Road trip... :D

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I woke up the next morning with Nik at the bottom of the bed and itching and I couldn't help the laugh that came from me, "aww love" I said getting up and walking over to him.

Nik looked up and smirked at me, "as good as it feels to have both wolf and vampire this is not what I expected" he said to me.

I could see that he was having trouble so I walked over and bent down so I was level with him and pulled his face to look at me, "Niklaus Mikealson you listen to me and listen good. You need to remember that you haven't been a wolf ever and this was the first time. To make you feel better this isn't fleas it's bugs, where did you wake love" I asked.

Nik looked at me and shrugged, "some woods" he said to me and got up waking into the bathroom turning the shower on.

I grabbed a change of clothes for him and left them on the bed and poked my head in, "there are clothes on the bed love" I said to him as I walked back over to the kitchen to make something to eat.

I grabbed he eggs when there was a bang on the door and I walked over to the door opening it to see my brother stood there looking upset. " what can I do for you this happy morning Stefan" I asked.

Stefan smirked, "klaus here" he asked.

I nodded and didn't move smirking as he tried to get in but couldn't, "not stupid love" I said to him.

"I need his help, it's to do with Damon" Stefan said.

I sighed and turned around, "Nik" I shouted and smiled as Nik appeared around the corner.

"What can I help you with Stefan" Nik asked.

Stefan looked over to him and frowned, "I need your help klaus as Damon has been bitten by a werewolf" Stefan said and I snapped my head to him.

"What" I snapped and pinned him to the wall.

"Damons dying why do you care about him, if I remember you don't care for either of us" Stefan said to me.

I laughed and turned to Nik "please help him love, but you make Stefan pay for it" I snapped as I walked out of the door.

I had only just hit the lobby where we were staying when Nik appeared in front of me with a bottle in his hand, I watched as he bit his hand and stuck his bleeding hand over it so it would drip in it, "Stefan gave himself to us love but please don't tell Damon love" Nik said and smirked as he kissed me.

I kissed Nik back and smiled as I pulled away and sped over to the house and into Damon's room where he was laid looking horrible. "Day"  I said climbing on the bed.

Damon looked at me and smiled, "hey sister, came to watch me die" he said bringing up blood.

I sighed and pulled Damon up and handed him the bottle and smiled, "mother nature is a bitch, but I don't want to watch you die again little brother. Stefan I don't care for you I do you" I said as he started to get better.

He smiled and took my hand, "thank you sis, but where is our brother" Damon asked me.

"I don't know little brother, I haven't seen him" I said and kissed his cheek.

I got up to leave when I felt a hand on mine and I turned around to see the brother that I didn't think that I would see again, "I forgive you sis" Damon said.

I smiled and disappeared so he couldn't see me and noticed that Stefan was in the back of the room with blood bags around him, "oh little brother" I said walking over and bending down.

"Now this is going to be fun" I said standing up and kissing my husband.

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