Day at the Zoo...

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Matthew is the little boy at the top :)

Nik turned into the Zoo and i turned back to see that Matthew was asleep and i couldn't help but smile, he was the most beautiful little boy i had ever seen. I turned back to nik and he got out of the car and walked around to the back and pulled the pram out and set it up so it was laying down and i walked around to the side of the car and grabbed a hold of matthew and smiled as he knew it was me while he was asleep and i placed him down in his pram with his dummy clipped to him as well.

I put the change bag on the back of the pram and turned around to see that Nik grabbed the pram and turned it around as we pushed it into the Zoo, we knew that today would be a good day.

I looked around the entrance and smiled as for the first time this was going to be a good family day out for us, before the twins come and we would have difficulty getting out and about, we walked up to the cashier and i smiled as she looked down, "good morning, welcome to our Zoo, we hope that you have a really good day" she said to us.

Nik smiled and pulled out his wallet, "two adults please" he said.

She smiled and nodded, "of course, are we on holiday here" she asked us.

I shook my head and looked at her, "no we live in Mystic Falls but our son wanted to see the other places" we explained.

She nodded and i smiled as we took the tickets and walked out of the entrance and into the area where the birds where and smiled as Nik took my hand and pulled me to him, "right then, i think we need to wake our boy" Nik said to me.

I nodded and we walked around to the front of the pram and looked in to see that matthew was awake and looking at me, "mama" he said rubbing his eyes, smiling i took his hands and kissed them, i pulled him out of the pram and placed him on my hip and smiled down at him, "let's look at the animals" i said.

Matthew giggled and looked over to Nik and held his hands out, "lions papa, lions" Matthew chanted at Nik.

Nik smiled and pulled him out of my arms and threw him in the air, i chuckled as i grabbed the pram and pushed it after my son and husband. "Mama come" Matthew said to me.

I chuckled and we walked over to the lions and nik placed matthew down on the floor and smiled as he slowly walked over to the glass and placed his hand on the top of it smiling, "be careful love" i said to him.

Matthew nodded and i smiled as i walked over to my son and bent down behind him wrapping my arms around his waist and smiled as he leant back against me, i heard a camera and knew that nik was taking some pictures of us, "i want loads so we can show him them when he gets older love" nik said to me.
I smiled and nodded, "of course love, it will be nice for the three of them" i said and looked down to matthew and smiled, "do you want to feed some animals sweetheart" i asked.

"Please mama" Matthew said to me.

I smiled and picked him up and walked over to nik who bent down, i placed matthew on his shoulders and watched as nik put his hands over matthews legs and trapped him there so he wouldn't fall. We walked up to the petting zoo and smiled as he wiggled to get down, "papa down" Matthew asked.

"Matthew please stay by me, i don't want you to get hurt love" Nik said and placed him down on the floor and held out his hand for him to hold.

I watched as matthew reached up and took a hold of his hand and we walked into the petting zoo, i looked around and noticed that there was other people there and they smiled at us when they saw matthew, "he is adorable, what is his name" one of the woman asked me.

I smiled and watched as nik sat down and placed matthew on his lap, "this is matthew" he explained to her.

"He is a lovely little boy" she said and came over with some food pellets for matthew, "okay i need you to hold out your hand for me" she said.

I watched as matthew shrank back into nik and nik smiled, "come on buddy, what if papa does this first and then you can" Nik said.

Matthew nodded and i smiled as i sat down watching my husband and son, the lady gave some of the pellets to nik and nik held his hand out for the rabbit to come out and take the food from nik, i grabbed my phone and took the picture and smiled, big bad hybrid my ass, i laughed to myself and turned the phone to video and captured matthew feeding the rabbit.

I noticed that he went to put some of it in his mouth and i pulled it out of his hand, "no baby, come on we will feed you in the cafe while mama and papa get some food" i said to him and we got up and walked to the cafe to get him feed.

We took a seat and i put matthew into the high chair and grabbed the food that we got for him and went to feeding him, i smirked as he was trying to grab hold of the food and smiling when he looked at me, "good boy baby" i said to him.

He finished his food and i picked him up cleaning off the food and laying him down in his pram and wrapping a blanket around him, i pulled the hood up and smiled as he popped his dummy into his mouth and closed his eyes as he drifted off to sleep. I turned back to Nik and noticed that he was looking through the pictures and smiled when he came to the one i took, i looked over and smiled, "not so scarey now are we" i said picking at my food.

Nik looked up and smiled, "to our family no, but the outside world we always will be" Nik said to me.

I nodded and looked over to see that Matthew was fast asleep and Nik was eating what he had, i grabbed the cup of coffee in front of me and drank it but something was off about it and i needed something else, i got up and walked over to nik and smiled as i kissed his cheek, "make sure no one follows" i asked and walked into the bathroom and looked down to see one pair of feet, seeing no one else's i locked the bathroom door and walked over to the door and slammed it opened, "do you mind" she snapped at me.

I smirked and leant on the side, "of course not love" i said to her.

She looked at me and frowned, "you not from around here are you" she said to me.

I laughed and shook my head, "nope and i need food" i said and grabbed her arm and looked into her eyes compelling her, "you will not scream or make a sound" i said to her and sank my teeth into her neck and drank her dry.

I looked down to the girl and frowned, "great" i said and picked her up and walked over to the lockers in the bathroom and opened one, i placed her inside one of them and closed the door as she was locked inside it.

I walked over to the sinks and washed the blood of my hands and face and went to the door and unlocked it, i walked out to see that nik smirked at me, "done love" he asked me.

I nodded and smiled, "yep" i said and i grabbed the pram and we walked out of the cafe before anything bad could be blamed on us.

We walked around the zoo for a little bit longer and i couldn't believe that it had been getting late, "come on love, we need to get him home, it's been a long day" i said to him and we turned and walked back to the car park where we had left the car.

We walked past a small gift shop and i walked inside and grabbed a stuffed animal and walked out of the shop and smiled as i passed it to Nik with a smile, "come on" i said and with that we walked out of the shop.

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