Finding out the truth

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I saw Elena and bonnie walk out of the dance and I know that Nik has said that Jeremy was with him, I would have laughed and I saw Damon and Stefan walk over to me and smiled, "klaus has Jeremy" Damon said to me.

I nodded and we all walked into the hallway where bonnie was staring at me like I had done bad to people and she stalked over to me and pushed me into the wall, "your married to that monster" she shouted.

I frowned and walked forward to see the Ric was Ric and that nik was stood there smiling at me and holding his arms out to me, squealing I ran to him and jumped into arms and kissed him, "hello love" he said.

"Nik" I smiled and jumped off and turned around seeing that my brothers and Elena looked pissed.

"You lied to me" Elena said to me.

I nodded and smiled, "of course I mean what do you expect from a lying bitch who loves both of my brothers" I snapped.

She didn't look at me and I turned to see Damon looked disappointed in me, I shook my head and Nik grabbed my hand and kissed it, "well then my beautiful wife, I think we have a curse to break" Nik said holding on to my waist and speeding us out of there.

Nik sped up to a mansion and I looked around to see that it was in need for refurbishing and everything else but it was everything that we wanted in a home. I turned in his arms and looked up at him, "so what made you come out early, this is like you" I said.

Nik smiled and turned me so his front was to my back and wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek, "I didn't like the way that witch was speaking to you and I wanted to make sure that you had me when you needed me" Nik said.

I smiled and leant back into him when we heard and swoosh and turned to see Elijah stood there, "well it's safe to say your out to be the bad witch" Elijah said to me.

I sighed and turned to Elijah and smiled, "Nik was being the protective husband Elijah as bonnie was being a complete bitch and decided that it was best to piss Nik of by pushing me into the lockers" I said.

Elijah walked over to me and smiled, "are you okay" Elijah asked.

I smiled and nodded not really looking at him. Nik pulled my face to his and looked at me, "Beth we know when your lying love" Nik said.

I sighed and looked at them and ranted "I only just found out my brother was alive as Stefan never said anything to me and know I have lost Damon, Stefan I couldn't care for but Damon he was my best friend when we were all human and I told everything to. It's just going to be hard knowing that my brother hates me, it's worst than me thinking that he was dead" I said to them.

Nik smiled and kissed my lips, "would you like us to come with you so you can speak to him" Nik asked.

I smiled and shook my head, "I don't think that would be a good idea I think I will let him rant for a few days" I said cuddling back into Nik.

Damon's POV

I couldn't believe that our sister was married to that monster and what was worst was that she lied to me about and to my face, I was currently pacing around the room with everyone stood there including Stefan who just looked upset. I noticed that bonnie was stood in the corner with Jeremy whispering about something, knowing that I was Annie they where speaking about I turned to face them and crossed my arms, "something to say about my big sister" I snapped.

Bonnie turned to me and smiled, "yeah I told you that I didn't trust your sister that there was something that she was hiding but did you listen to me of course not. I mean she lied to all of us Damon and she's just as bad as klaus for marrying him" bonnie ranted.

I went to answer when Elena answered which I never expected, "he loves her bonnie and with you banging on at her he would have heard everything being that he was in rics body, he was sticking up for his wife" Elena said.

"Wait your sticking up for them" Stefan said.

I rolled my eyes wanting to bite back but Elena just carried on, "what do you expect from her, she thought that you both where dead, that she was alone on our own. She met him when no one else was around so she became friends, Stefan she loves him and from what I have spoke to her I think he loves her, maybe you should speak to her before you disown her" Elena said looking at both Stefan and I.

I laughed and she turned to me, "I never expected you to stick up for her" I said.

She shrugged her shoulders and i watched as bonnie slammed the door behind her muttering about killing her.

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