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We had walked into the bar and Gloria walked over and smiled, "do you have the necklace" she asked.

Rebekah shook her head, "no it seems to have been misplaced" she said to her.

"Okay well I can try and find it using you, as you have wore it for over a 1000 years" Gloria said and placed her hands on her.

I looked over to Stefan and noticed that he was looking at pictures and turned to Nik and I and frowned, "what the hell is this" Stefan said holding up a picture of Nik, Rebekah and I with him it and I remember that night they were like the best of friends brothers.

^ Rebekah's outfit for 1920

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^ Rebekah's outfit for 1920

^ Annabeths outfit for the 1920

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^ Annabeths outfit for the 1920

-x- 1920 -x-

I had been with Nik and his sister for quite a while now and it had been a really nice time, Nik and I were dancing and Rebekah was speaking to someone that I didn't recognise. Nik spun me around and I smiled as I turned to him and kissed his cheek, "I need a drink love" I said and we walked up to where Rebekah was sat.

Nik sat down on the chair and I slid in next to him and I noticed that nik turned his attention Rebekah's friend, "I'm Nik and this is my wife annabeth" Nik introduced us.

He looked up and I couldn't believe it, "stefan" I asked.

He looked at me and there was something about him, "annie" he said.

I was confused as he didn't seem happy to see me or that I was alive, "well it's this nice, you don't seem happy at all to see me little brother" I spat at him.

He shrugged and I snapped my hand forward watching as he flew backwards and I let a smirk appear on my face, "well then let me say hello to you little brother" I snapped.

He looked shocked and then smirked at me, "seems like I was right sister, you have magic" Stefan said to me.

I smiled and walked over to him pulling out of Nik's grip and grabbed his face, "yep you and father were so easy to lie to I mean father I had eating out of my hand and as for you well your just a horrible excuse for a human back then and a vampire now I mean really a ripper, can't control it at all can you. But that doesn't surprise me at all" I laughed and walked away.

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