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We had just arrived into mystic falls and I kissed Nik on the lips and grabbed bekahs hand and pulled her out of the car and into the grill where I saw Elena sat with the rest of the gang and we walked over sitting down.

"Nice to see your alive Elena and here I thought that I could send my brothers a thank god the bitch is dead card" I said being serious.

She looked at me and then to Damon and o laughed, "take it you didn't say I was alive Damon, Matt" I asked looking at them.

They shook there head and noticed that they were looking at bekah, "sorry how rude of me, this is my sister Rebekah, bek this is my little brother Damon and the rest of the gang I told you about" I explained.

She looked over to Elena and smiled, "the original was much prettier" she said and I snorted.

Elena looked over to me and shook her head, "how can you be so mean to me, I thought you where my friend" Elena whined at me.

I laughed and looked at her, "nah I don't like back stabbing bitches" I snapped and watched as she looked like she was going to cry, "Stefan" she said and I turned around to see Stefan stood there looking lost on what to do.

I got up and that was when bonnie looked over and snorted, "least I don't have to change to keep a man, I mean the hair and dress sense. Wow Annie you know what tramp looks like" bonnie said.

"Bon Bon don't she will kill you" Damon said.

I chuckled and nodded, "you see now that I am a hybrid like Nik I don't need to impress anyone" I snapped.

"So your a dog and a blood sucker" she said putting her hands on her hips.

I copied her and heard a snort from bekah and I looked back to bonnie and smiled, "well it's not wolf it's witch. Careful I might just make you my little slave love" I said letting my English accent come out.

She looked over to Damon and sat back down shaking, "Annie be nice" Damon said with a smirk.

I smiled and sat down but before I made it to the chair nik came behind me and I sat down on his lap and smiled at him, "so Elena with you alive you are really ruining my plans for hybrids" Nik said and I cuddled down and smiled as Nik began to play with my hair.

"Shame I don't care" she snapped.

Nik laughed and looked at Stefan and laughed as he sat next to nik and I and looked down, "Stefan why are you with them, they aren't your family and they don't care for you" Elena said. 

I snapped my head up and Nik gently but me down and walked over to Stefan and smiled, "why don't you tell her what your sister and I did for you and your brother Stefan" Nik snapped.

Stefan looked at Elena and then to Damon and shook his head, "Tyler bit you and I didn't know what to do so I went to our sister and she said that klaus could save you, but it came with a price and that was that I go with them and find werewolfs" Stefan explained.

Elena looked at me and shook her head, "he is your brother Annie and this is how you treat him" Elena said.

I walked over to her and bent down smiling at her and clamped her hand down so she couldn't move and looked at her "do you know how it feels to have your little brother kill your mother, no okay do you know how it feels to have your little brother grow up to hate your very exsistance that he is always trying to get you in to trouble when you are trying to help your brother. No okay then let me ask this do you know how it feels to find out that you little brother is alive in the 1920's to think he was the only one and then to have him think your not worth even looking for, to speak to because Elena that's what Stefan has done to me and I will never forgive him for it. I hate Stefan and I am happy to see him stuffering when I kill you again" I snapped.

I felt Rebekah pull me off and I didn't even notice that I had tears coming down my face or that Stefan was trying to speak to me, "I'm going to take beth home Nik" bekah said.

I felt myself being pulled out of the grill and I looked around to see that bekah had wrapped her arms around me and I cried my eyes out on her, "come on beth we are going home and I think ice-cream and a movie is what is needed" bekah said to me.

I nodded and we got back to the loft and bekah looked around and snorted, "okay go and put your PJ's on and then we can watch a movie and do nothing all evening." Bekah said.

I nodded and walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror and washed the makeup off and put my hair in a messy bun and put on my Harley Quinn PJ's I got after watching the new suicide film.

I walked back out and watched as bekah held her arms open and I ran into them and cried my eyes out, "I wish I didn't have any brothers and I wish that I could pretend that they didn't know me anymore" I cried out

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I walked back out and watched as bekah held her arms open and I ran into them and cried my eyes out, "I wish I didn't have any brothers and I wish that I could pretend that they didn't know me anymore" I cried out.

Rebekah smiled and rubbed my back, "shhh... if I could I would go back and bring you to the 10th century I would but you have to fight through the assholes and see the good. You have Nik, Elijah, Kol and I" she said to me.

I smiled and nodded, "yeah I do" I said and heard the door open and Nik ran over to me and I felt a fresh set of tears come from me and I cried my eyes out on him and drifted to sleep.

Niks POV

I looked down and turned to my sister and saw that she had the same look I did, "she's hurting Nik, did you hear what she said about wanting to be someone her brothers never recognised" Rebekah said to me.

I nodded and looked over to her and pulled her closer and watched the remainder of the film that was on the TV

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