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I was just driving into Mystic falls as I was bored of the big towns and to be honest I wanted to see home, I haven't been here for 167 years and well it was because it reminded me to much of my brothers and that was too much for me, I know 167 years you must be wondering what the hell she should be dead, well that's a long story.

167 years ago - London

I was waking around as I had just arrived and to be honest I was lost and didn't know where the hell I was going, looked down at the map I brought I couldn't see where I was going and bumped into someone, I looked up and smiled and politely said I was sorry but I couldn't stop looking into the baby blue eyes that were in front of me.

"Oh not love this is my fault" he said to me.

I smirked at his accent and smiled, "annabeth savaltore" I said holding my hand out to him.

"Nicklaus mikealson" he said shaking my hand.

I knew the minute I touched him that he was a vampire but for some reason I wasn't scared of him and smiled at him when he looked at me again, "well I must be going mr mikealson, but it was lovely to meet you" I said to him.

He smiled and took my hand kissing it, "may I ask where you going" he said to me.

"I'm looking for somewhere to stay my family have died and I am alone" I said looking down and letting the tears fall for the first time in a few days.

I felt a hand wipe the tears away and make me look at him, "you can stay with me and my family Beth" he said to me shortening my name.

I smiled and nodded, " thank you for your kind words nik" I said to him.

He smiled and linked his arm with mine and we walked towards his home. We turned into a beautiful mansion and I turned to him and laughed at the look he was giving me, "love" he said.

I couldn't help the butterflies in my stomach when he said that to me and I knew that this was going to be a eventful time with him and his family. "I would like you to meet my family, this is my sister Rebekah, and my brother Elijah and Kol" he said to me pointing to them at the same time.

"Hello" I said to them.

Kol walked over to me and smirked, "you bit me and your regret it" I snapped making them all look at me.

"How did you know" nik asked me.

I smirked and looked at him, "witch" was all I said to him.

I chuckled and I couldn't help but smile at him, he sounded like he was the most happiest person in the world, "I have never seen my brother so happy, what do we call you" Elijah asked me.

"My name is annabeth" I said to them.

Rebekah smiled and walked to me and wrapped her arm around me, "well I like Beth" Rebekah said to me.

I laughed and turned to nik, "take it you to are close as he called me Beth as well" I said.

She smiled and nodded and I turned to Elijah and he smiled, "I shall call you annabeth" he said to me and I nodded and turned to Kol, "well I'm going to be different and call you Anna" he said to me.

I chuckled and nodded, making myself comfy on the sofa that was in the middle of the room. I noticed that nik came and sat down next to me and smiled at me, smirking at him I turned and looked over, "see something you like nik" I asked.

Nik laughed and turned to me, "you aren't afraid to say what you think are you love" he said to me.

I smirked and leant over to him so I was really close to him and smirked as he leant forward, "nope" I said popping the p and walked over to where bek was and smiled at her "so then is there anything to drink around here" I asked.

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