Ray sutton...

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As I got out of the car I pulled my dress down and smirked as I could see Nik at the bar looking pissed. I chuckled and walked into the bar and pretended to look around and smiled as I noticed ray, walking over to the bar I stood near him and looked over so he could see me, "hello there" he said as he turned to me.

"Hi, fancy buying me a drink" I asked.

Me smiled and nodded pulling the bar tender over to me and smiled, "what ever this lovey lady would like" ray said.

He turned to me and smiled, I watched as he went to put a hand on my waist and I noticed that Stefan was holding Nik back, "I wouldn't do that ray my husband is wanting to rip you to shreds but I need you to speak to me for a moment ray" I asked.

He looked up and dropped his hand, "how do you know my name I never gave it to you" he said.

I smiled and held my hand out to him and watched as he flew backwards, "annabeth mikealson, the vampire/witch hybrid and married to klaus the wolf/vampire hybrid" I said as Nik came to my side and wrapped his arm around my waist kissing my neck.

I smiled at him and kissed him pulling out, "I need a drink so take your time love" I said to him.

Nik nodded and I noticed that Stefan was really quite and looked like he was hiding something, I went to speak to him when I saw a girl walk in towards Nik, speeding in front of him I growled and smirked as she backed off. "Sorry Mrs Mikealson i didn't know you where hear, you brother is following you" she said and backed off.

I turned back to nik and smirked as Stefan looked scared, walking over to nik I moved in front of him and made sure that Stefan could here me, "Nik I need you to fuck me" I said kissing his neck.

Nik grabbed my hand and turned to Stefan and smirked, "make him talk, I want the location of his pack" Nik snapped and turned back to me and walked out of the bar.

I walked over to nik and raised my hands and smirked as I looked at him, "we can speak and my brother cannot hear us" I said to him and looked at him. "Stefan is hiding something, when the girl came and said that Damon was following us he looked pained like he's hiding something" I said to him. 

"Glad I wasn't the only one to see that" he said to me and kissed my lips, "I think that we should let this play out and see if he lets us in" Nik said.

I nodded and walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and moved my hands so the air bubble was down and kissed him, "I meant what I said earlier Niklaus" I said pulling him into a deeper kiss.

I sped me to a ally and pushed me against the wall and I smiled as he went to kissing my neck while his hands went looking around my body, I moaned as he moved his hands up my dress and I couldn't help the chuckle to come from me, "shit Nik" I said as he pushed himself into me.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and moved myself up and down wanting the fiction from him. "Nik" I moaned into his neck as I bit down and drew blood.

Nik came and I wasn't far behind him and frowned, "that was great but I didn't think you would go that far love" I said to him.

He smirked against my neck and I felt as he bit down and drank from me. I moaned against him as he was starting to get riled up again, "Nik not the place" I said as I pulled away and noticed that Stefan was stood by the car with an unconscious ray.

"What happened" Nik asked.

"Got the name of he pack and where they are, looks like we're going for a hike" Stefan said to us.

I moaned and placed my head down in nik's lap and bit down making him chuckle, "I'll give you a piggy back love" Nik said to me.

I grabbed the duffle bag and quickly got changed into my white shirt and black night waisted skirt with some tights and then put on a red long sleeve cardigan and flat shoes. Grabbing some jewellery as well I put that on and smiled at nik.

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