look upset.

I smiled and turned to john, "nik is going to take Matthew back to the hotel and we can spend the time together if that is something you would like" I asked.

They smiled and nodded, "sounds like a great idea" they said and I turned to see Nik leave with Matthew.

I turned back to Mary and John and smiled, is there any way you want to do this or do you want to meet you brothers" John asked me.

I looked at him and frowned, "what if they don't understand like you do" I said sweetly as I didn't want them to learn that I didn't really care.

John smiled and took my hand, "we always have told the boys the truth about you as we still celebrate your birthday" John said to me.

I smiled and nodded, "sure why not then" I said to them and we walked out of the diner and to a classic 67 impala and I was impressed.

"Wow" I said as I walked over and ran my hand down the bonnet, "please don't tell me I have another child who is going to be in love with this car" Mary said.

I laughed and turned around to face her, "I love cars, always have" I said to her.

"Her and dean will hit it off" John said to Mary and held the door open for me to get into.

I got into the back of the car and leant back trying to find out where they were taking me. I felt my phone vibrate and pulled my phone out to see that nik had text saying have fun and I had a few missed calls from my brother. I sighed and put my phone away and I noticed that I was being stared at, "are you okay sweetie" Mary asked me.

I looked at her and smiled, "of course" I said.

"Do you mind if I ask you something" she asked me.

I shook my head but stayed silent so she could ask away, "your parents they loved you didn't they" she asked.

I smiled and nodded, "of course they did, they never treated me any different to my brothers and even when our mother passed away our father never let it slip" I explained to them trying to keep out that father was a bully to us.

I noticed that they looked down and didn't ask anything else, "I may not have known that I was your daughter but I am 100% sure that I would have made you proud growing up with two brothers" I said to them.

Mary laughed and nodded, "would you be willing to tell us some things" she asked.

"Of course what would you like to know" I asked.

"What are you brothers called" Mary asked.

I smiled and pulled out my phone and grabbed the last picture I had of us and showed her, "my brother Damon with the black hair and my youngest brother Stefan with the sandy blond hair" I explained to her.

"Wow you look happy, but I have noticed that Stefan doesn't look like Damon he looks like you" she said.

I smirked and turned to look out of the window smiling I put my phone away, "well that was a long time ago, my brothers and I don't get along because I had Matthew" I explained.

John looked confused and looked in the mirror, "can I ask why" John asked.

I looked up and smiled, "sure, when I was younger and human I met Nik and we became pregnant and I had Matthew but my brother Damon decided to tell me that Matthew had died and sent me somewhere else for me to find out that Stefan was Matthew, Stefan agreed he wanted to know what his mother and father was like and I changed him back for him to find out" I said shrugging my shoulders. "Now my brother is trying to kill me and trying to take my son from me" I said.

John nodded and I noticed that he looked pissed and angry and I frowned and cocked my head to a side, "you look angry" I said confused.

"Of course I am, you where hurt and I wasn't there to protect you" he said to me.

I smiled and leant forward placing my hand on his shoulder, "thank you for caring John" I said to him and watched as he turned into a salavge yard.

"Cool" I said as I got out of the car and walked over to a mustang and smirked as it looked old but totally fixable, "john who's this" a voice said.

I knew they would explain and I walked around the car and pulled the tarp up and gasped when I saw the plate on the back which was the crest of our family and knew that this was the car that nik and I had lost back on the 1800's. "huh wondered where you got to" I muttered to myself.

Mikealson Family Crest

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Mikealson Family Crest

I heard foot steps and came to view with a man a bit older than me and long brown hair, "hi I'm Samuel Winchester but you can call me Sam" he said to me holding his hand out.

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