It works...

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I woke up the next morning and smiled as Nik was fast asleep and to be honest he looked really peaceful, I kissed his head and walked down stairs to see that Rebekah was talking to Caroline and I smiled as I sat down and smiled at Caroline, "Caroline how are this morning" I asked.

Caroline smiled and turned to me, "I'm good thanks Annie, we are just sorting out the dance at school as Rebekah has joined school and the dance committee" Caroline said.

I chuckled and nodded, "sounds like fun" I said and walked over to the fridge and grabbed a blood bag.

"Nik get you ass out of bed as we have a guest" I shouted.

I smiled as Caroline laughed, "I think I prefer you English annie" Caroline said.

I snorted and turned to see Nik walking in to the kitchen and yawned, "I was sleeping love" bin said and walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my head.

"Well we have things to do today, so I'll leave you to your planning little sister" Nik said.

Bekah nodded and we walked out of the kitchen and back to the bedroom and grabbed a shower and got changed into a red flare dress and black coloured boots and red laces and then put on a leather jacket and curled my hair so it was curly.

I walked back down the stairs and popped my head into the kitchen and said goodbye and we walked over to the boarding house where Nik smiled at me, "I need something from here, I know you don't remember them but please don't tell me you cannot get...

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I walked back down the stairs and popped my head into the kitchen and said goodbye and we walked over to the boarding house where Nik smiled at me, "I need something from here, I know you don't remember them but please don't tell me you cannot get in unseen" min said to me.

I smirked and we walked around the back into the woods and towards a stone well and I looked down, "down here and it's down the bottom which will give us tunnels to the boarding house" I said and we jumped down into the well and landed on the bottom.

I felt Nik bedside me and we walked along the tunnel and I smirked as he door was sealed, "its sealed with magic" Nik said.

"Yep I sealed it all those years ago, I didn't want anyone finding this tunnels" I said shrugging and raising my hands and watching as the door opened.

We walked into the boarding house and Nik placed his hand over his lips and handed me a piece of paper, "grab Elena I want Tyler but have to lure him to her" the note said and I walked up stairs and saw that Elena was with Ric and the other two I didn't know there names.

"Damon she has to learn, with your sister not knowing who you are we have to take this precaution against your brother in law" Ric said and I could see the smirk on his face.

"Yeah we are not calling him that" the guy with black hair said that I was assuming was Damon.

Taking a deep breath I stepped out and smiled as Damon turned to me, "Annie what you doing here" Damon said.

I smiled and walked over to him, "just remembering little things and just wanted to see if what I was remember was still around is all" I lied.

He smiled and placed his hand on my shoulder and I stood back, "do you mind if I speak to Elena, something keeps coming up about a dance and let me tell you I don't want to talk about this with boys in the room" I said smiling.

"Ric, Damon it's fine" Elena said and smiled as she walked over to me and nodded.

"Sure come on" she said and we walked up the stairs where Nik was, before she could scream I hit her on her head and smirked as she fell into unconscious.

Nik picked her up and we sped away, I watched as Nik tied her to a chair and I couldn't help the snort, "aww love, do you miss tying someone up" I said putting my hand on my hip and smiling.

"Don't be a tease beth" Nik said to me.

I herd Elena coming to and walked over to nik and wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled, "oh love you wouldn't be able to cope if I was teasing you" I said and stepped away.

"You lied to me" Elena mumbled.

I smiled, "of course but can I ask you one question" I said to her.

She looked confused so I took that for a yes and I walked forward so I was sat on a chair and smiled, "what do you see in that strange bloke Damon" I asked.

"Your brother is that strange bloke and nothing, I love you other brother Stefan" she said.

I looked at her and smirked, "how many times a day do you tell your self that sweetie, I mean I don't know that man and I can see that you love him" I said to her.

She shook her head and shouted at me, "I love Stefan" she snapped.

"Hey what ever helps you sleep at night" I said to her and smirked as bonnie, Damon, Tyler, Matt and Caroline turned up.

"You didn't remember shit did you" Damon said to me.

"Nope" I said popping the p.

I chuckled as Rebekah walked in and walked over to me and I smiled, "hey sister you have fun" she asked me.

I nodded and turned to Nik who was walking behind the group and I turned to bekah and smirked, "he looks like a stern teacher getting ready to shout at his students" I said.

I saw Nik look over and I smiled, "I'll just sit down over here" I said and smirked as Nik just smiled at me.

"So I have a problem that I really am hoping that you can help with Elena, you see my hybrids don't really work and I want to see why, do you want to see what happens to them" Nik said.

I saw Tyler get up and went to leave and I appeared in front of him and smiled, "where do you think your going love" I said and grabbed him.

I growled and went to bite me and I just moved and threw him to the ground and laughed as Nik walked over to feed him his blood and snapped his neck, "now Elena my dear I am going to need you to tap a vein for me otherwise Tyler will die a horrible and painful death" Nik explained.

I smirked and walked over to nik and nibble at his neck and smiled as he wrapped his arm around my waist and looked down, "I think that after this you can do that spell if you want" Nik said to me.

I smiled and nodded, "sounds like a plan love" I said.

I heard a gasp and saw Tyler sitting up and was starting to look like the others and I walked over to Elena and bent down, "feed from her Tyler" I said.

He shook his head and I smirked, "then die" I spat.

"It's fine Tyler" Elena said.

I watched as Tyler bit Elena and pulled away and Nik smiled, "alright then, now this is what suppose to happen" Nik said and looked down to Tyler and smiled.

Finally his hybrids had worked and Nik was finally going to be happy.

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