No Way

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I walked into the grill and scanned the room when I noticed that there was a guy who was the spitting image of my brother Damon, I was walking over to him but as I walked past a group of girls I noticed that one was the girl that was the spitting image of Kathrine and this meant that it was the doppelgänger Elena Gilbert who nik needed to break his curse so he could become an hybrid, knowing that I would be able to get my brothers attention if it was him, I turned my direction back to the table and made my way over to sit next to Elena, "hello elena" I said siting down and making her friends look at me.

"Bonnie, Caroline" I said making them all look at me.

"Do we know you" they asked st the same time.

Before I could answer I heard my brother call out a name that I had heard in a long time, I turned around just as Damon spoke, "Annie" Damon said looking at me.

I smirked at him crossing my arms, "hi day" I said to him.

He crushed me into a hug and wrapped his arms around my shoulders pulling me in closer to him as he didn't want to let go of me. "I thought you were dead, I couldn't find you" he whispered to me.

I felt tears come to my eyes and looked at him, "you came looking for me" I asked shocked thinking that they were dead not alive.

"Of course I did, your my big sister" he said to me.

I heard a grasp and turned to see Elena looking confused to who I was and there stood Stefan, "I was wondering when you turn up" I snapped.

He looked hurt when I spoke to him and watched as he walked over to me, "Annie" he said.

I laughed and shook my head, "yeah not to you, you let father believe that I was someone that was playing with magic and you let him come for me when it was you that tattled on me, I had to lie to father to keep day and I from being hit" I snapped at him.

Damon laughed as he did when I would yell at Stefan, I turned to face Damon and frowned, "you're not much better brother, both falling for the same girl at the same time I mean he's your brother and you do that to him. Damon that isn't how mother raised us to treat each other" I snapped and noticed that there was wind inside making the place a mess.

"We're sorry" Damon and Stefan said together not realising it was me making the wind inside the grill.

I smiled and watched from the corner of my eye as the place went back to normal and noticed that I was being stared at by the witch bonnie who was surprisingly smirking at me, turning my attention back to my brothers "at least you and Stefan stayed together" I said and smiled.

I noticed that they weren't looking at each other and I snapped knowing that they haven't stayed together, I heard thunder hit outside and a girl run in saying that the weather is really bad, I noticed that now Damon and Stefan where looking at me and I smirked at them knowing that I couldn't control this amount of power. I felt hands on me I turned around to see that Elijah was stood there, "annabeth you need to calm down your going to break things or hurt people" Elijah said to me.

I laughed and wrapped my arms around his shoulders and smiled as he pressed a kiss to my head, "how do you know our Sister" Damon asked, making me turn back around.

"She's my sister in law" Elijah said to them.

They looked at me and smirked, "married" they asked.

I held up my hand and showed them the wedding ring and engagement ring and smiled as I heard Elena saying how pretty it was and Damon and Stefan not looking happy about it, deciding to ignore them about it I nodded "Yep and Niks not far behind me" I said looking at Elijah.

"Who's Nik" elena asked.

"Well that would be my husband" I said crossing my arms and leaning into my brother as I was really tried and needed to sleep soon.

I felt Damon wrap his arms around my shoulders and I tucked my head into his shoulder and breathed in the smell that I never thought that I would smell again.

Elijah looked at me and smiled at me, "well im just here to say that I will protect you against klaus but do not do anything to piss me off" I heard him snap.

I sighed and pulled my self from Damon and sat down, I noticed that everyone followed and was sat next to me. "How long have you been apart from him Annabeth" Elijah asked.

"2 months" I mumbled.

Elijah sighed and nodded, "well please don't let him do anything that's going to get us killed" Elijah said and with that he got up and kissed my head saying goodbye.

I smiled and turned to Elena, "please make sure you don't go anywhere, Elijah may be a man on his word but he can lose is temper just as quick" I snapped.

Elena looked at me and nodded as she was shaking, "annabeth" Damon snapped at me.

I smiled and turned back into Damon and couldn't help the tears that started to fall and heard Elena ask Stefan if I was okay, I felt Damon move, "come on did, let's talk at home" Damon said and pulled me up with him.

We walked out side of the grill and he pulled me back into him and cuddled me, "shh sis I've got you" Damon said to me.

I felt another pair of arms around my waist and knew that Stefan was trying to make me feel better, "Damon we need to get back I can take the girls and you take Annie as she doesn't like me" Stefan said.

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